PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2014-11-24 NOTE = "Release notes and errata for Juno JunoCam EDR, RDR, and Global Map Image volumes" END_OBJECT = TEXT END Users are encouraged to provide comments to the PDS Imaging Node if errors are found either in data or in documentation in this archive. Please send comments by e-mail or U.S. mail to the Imaging Node: PDS Imaging Node California Institute of Technology Jet Propulsion Laboratory 4800 Oak Grove Drive Pasadena, CA 91109 Web: http://img.pds.nasa.gov/index.html This file, ERRATA.TXT, contains release notes and errata identified in the Juno JunoCam EDR and RDR archive products as well as Global Map products on volumes JNOJNC_0XXX. During the course of the Juno mission the JunoCam science team may update previously released data products or documentation; for example, updates may occur due to changes in calibration data or procedures. Updates will be reported in this file. Older versions of data and documentation will not be retained in the archive. Section A of this file contains an entry for each Juno release with general information about the contents of the release, in order from newest to oldest. Updates to previously released files are reported in these entries, along with any known errata. Section B of this file contains general notes, if any, concerning the archive as a whole. ******** SECTION A ******** RELEASE NUMBER: 24 DATA COVERAGE: 2022-09-08 - 2023-01-03 ORBITS: 45, 46, 47 PRODUCT TYPES RELEASED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: JunoCam EDR, RDR, Global Maps PRODUCT TYPES UPDATED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: None 1. Juno mission now archiving 3 orbits per release The Juno mission has shifted from delivering 2 orbits of data per release to 3 orbits of data per release starting with release 0024. This cadence will continue for the remainder of the mission. 2. Orbit 45 Global Map The orbit 45 global map is missing the southern hemisphere. This was a result of downlink constraints; JunoCam stopped imaging ahead of the south pole minimum emission angle and therefore the image was not acquired. 3. JunoCam camera anomaly effected two images in PJ47 Upon turn-on for PJ47, an anomaly occurred within the camera which effected the first two images acquired in PJ47: JNC{E,R}_2022348_47C00001_V01.LBL JNC{E,R}_2022348_47M00002_V01.LBL No other images were affected. **************************************************************** **************************************************************** RELEASE NUMBER: 23 DATA COVERAGE: 2022-06-13 - 2022-09-08 ORBITS: 43, 44 PRODUCT TYPES RELEASED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: JunoCam EDR, RDR, Global Maps PRODUCT TYPES UPDATED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: None No new errata have been identified in this release. **************************************************************** **************************************************************** RELEASE NUMBER: 22 DATA COVERAGE: 2022-03-18 to 2022-06-13 ORBITS: 41, 42 PRODUCT TYPES RELEASED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: JunoCam EDR, RDR, Global Maps PRODUCT TYPES UPDATED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: None No new errata have been identified in this release. **************************************************************** **************************************************************** RELEASE NUMBER: 21 DATA COVERAGE: 2021-12-21 to 2022-03-18 ORBITS: 39, 40 PRODUCT TYPES RELEASED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: JunoCam EDR, RDR, Global Maps PRODUCT TYPES UPDATED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: None 1. Newly archived CRUISE and APPROACH images Three previously unarchived images, two from CRUISE and one from APPROACH, are included in this release: JNC{E,R}_2014217_00R00009_V01 JNC{E,R}_2015106_00R00021_V01 JNC{E,R}_2016129_00C00159_V01 Originally, these products were partial images that were unable to create an .IMG product. Recent software updates now make it possible to create viewable EDR and RDR images for these partial products. **************************************************************** **************************************************************** RELEASE NUMBER: 20 DATA COVERAGE: 2021-09-24 to 2021-12-21 ORBITS: 37, 38 PRODUCT TYPES RELEASED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: JunoCam EDR, RDR, Global Maps PRODUCT TYPES UPDATED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: None 1. Updated keywords for the Global Map products Two keywords, EASTERNMOST_LONGITUDE and WESTERNMOST_LONGITUDE, have been updated in the Global Map .LBL files. Please see Section B, number 8, below. **************************************************************** **************************************************************** RELEASE NUMBER: 19 DATA COVERAGE: 2021-06-29 to 2021-09-24 ORBITS: 35, 36 PRODUCT TYPES RELEASED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: JunoCam EDR, RDR, Global Maps PRODUCT TYPES UPDATED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: None No new errata have been identified in this release. **************************************************************** **************************************************************** RELEASE NUMBER: 18 DATA COVERAGE: 2021-03-20 to 2021-06-29 