TARGET_NAME         = "MOON"
OBJECT              = TEXT
 PUBLICATION_DATE   = 2007-05-01
END_OBJECT          = TEXT


                 Table of Contents



This CD is one of 78 CD volumes that contain the full resolution
Clementine Near-Infrared (NIR) Digital Image Model (DIM) of Earth's
Moon. This multispectral lunar DIM is a radiometrically and 
geometrically controlled, photometrically modeled global image mosaic 
compiled using more than 400,000 images from the Near-Infrared Camera 
onboard the Clementine orbiting spacecraft.  The NIR mosaic is mapped 
in the Sinusoidal Equal-Area Projection [Snyder, 1987] at a resolution 
of 100 meters per pixel and requires approximately 68 gigabytes of 
digital storage. This database is partitioned into 996 quadrangles 
(quads) or "tiles" equivalent to those of the previously released 
Clementine 750 nanometer Basemap Mosaic (PDS volumes CL_3001 through 
CL_3015) and the UVVIS DIM (PDS volumes CL_4001 through CL_4078; 
Eliason et al., 1999). This 100 m/pixel version of the NIR DIM is 
presented on 13 DVD volumes (equivalent to 78 ‘virtual CD’ volumes). 
Tiles are stored as image files of approximately 2100 pixels on a side, 
covering approximately a 6-degree by 7-degree quadrangle (303 
pixels/degree). Pixels are 16-bit signed integers. Reduced-resolution 
planet-wide NIR mosaics will be made available online at the PDS Map-a-
Planet Web site (http://www.mapaplanet.org) along with the full-
resolution NIR mosaic. Additional information in support of the NIR 
DIM, including a frame number (colorset_id) image, empirical frame 
offset values for each frame, and a source file index table 
('srcindx.tab') will be made available online at 
http://astrogeology.usgs.gov/Projects/ClementineNIR/. The source file 
index table contains information about the Engineering Data Record 
(EDR) image collection used to assemble the NIR DIM and the images that 
make up 56-band color sets. This file contains an entry for each EDR 
image that was used in this database. A phase angle image database does 
not accompany the NIR DIM (recall that this information is available 
with the UVVIS DIM archive).

Although the tiling scheme is identical to the original basemap, each 
30-degree longitudinal gore section of the basemap now represents one 
DVD volume (equivalent to 6 virtual CD volumes). The full-resolution 
tiling and archive scheme is available in graphical form in the 
'scheme.pdf' (Portable Document Format [PDF]) file found in the 
'document' directory of each volume.

A detailed description of the Clementine NIR DIM Mosaic with
information about the organization and compilation of the database
is provided in the VOLINFO files located in the 'document'

Using a web browser application, open the 'index.htm' file located
in the 'root' directory of each CD. The HTML document will direct
you to other informational documents and the image browser for
rapidly viewing the image collection. The browse image collection 
consists of false color, color ratio, and black-and-white 2000nm images 
for each Clementine NIR DIM product. 

The Clementine NIR DIM Mosaic was compiled for the National Aeronautics 
and Space Administration (NASA) by the United States Geological Survey 
(USGS). See the acknowledgments section of the VOLINFO files 
('document' directory) for a complete list of those who contributed.

The image files are organized according to NASA's PDS standards.
An image file (tile) is organized as a PDS labeled file containing
an "image object". Additionally, each image file is associated with
an Integrated Software for Imagers and Spectrometers (ISIS) "qube
object" detached label. This detached label allows for images to be
accessed and processed in the ISIS system (available through the USGS,
Flagstaff, AZ). Within ISIS, users should reference the detached label
file when accessing image files. Other access tools are
available that support the Clementine NIR DIM. A software tool
called "MapMaker" enables users to extract seamless mosaics of images
for any latitude-longitude region and at a variety of scales in
different map projections. MapMaker, available for distribution
through the PDS Imaging Node, can output images in a variety of
formats common to the user community (gif, jpeg, tiff, PDS).
Additionally, the program "NASAView" provides a simple display
capability for images stored in the PDS format. NASAView is a PDS 
product display tool that runs on multiple platforms with a common 
graphical user interface. The current version (version 2.13, 2006) 
supports the display of multi-band image cubes (up to 3 selected 
bands). See the PDS Software Download page 
(http://pds.jpl.nasa.gov/tools/software_download.cfm) for information 
on NASAView and its availability.

Digital storage requirements for the full resolution image products
range from ~45MB to ~84MB. These images have the 'img' filename
extension and are found in the 'data' directory.

