PDS_VERSION_ID      = PDS3                                                    
RECORD_TYPE         = FIXED_LENGTH                                            
RECORD_BYTES        = 80                                                      
SPACECRAFT_NAME     = "CLEMENTINE 1"                                          
TARGET_NAME         = {EARTH, MOON, SKY}                                      
OBJECT              = TEXT                                                    
 INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = ASCII                                                   
 PUBLICATION_DATE   = 1994-10-1                                               
 NOTE               = "ERRATA - DISCOVERED ERRORS AND ANOMALIES"              
END_OBJECT          = TEXT                                                    
10/14/94 -  CLEMDCMP Program                                                  
  CLEMDCMP outputs Clementine decompressed images in four formats:            
  PDS labeled, unlabeled, GIF, and TIFF formats. It was discovered            
  that the PDS labeled images are missing a carriage-return character         
  at the end of each keyword label.  Although it is not a PDS standard,       
  it is recommended that a carriage-return and line-feed character            
  sequence terminate each keyword entry in a label.  The CLEMDCMP             
  program will be modified at a later time to incorporate a                   
  carriage-return and line-feed sequence. The updated version will            
  exist on a future Clementine volume.  It is important to                    
  note that software and documentation files may be updated                   
  during the production of the Clementine volumes. Always reference           
  the most recent version of the CD-ROM to obtain the most                    
  up-to-date files.