ORBITS: 33, 34 PRODUCT TYPES RELEASED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: JunoCam EDR, RDR, Global Maps PRODUCT TYPES UPDATED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: 56 EDR .LBLs & 56 RDR .LBLs 1. Updated product types - satellite images It was discovered that for satellite images (Europa, Io, and Ganymede), several keywords contained Jupiter-centric data. These have been updated to now contain satellite-centric data. Effected keywords with data include: START_TIME IMAGE_TIME STOP_TIME SUB_SPACECRAFT_LATITUDE SUB_SPACECRAFT_LONGITUDE SPACECRAFT_ALTITUDE SOLAR_DISTANCE Products with updated .LBLs in RELEASE 0018 for satellite information: ------------------------- JNC{E,R}_2016239_01C06104_V02 JNC{E,R}_2017244_08C00092_V02 JNC{E,R}_2017350_10C00002_V02 JNC{E,R}_2018091_12C00071_V02 JNC{E,R}_2018091_12C00072_V03 JNC{E,R}_2018091_12C00109_V03 JNC{E,R}_2018144_13C00065_V03 JNC{E,R}_2018144_13C00066_V03 JNC{E,R}_2018302_16C00001_V02 JNC{E,R}_2018355_17C00001_V02 JNC{E,R}_2018355_17C00002_V02 JNC{E,R}_2018355_17C00003_V02 JNC{E,R}_2018355_17C00004_V02 JNC{E,R}_2018355_17C00005_V02 JNC{E,R}_2018355_17C00006_V02 JNC{E,R}_2019043_18C00001_V02 JNC{E,R}_2019043_18C00002_V02 JNC{E,R}_2019043_18C00003_V02 JNC{E,R}_2019043_18C00004_V02 JNC{E,R}_2019043_18C00005_V02 JNC{E,R}_2019043_18C00006_V02 JNC{E,R}_2019149_20C00027_V03 JNC{E,R}_2019307_23C00025_V02 JNC{E,R}_2019307_23C00028_V02 JNC{E,R}_2019360_24C00001_V02 JNC{E,R}_2019360_24C00002_V02 JNC{E,R}_2019360_24C00003_V02 JNC{E,R}_2019360_24C00004_V02 JNC{E,R}_2019360_24C00005_V02 JNC{E,R}_2019360_24C00006_V02 JNC{E,R}_2020048_25C00001_V02 JNC{E,R}_2020048_25C00002_V02 JNC{E,R}_2020101_26C00001_V02 JNC{E,R}_2020101_26C00002_V02 JNC{E,R}_2020101_26C00003_V02 JNC{E,R}_2020101_26C00004_V02 JNC{E,R}_2020101_26C00005_V02 JNC{E,R}_2020101_26C00006_V02 JNC{E,R}_2020101_26C00007_V02 JNC{E,R}_2020154_27C00001_V02 JNC{E,R}_2020154_27C00002_V02 JNC{E,R}_2020259_29C00001_V02 JNC{E,R}_2020259_29C00002_V02 JNC{E,R}_2020259_29C00003_V02 JNC{E,R}_2020259_29C00004_V02 JNC{E,R}_2020365_31C00034_V02 JNC{E,R}_2020365_31C00036_V02 JNC{E,R}_2021052_32B00005_V02 JNC{E,R}_2021052_32B00006_V02 JNC{E,R}_2021052_32B00007_V02 JNC{E,R}_2021052_32B00008_V02 JNC{E,R}_2021052_32C00001_V02 JNC{E,R}_2021052_32C00002_V02 JNC{E,R}_2021052_32C00003_V02 JNC{E,R}_2021052_32C00004_V02 JNC{E,R}_2021052_32C00009_V02 **************************************************************** **************************************************************** RELEASE NUMBER: 17 DATA COVERAGE: 2020-12-04 to 2021-03-20 ORBITS: 31, 32 PRODUCT TYPES RELEASED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: JunoCam EDR, RDR, Global Maps PRODUCT TYPES UPDATED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: None 1. EDR and RDR products with timing offsets applied Separate lists of EDR and RDR products which were evaluated, and if necessary, had a timing offset applied from PJ1-PJ32, are included in the EXTRAS/ directory. Additionally, a file describing the timing offset issue can also be found in the EXTRAS/ directory. Please see Section B, number 7, below for more details. **************************************************************** **************************************************************** RELEASE NUMBER: 16 DATA COVERAGE: 2020-08-20 to 2020-12-04 ORBITS: 29, 30 PRODUCT TYPES RELEASED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: JunoCam EDR, RDR, Global Maps PRODUCT TYPES UPDATED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: None No new errata have been identified in this release. **************************************************************** **************************************************************** RELEASE NUMBER: 15 DATA COVERAGE: 2020-05-07 to 2020-08-20 ORBITS: 27, 28 PRODUCT TYPES RELEASED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: JunoCam EDR, RDR, Global Maps PRODUCT TYPES UPDATED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: None No new errata have been identified in this release. **************************************************************** **************************************************************** RELEASE NUMBER: 14 DATA COVERAGE: 2020-01-22 to 2020-05-07 ORBITS: 25, 26 PRODUCT TYPES RELEASED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: JunoCam EDR, RDR, Global Maps PRODUCT TYPES UPDATED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: 46 Global Map .IMGs and .LBLs 1. Software update for Global Map products The Global Map products software has been updated. Additionally, the new global map products include the images with the timing offsets applied. Please see Section B, number 6, below for more details. **************************************************************** **************************************************************** RELEASE NUMBER: 13 DATA COVERAGE: 2019-10-08 to 2020-01-22 ORBITS: 23, 24 PRODUCT TYPES RELEASED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: JunoCam EDR, RDR, Global Maps PRODUCT TYPES UPDATED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: 140 EDR .IMGs and .LBLs & 140 RDR .IMGs and .LBLs 1. Timing updates The timing of several PJ1-PJ22 methane images has been updated to report more accurate values. Please see Section B, number 4, below for more details. 