This CD is part of a 15 volume set that contains the "Clementine Basemap Mosaic" of Earth's Moon. The lunar basemap is a radiometrically and geometrically controlled, photometrically modeled global image mosaic compiled using more than 43,000 images from the 750 nanometer filter observations of the Ultraviolet / Visible camera onboard the Clementine Spacecraft. The basemap mosaic is mapped in the Sinusoidal Equal-Area projection at a resolution of 100 meters per pixel requiring approximately 10 gigabytes of digital storage. The basemap is partitioned into 14 geographic zones with each zone contained on a CD volume. Twelve zones, each 30 degrees wide in longitude and ranging from 70 degrees south to 70 degrees north, make up the mid-latitude regions (CD volumes 2-13). The two polar zones cover 360 degrees of longitude from 70 degrees latitude to the pole (CD volumes 1 and 14). A 15-th volume contains reduced-resolution planetwide coverage at .5, 2.5, and 12.5 km/pixels. Backplane data files for emission, incidence, and phase angle values are also present on volume 15.
The geographic zones are further divided into "tiles". Each tile covers ~7 degrees of latitude with longitude coverage of ~6 degrees at the equatorial regions to larger longitude coverage at higher latitudes (longitude convergence at the poles allows more longitude coverage of each tile at the higher latitudes). Tiles are stored as image files of approximately 2100 pixels on a side. Pixels are 16- bit signed integers. The table shown below summarizes the contents of each CD volume.
CD Volume | Latitude Range | Longitude Range |
* cl_3001 * | 70°N to 90°N | 0° to 360° |
cl_3002 | 70°S to 70°N | 0° to 30° |
cl_3003 | 70°S to 70°N | 30° to 60° |
cl_3004 | 70°S to 70°N | 60° to 90° |
cl_3005 | 70°S to 70°N | 90° to 120° |
cl_3006 | 70°S to 70°N | 120° to 150° |
cl_3007 | 70°S to 70°N | 150° to 180° |
cl_3008 | 70°S to 70°N | 180° to 210° |
cl_3009 | 70°S to 70°N | 210° to 240° |
cl_3010 | 70°S to 70°N | 240° to 270° |
cl_3011 | 70°S to 70°N | 270° to 300° |
cl_3012 | 70°S to 70°N | 300° to 330° |
cl_3013 | 70°S to 70°N | 330° to 360° |
cl_3014 | 90°S to 70°S | 0° to 360° |
cl_3015 | reduced resolution global coverage | |
* indicates current CD volume * |
A detailed description of the Clementine Basemap Mosaic with information about the organization and compilation of the database is provided in the file: volinfo.htm . Please refer to this document for more information.
The Clementine Basemap Mosaic was compiled for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) by the United States Geological Survey (USGS) under the direction of Dr. Alfred S. McEwen, principal Investigator (now with the University of Arizona). Tammy Becker, Ella Lee, Kay Edwards (retired), and Dr. Mark Robinson (now with Northwestern University) comprised the USGS technical group responsible for its compilation. The Lunar Geometric Control network was derived by Mert Davies and Tim Colvin (both from the RAND Corporation). The design, layout, and production of the CDs were performed by Chris Isbell and Eric Eliason. Thanks to Kris Becker for the development of software tools for producing PDS compatible data sets.
The Clementine Basemap Mosaic can be obtained by contacting the Planetary Data System (PDS) Imaging Node. For more information contact Eric Eliason, U.S. Geological Survey, 2255 North Gemini Drive, Flagstaff, AZ. 86001 [telephone: (520) 556-7113, e-mail:].
The image files are organized according to NASA's PDS standards. An image file (tile) is organized as a PDS labeled file containing an "image object". Additionally, each image file is associated with an Integrated Software for Imaging Spectrometers (ISIS) "qube object" detached label. This detached label allows for images to be accessed and processed in the ISIS system (available through the USGS, Flagstaff, AZ.). Several access tools are available that support the Clementine Basemap Mosaic. The program "NASAView" provides a simple display capability for images stored in the PDS format. This tool will be available through distribution by the PDS (Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA) in 1997. Using NASAView as a web browser helper application is discussed in the "Image Display for Full Resolution Image Products" section below. Additionally, a software tool called "MapMaker" enables users to extract seamless mosaics of images for any latitude-longitude region and at a variety of scales in different map projections. MapMaker, available for distribution in 1997 through the PDS Imaging Node, can output images in a variety of formats common to the user community (gif, jpeg, tiff, PDS)
Browse the Image Collection on this CD | |
You can view browse versions (reduced resolution images) of the image files located on this CD by using one of the following graphics- or text- based interfaces. | |
Graphics-based | Text-based |
The CD contents and directory structure are presented below. Directories (folders) are indicated by boldface type. Documentation and other ancillary support files may be viewed by selecting (clicking) the desired filename. Detailed documentation regarding the Clementine Basemap Mosaic are available in the aareadme (top level directory) and volinfo (document directory) files.
The browse directory contains the following directory structure:
The following links provide a means of viewing browse images for each image product provided on the CD. A graphics (map)-based and a text (ASCII listing)-based format are provided.