For each NIR DIM tile, color ratio, enhanced color, and b/w (2000 nm)
browse images are provided at reduced resolution in JPEG format within
the 'browse' directory tree. Detailed information regarding the
density stretch parameters used for the generation of these browse
products is provided in the BROWINFO.TXT file in the 'browse'


The disk has been formatted so that a variety of computer systems
(e.g. IBM/PC compatible, Macintosh, Sun) may access the data.
Specifically, the disk is formatted according to the both the
Universal Disk Format (UDF) and the ISO 9660 level 1 Interchange
Standard. For further UDF specification information, visit the
Optical Storage Technology Association (OSTA) web-site at
http://www.osta.org/. For further ISO information, refer to the
ISO 9660 Standard Document: Reference Number ISO 9660-1988,
15 April 1988.


All document files, detached label files, and tables are stored as
ASCII stream-record files. In a stream-record file, records (lines
of text) are separated by a carriage-return <cr> and line-feed <lf>
character sequence. The <cr>/<lf> sequence marks the end-of-record
and the start of a new record. This organization works well for the
Microsoft-DOS systems because the <cr>/<lf> sequence is identically
used on these systems. On Macintosh systems, an end-of-record mark
is simply a <cr> character. Macintosh text editors can read and
access these files, but a special-character indicator (usually a
"square box" character) will mark the "extraneous" <lf> character at
the beginning of each line. On UNIX systems, an end-of-record mark
is simply a <lf> character. UNIX text editors can read and access
these files, but a special-character (usually a ^M sequence)
indicator will mark the "extraneous" <cr> character at the end of
each line. File names with extension "TAB", "LBL", "LAB", "TXT", and
"CAT" are formatted as ASCII stream-record files. In addition to the
standard ASCII text file format used for documentation files, some
documentation files may additionally exist in other forms to
facilitate easy access to these files. File names with the extension
"HTM" are formatted as HyperText Markup Language (HTML) documents.
File names with the extension "PDF" are formatted as Adobe Portable
Document Format (PDF) files.

Tabular files are formatted so that they may be read directly into
many database management systems of various computers. All fields
are separated by commas, and character fields are enclosed in
double quotation marks ("). Character fields are left justified,
and numeric fields are right justified. The "start byte" and
"bytes" values listed in the labels that describe the tabular files
do not include the commas between fields or the quotation marks
surrounding character fields. The records are of fixed length, and
the last two bytes of each record contain the ASCII <cr>/<lf>
characters. This scheme allows a table to be treated as a fixed-
length record file on computers that support this file type and as
a normal text file on other computers.

PDS labels are object-oriented. The object to which the label
refers (IMAGE, TABLE, etc.) is denoted by a statement of the form:

    ^object = location

in which the carat character (^) indicates that the object starts
at the given location. In an embedded label, the Clementine NIR
DIM image archive uses the form:

    ^object = n <BYTES>

where "n" points to the starting byte location of the object. (The
first byte in a file is designated as byte location 1.) For
detached labels (labels existing in their own file) the object
location is signified as:

    ^object = "file.nam"

In this form, the object of the label description exists in the
file named "file.nam". For a description of the PDS object label
specifications, consult JPL document D-7669.


The files on this CD are organized starting at the root or
'parent' directory. Below the parent directory is a directory
tree containing data, documentation, and index files. In the table
below directory names are indicated by brackets (<...>), upper-case
letters indicate an actual directory or file name, and lower-case
letters indicate the general form of a set of directory or file