2. Updates to methane comments Additional information has been added to the RATIONALE_DESC keyword for any methane image acquired with different than nominal settings. Please see Section B, number 5, below for more details. **************************************************************** **************************************************************** RELEASE NUMBER: 12 DATA COVERAGE: 2019-06-24 to 2019-10-08 ORBITS: 21, 22 PRODUCT TYPES RELEASED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: JunoCam EDR, RDR, Global Maps PRODUCT TYPES UPDATED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: 388 EDR .IMGs and .LBLs & 388 RDR .IMGs and .LBLs 1. Timing updates The timing of several PJ1-PJ20 images has been updated to report more accurate values. Please see Section B, number 4, below for more details. **************************************************************** **************************************************************** RELEASE NUMBER: 11 DATA COVERAGE: 2019-03-11 to 2019-06-24 ORBITS: 19, 20 PRODUCT TYPES RELEASED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: JunoCam EDR, RDR, Global Maps PRODUCT TYPES UPDATED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: None 1. Orbit 19 Global Map The orbit 19 global map is missing the northern hemisphere. This is a result of JunoCam not powering on until after PJ19 due to a spacecraft maneuver. JunoCam did not start image acquisition until PJ19+00:50:00, completely missing out on the northern hemisphere for this perijove. **************************************************************** **************************************************************** RELEASE NUMBER: 10 DATA COVERAGE: 2018-11-25 to 2019-03-11 ORBITS: 17, 18 PRODUCT TYPES RELEASED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: JunoCam EDR, RDR, Global Maps PRODUCT TYPES UPDATED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: None No new errata have been identified in this release. **************************************************************** **************************************************************** RELEASE NUMBER: 9 DATA COVERAGE: 2018-08-11 to 2018-11-25 ORBITS: 15, 16 PRODUCT TYPES RELEASED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: JunoCam EDR, RDR, Global Maps PRODUCT TYPES UPDATED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: None No new errata have been identified in this release. **************************************************************** **************************************************************** RELEASE NUMBER: 8 DATA COVERAGE: 2018-04-27 to 2018-08-11 ORBITS: 13, 14 PRODUCT TYPES RELEASED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: JunoCam EDR, RDR, Global Maps PRODUCT TYPES UPDATED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: None 1. Updated FOCAL_PLANE_TEMPERATURE keyword The keyword FOCAL_PLANE_TEMPERATURE has been updated to report more accurate values. Please see Section B, number 3, below for more details. **************************************************************** **************************************************************** RELEASE NUMBER: 7 DATA COVERAGE: 2018-01-12 to 2018-04-27 ORBITS: 11, 12 PRODUCT TYPES RELEASED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: JunoCam EDR, RDR, Global Maps PRODUCT TYPES UPDATED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: None No new errata have been identified in this release. **************************************************************** **************************************************************** RELEASE NUMBER: 6 DATA COVERAGE: 2017-09-28 to 2018-01-12 ORBITS: 9, 10 PRODUCT TYPES RELEASED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: JunoCam EDR, RDR, & Global Maps PRODUCT TYPES UPDATED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: None 1. Global Map images added to volumes Global map images have been included with this release and will be standard products for future releases. Please see Section B, number 2, below, for more details. **************************************************************** **************************************************************** RELEASE NUMBER: 5 DATA COVERAGE: 2017-06-14 to 2017-09-28 ORBITS: 7, 8 PRODUCT TYPES RELEASED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: JunoCam EDR & RDR PRODUCT TYPES UPDATED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: 10 EDR .LBLs & 10 RDR .IMGs & .LBLs 1. Updated product types Incorrect information was found in some of the COMPRESSION_TYPE keywords. COMPRESSION_TYPE has been corrected and following product's .LBLs have been updated to include PRODUCT_VERSION_ID = 02. Products with updated .LBLs in RELEASE 0005 for COMPRESSION_TYPE: ------------------------- JNC{E,R}_2011238_00A00002_V02 JNC{E,R}_2011238_00A00003_V02 JNC{E,R}_2011238_00A00004_V02 JNC{E,R}_2011238_00M00005_V02 JNC{E,R}_2011238_00M00006_V02 JNC{E,R}_2011238_00M00009_V02 JNC{E,R}_2011238_00M00010_V02 JNC{E,R}_2011238_00A00013_V02 JNC{E,R}_2011238_00A00014_V02 JNC{E,R}_2012294_00R00036_V02 Furthermore, the updated companding table (see Section B, number 1) has been applied to these RDR .IMG products: JNCR_2011238_00M00005_V02 JNCR_2011238_00M00006_V02 JNCR_2011238_00M00009_V02 JNCR_2011238_00M00010_V02 JNCR_2011238_00A00013_V02 JNCR_2011238_00A00014_V02 JNCR_2012294_00R00036_V02 Finally, three cruise products had the incorrect pixel scaling performed. Initially, the SQROOT table was