PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT NOTE = "Description of the files in the EXTRAS directory" PUBLICATION_DATE = 2005-09-29 END_OBJECT = TEXT END This file identifies and describes the function of each file in the EXTRAS directory. All Volumes ----------- EXTRINFO.TXT This file. CRT_yyy_Vnn.TAB Cassini Radar Transition file for this observation, where yyy = 3-digit radar observation counter nn = 2-digit version number yyy and nn are left-padded with zeroes. The CRT file documents the times of radar mode transitions. The file has been generated from the SBDR file in the DATA/SBDR directory of this volume. For a detailed description of the CRT file format, refer to the Volume Software Interface Specification for Cassini Radar Instrument Team Data Products, which is located on this volume as file VOLSIS.PDF in the DOCUMENT directory. Volume 34, Version 1 --------------------------------------- TITAN_SEQ_DESIGN_MEMO.PDF This file contains details about the pointing and instrument command sequence design used for this data take. TARGET_SPECTRA.TXT This file consists of two columns of ascii data. The first column is the relative doppler frequency in Hz. The target is centered at 0 Hz. The second column is the power spectral density at that relative doppler in Watts/freq bin. An estimate of the noise has been subtracted, and negative values occur becuase of errors in the noise estimate.