-------------------     ------------------------------------------

|-AAREADME.TXT          The file you are reading (ASCII Text).
|-INDEX.HTM             Hypertext Markup Language(HTML) file for use
|                       as a user interface to files on this volume.
|-ERRATA.TXT            Description of known anomalies and errors
|                       present on the volume set (optional file).
|-VOLDESC.CAT           A description of the contents of this
|                       CD volume in a format readable by
|                       both humans and computers.
|-<CATALOG>             Catalog Directory
|  |
|  |-CATINFO.TXT        Describes Contents of the Catalog directory
|  |
|  |-DATASET.CAT        Clementine NIR DIM Mosaic description
|  |
|  |-DSMAP.CAT          Map Projection description
|  |
|  |-INSTHOST.CAT       Clementine Spacecraft description
|  |
|  |-MISSION.CAT        Clementine Mission description
|  |
|  |-PERSON.CAT         Contributors to Clementine NIR Mosaic
|  |
|  |-REF.CAT            References for Clementine NIR Mosaic
|  |
|  |-NIRINST.CAT        NIR Camera description
|-<DOCUMENT>            Documentation Directory. The files in this
|  |                    directory provide detailed information
|  |                    regarding the Clementine NIR Mosaic.
|  |
|  |-DOCINFO.TXT        Description of files in the DOCUMENT
|  |                    directory.
|  |
|  |-VOLINFO.TXT        Documentation regarding the
|  |                    contents of this CD Volume.
|  |
|  |-VOLINFO.HTM        HTML document for VOLINFO.TXT
|  |
|  |-VOLINFO.LBL        PDS Label file describing the VOLINFO
|  |                    documents.
|  |
|  |-SCHEME.PDF         Adobe Portable Document Format file showing
|                       NIR tiling and volume scheme.
|-<INDEX>               Directory for the image index files.
|  |
|  |-INDXINFO.TXT       Description of files in <INDEX> directory.
|  |
|  |-INDEX.TAB          Image Index table specific to each volume.
|  |
|  |-INDEX.LBL          PDS label for INDEX.TAB.
|  |
|  |-CUMINDEX.TAB       Image Index table for entire CD collection.
|  |
|  |-CUMINDEX.LBL       PDS label for CUMINDEX.TAB.
|-<DATA>                Data directory containing NIR DIM tiles.
|  |
|  |-<tsppymmm.xxx>     Data filenames where;
|                               (For this NIR Volume Set)
|                           t = N (Clementine NIR Mosaic)
|                               (For past or future Volumes)
|                             = B (Clementine Basemap Mosaic)
|                             = U (UVVIS Cube)
|                             = N (NIR Cube)
|                             = L (LWIR Image Data)
|                             = H (Hi-res Image Data)
|                           s = (Resolution - km/pixel)
|                             = A   (.004 km/pixel - future mapping)
|                             = B-D (For future mapping as needed)
|                             = E   (.02 km/pixel - future mapping)
|                             = F-H (For future mapping as needed)
|                             = I   (.1 km/pixel)
|                             = J   (.15 km/pixel)
|                             = K-L (For future mapping as needed)
|                             = M   (.5 km/pixel)
|                             = N-P (For future mapping as needed)
|                             = Q   (2.5 km/pixel)
|                             = R-T (For future mapping as needed)
|                             = U   (12.5 km/pixel)
|                             = V-Z (For future mapping as needed)
|                          pp = (00-90) Center latitude of Image File.
|                               (Two digit truncated integer)
|                           y = N (Positive latitude)
|                             = S (Negative latitude)
|                             = <none> (Not used for full latitude
|                                       coverage. i.e. -90 to 90)
|                         mmm = (000-360) Center longitude of Image.
|                               (Three digit truncated integer)
|                         xxx = IMG (PDS Labeled Image File)
|                             = LAB  (ISIS Detached Label File)
|                             = JPG (JPEG "small", "medium", and
|                               "large" Browse Images) <BROWSE>
|                               Directory Tree only
|                             = HTM (<BROWSE> Directory Tree only)
|-<BROWSE>              Directory tree containing enhanced color,
   |                    color ratio, and b/w (2000 nm) "Browse"
   |                    (reduced resolution) JPEG images for each image
   |                    data product on the volume.
   |-BROWINFO.TXT       Description of <BROWSE> content.
   |-BRCOLOR.HTM        Graphics (map)-based HTML interface to
   |                    enhanced color browse data
   |                    (Accessed by INDEX.HTM file).
   |-BRRATIO.HTM        Graphics (map)-based HTML interface to
   |                    color ratio browse data
   |                    (Accessed by INDEX.HTM file).
   |-BRBW.HTM           Graphics (map)-based HTML interface to
   |                    b/w (2000 nm) browse data
   |                    (Accessed by INDEX.HTM file).
   |-LOCATOR.HTM        Volume/Quad Locator Map.
   |-CLEMLOGO.GIF       Various icons, logos, and images
   |-USGSLOGO.GIF       used by HTML documents on the volume.
   |  |-<SMALL>
   |  |-<MEDIUM>        Directory tree containing "small","medium",
   |  |-<LARGE>         and "large" sized JPEG images (enhanced color,
   |                    color ratio, and b/w (2000 nm)) for each
   |-<RATIO>            DIM product. These JPEG images are primarily
   |  |-<SMALL>         used by the HTML documents on the volume.
   |  |-<MEDIUM>        "small" images are ~60x60 pixels
   |  |-<LARGE>         "medium" images are ~400x400 pixels
   |                    "large" images are ~1000x1000 pixels
   |-<2000 nm>


For details regarding generation of the Clementine NIR Mosaic
Lynn Weller or Ella Mae Lee
U.S. Geological Survey
Astrogeology Team
2255 N. Gemini Dr.
Flagstaff, Arizona 86004

For overall content, design, and archive of the Clementine
NIR DIM as presented on this DVD volume set:
Chris Isbell
U.S. Geological Survey
Astrogeology Team
2255 N. Gemini Dr.
Flagstaff, Arizona 86004

For information on how to obtain a copy of the Clementine NIR DIM
Planetary Data System Imaging Node
Lisa Gaddis
U.S. Geological Survey
Astrogeology Team
2255 N. Gemini Dr.
Flagstaff, Arizona 86004