erroreously applied to the products instead of the LUT1 companding table. This has been corrected in the following RDR .IMG products and is reflected in the EDR and RDR .LBLs: JNC{E,R}_2011238_00A00002_V02 JNC{E,R}_2011238_00A00003_V02 JNC{E,R}_2011238_00A00004_V02 **************************************************************** **************************************************************** RELEASE NUMBER: 4 DATA COVERAGE: 2017-02-28 to 2017-06-14 ORBITS: 5, 6 PRODUCT TYPES RELEASED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: JunoCam EDR & RDR PRODUCT TYPES UPDATED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: 230 EDR .LBLs & 230 RDR .IMGs & .LBLs 1. Updated companding table for RDR image products The companding table has been updated for RDR products. Please see Section B, number 1, below, for more details. 2. Updated product types Incorrect information was found in some of the COMPRESSION_TYPE keywords. COMPRESSION_TYPE has been corrected and following product's .LBLs have been updated to included PRODUCT_VERSION_ID = 02. Furthermore, the updated companding table has been applied to these JNCR image products. Release 0001: JNC{E,R}_2012294_00R00037_V02- JNC{E,R}_2015056_00R00014_V02- JNC{E,R}_2012294_00R00041_V02 JNC{E,R}_2015056_00R00019_V02 JNC{E,R}_2013088_00R00042_V02- JNC{E,R}_2015106_00R00020_V02 JNC{E,R}_2013088_00R00047_V02 JNC{E,R}_2015106_00R00022_V02- JNC{E,R}_2013282_00C00102_V02 JNC{E,R}_2015106_00R00025_V02 JNC{E,R}_2013282_00M00101_V02 JNC{E,R}_2015355_00R00052_V02- JNC{E,R}_2013282_00R00107_V02 JNC{E,R}_2015355_00R00057_V02 JNC{E,R}_2013337_00R00108_V02- JNC{E,R}_2016026_00C00058_V02 JNC{E,R}_2013337_00R00113_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016067_00R00152_V02- JNC{E,R}_2014038_00G00120_V02- JNC{E,R}_2016067_00R00157_V02 JNC{E,R}_2014038_00G00123_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016132_00C00188_V02 JNC{E,R}_2014038_00R00114_V02- JNC{E,R}_2016156_00R00189_V02- JNC{E,R}_2014038_00R00119_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016156_00R00194_V02 JNC{E,R}_2014107_00R00002_V02- JNC{E,R}_2016181_00C01586_V02- JNC{E,R}_2014107_00R00007_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016181_00C01588_V02 JNC{E,R}_2014217_00R00008_V02 JNC{E,R}_2014217_00R00010_V02- JNC{E,R}_2014217_00R00013_V02 Release 0002: JNC{E,R}_2016192_00B01589_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016195_00B01865_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016192_00B01593_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016195_00B01869_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016192_00B01597_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016195_00B01873_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016192_00B01601_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016195_00B01877_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016192_00B01605_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016195_00B01881_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016192_00B01609_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016195_00B01885_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016192_00B01613_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016195_00B01889_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016192_00B01617_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016195_00B01893_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016192_00B01621_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016195_00B01897_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016192_00B01625_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016195_00B01901_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016192_00B01629_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016195_00B01905_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016192_00B01633_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016195_00B01909_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016192_00B01637_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016195_00B01913_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016192_00B01641_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016195_00B01917_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016192_00B01645_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016195_00B01921_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016192_00B01649_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016196_00B01925_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016192_00B01653_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016196_00B01929_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016192_00B01657_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016196_00B01933_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016192_00B01661_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016196_00B01937_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016193_00B01665_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016196_00B01941_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016193_00B01669_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016196_00B01945_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016193_00B01673_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016196_00B01949_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016193_00B01677_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016196_00B01953_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016193_00B01681_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016196_00B01957_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016193_00B01685_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016196_00B01961_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016193_00B01689_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016196_00B01965_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016193_00B01693_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016196_00B01969_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016193_00B01697_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016196_00B01973_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016193_00B01701_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016196_00B01977_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016193_00B01705_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016196_00B01981_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016193_00B01709_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016197_00B01985_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016193_00B01713_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016197_00B01989_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016193_00B01717_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016197_00B01993_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016193_00B01721_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016197_00B01997_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016193_00B01725_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016197_00B02001_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016193_00B01729_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016197_00B02005_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016193_00B01733_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016197_00B02009_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016193_00B01737_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016197_00B02013_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016193_00B01741_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016197_00B02017_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016193_00B01745_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016197_00B02021_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016193_00B01749_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016197_00B02025_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016193_00B01753_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016197_00B02029_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016193_00B01757_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016197_00B02033_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016194_00B01761_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016197_00B02037_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016194_00B01765_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016197_00B02041_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016194_00B01769_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016197_00B02045_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016194_00B01773_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016197_00B02049_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016194_00B01777_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016197_00B02053_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016194_00B01781_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016197_00B02057_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016194_00B01785_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016197_00B02061_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016194_00B01789_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016197_00B02065_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016194_00B01793_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016197_00B02069_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016194_00B01797_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016197_00B02073_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016194_00B01801_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016197_00B02077_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016194_00B01805_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016198_00B02081_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016194_00B01809_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016198_00B02085_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016194_00B01813_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016198_00B02089_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016194_00B01817_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016198_00B02093_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016194_00B01821_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016198_00B02097_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016194_00B01825_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016198_00B02101_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016194_00B01829_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016240_01B06173_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016194_00B01833_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016240_01C06163_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016194_00B01837_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016240_01C06182_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016194_00B01841_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016240_01C06184_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016194_00B01845_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016240_01C06186_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016194_00B01849_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016240_01C06187_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016194_00B01853_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016240_01M06183_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016195_00B01857_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016240_01M06185_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016195_00B01861_V02 Release 0003: JNC{E,R}_2016346_03C00092_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016346_03M00100_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016346_03C00099_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016346_03M00115_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016346_03C00111_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016346_03M00127_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016346_03C00114_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016346_03R00112_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016346_03C00120_V02 JNC{E,R}_2017033_04C00097_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016346_03C00121_V02 JNC{E,R}_2017033_04C00109_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016346_03C00126_V02 JNC{E,R}_2017033_04C00119_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016346_03C00135_V02 JNC{E,R}_2017033_04M00098_V02 JNC{E,R}_2016346_03M00093_V02 JNC{E,R}_2017033_04M00110_V02 **************************************************************** **************************************************************** RELEASE NUMBER: 3 DATA COVERAGE: 2016-10-20 to 2017-02-28 ORBITS: 3, 4 PRODUCT TYPES RELEASED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: JunoCam EDR & RDR PRODUCT TYPES UPDATED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: none No new errata have been identified in this release. **************************************************************** **************************************************************** RELEASE NUMBER: 2 DATA COVERAGE: 2016-07-06 to 2016-10-20 ORBITS: JOI, 0, 1, and 2 PRODUCT TYPES RELEASED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: JunoCam EDR & RDR PRODUCT TYPES UPDATED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: 1 EDR .IMG & .LBL; 1 RDR .IMG & .LBL 1. Updated cruise product In JNOJNC_0001 (Release 0001), a partial version of JNCE_2016181_00C01576_V01 was archived. The full product was downlinked after the JNOJNC_0001 cutoff date and has been re-archived in this release as JNCE_2016181_00C01576_V02. **************************************************************** **************************************************************** RELEASE NUMBER: 1 DATA COVERAGE: 2011-08-05 to 2016-07-06 PRODUCT TYPES RELEASED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: JunoCam EDR & RDR PRODUCT TYPES UPDATED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: none 1. Cruise products Not all the images on this volume are of Jupiter and none were acquired from orbit (JUNO had not yet arrived at Jupiter). Some of the values (e.g., SUB_SPACECRAFT_LATITUDE, SUB_SPACECRAFT_LONGITUDE, SPACECRAFT_ALTITUDE, and ORBIT_NUMBER) in the INDEX.TAB file are not meaningful. ******** SECTION B ******** This section is provided for general notes concerning the archive as a whole. At the time of this release, there are no general errors or notes to report. 1. Updated companding table for RDR image products It was discovered that the companding table being applied to RDR products did not match the table provided in the Data Product SIS. For Releases 0001- 0003, the following companding table was applied to the RDR products: 0, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 11, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 20, 21, 23, 25, 26, 28, 30 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 43, 45, 47, 50, 52, 55, 57, 60 63, 65, 68, 71, 74, 77, 80, 83, 86, 90, 93, 96, 100 103, 107, 110, 114, 118, 121, 125, 129, 133, 137, 141, 145, 150 154, 158, 163, 167, 171, 176, 181, 185, 190, 195, 200, 205, 210 215, 220, 225, 230, 235, 241, 246, 251, 257, 262, 268, 274, 279 285, 291, 297, 303, 309, 315, 321, 328, 334, 340, 346, 353, 359 366, 373, 379, 386, 393, 400, 407, 414, 421, 428, 435, 442, 449 457, 464, 472, 479, 487, 494, 502, 510, 518, 526, 534, 542, 550 558, 566, 574, 582, 591, 599, 608, 616, 625, 633, 642, 651, 660 669, 678, 687, 696, 705, 714, 723, 732, 742, 751, 761, 770, 780 789, 799, 809, 819, 829, 839, 849, 859, 869, 879, 889, 900, 910 920, 931, 941, 952, 963, 973, 984, 995, 1006, 1017, 1028, 1039, 1050 1061, 1073, 1084, 1095, 1107, 1118, 1130, 1142, 1153, 1165, 1177, 1189, 1201 1212, 1225, 1237, 1249, 1261, 1273, 1286, 1298, 1310, 1323, 1336, 1348, 1361 1374, 1386, 1399, 1412, 1425, 1438, 1451, 1464, 1478, 1491, 1504, 1518, 1531 1545, 1558, 1572, 1586, 1599, 1613, 1627, 1641, 1655, 1669, 1683, 1697, 1712 1726, 1740, 1755, 1769, 1784, 1798, 1813, 1828, 1842, 1857, 1872, 1887, 1902 1917, 1932, 1947, 1963, 1978, 1993, 2009, 2024, 2040 In addition, any product generated with the old companding table will have the keyword value: SOFTWARE_NAME = "JUNOMAKEPDS.PY 0.4" Starting with Release 0004 onward, the companding table used to generate RDR products can be found in Appendix C - JunoCam Companding Tables of the Data Product SIS. Any product generated with the updated table will have the following keyword value greater than or equal to version 0.5: SOFTWARE_NAME = "JUNOMAKEPDS.PY 0.5" 2. Global Map Images Starting with Release 0006 onward, global map images will be a standard delivery product for each release. Two maps will be produced for each orbit: a color global map from any combination of red, green, or blue filters as well as a methane map. Release 0006 includes the global map images from orbits 1-10. Note, no data was acquired on orbit 2 and therefore no maps were generated. Starting with Release 0007, each volume will contain map products from the two orbits being archived for a total of four maps per release. For more detailed information on these products, please see the JunoCam Global Map Image (GMI) Standard Data Product SIS in the DOCUMENT directory, JUNO_JNC_GLOBAL_MAP_SIS.PDF. 3. FOCAL_PLANE_TEMPERATURE In Releases 0001-0007, the FOCAL_PLANE_TEMPERATURE value was reported as FOCAL_PLANE_TEMPERATURE = 273.0 For Release 0008 onward, the keyword has been updated to now include the temperature value of the focal plane array within 60 seconds from image acquisition. Some images may have a reported value of NULL since temperature polling did not fall within 60 seconds of image acquisition. 4. Timing updates There is a residual uncertainty in the image start time of JunoCam images that can lead to map-projection errors. For RGB and methane images from the PJ1 to PJ22 swaths that mostly contain the planet, the timing difference or offset has been determined and applied to the affected images. The following keywords have been updated with the applied timing updates (note that depending on the amount of offset, not all keywords were necessarily changed): ^IMAGE FILE_NAME IMAGE_TIME PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME PRODUCT_ID PRODUCT_VERSION_ID SPACECRAFT_ALTITUDE SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_START_COUNT START_TIME STOP_TIME SUB_SPACECRAFT_LATITUDE SUB_SPACECRAFT_LONGITUDE Additionally, due to software changes between when the original image was archived and this release, the following keywords may also be updated: FOCAL_PLANE_TEMPERATURE SOFTWARE_NAME TARGET_NAME Note: The .IMG data itself has not changed, however the file name has the updated version number. Starting with Release 0013 onwards, the timing offset has been applied to all affected products. 5. Methane images acquired with different readout regions The pushframe processing described in JNC_INST.CAT uses a table within the JunoCam flight software to define which 128-line region of the CCD should be read out for each band. While this table can be updated in flight, the original plan was to treat it as constant, and its values are incorporated into the geometric information found in the JunoCam I-kernel file, specifically in the parameters INS-61501_DISTORTION_Y through INS-61504_DISTORTION_Y. Once imaging in jovian orbit began, however, it was observed that large areas of the methane images were being saturated in some parts of the orbit. After considerable investigation, it was realized that these areas of saturation were being caused by "blooming", a phenomenon unique to CCD sensors where excess photocharge travels from the production photosites to adjacent photosites. In the case of the methane images, the excess charge is produced in the greatly-overexposed visible regions (primarily the adjacent blue region) and blooms into the methane region. This is especially pronounced with increasing amounts of TDI. As a partial mitigation, the methane readout region was redefined in the table to move it as far as possible away from the visible regions. However, because of the way the table is implemented, it is not possible to change the methane region independent of the other regions, so operationally the table has to be modified before each methane imaging opportunity and restored to its original values before any subsequent visible imaging occurs. For methane images far from the planet, the mitigation is unnecessary so it is easier to continue to use the original table values. The consequence of this is that the value of INS-61504_DISTORTION_Y is no longer a constant but may vary from methane image to methane image. Because there is no keyword defined to communicate this information in the JunoCam PDS product SIS, the information is recorded in the RATIONALE_DESC keyword, in the form "INS-61504_DISTORTION_Y = ". Geometric processing of methane images should use this value, if present, instead of the value in the Junocam I-kernel. Visible imaging is unaffected by this and the I-kernel values still apply in all cases. 6. Updated software for the Global Map products The internal software that generates the PDS archive Global Map products has been updated to produce an improved product. Additionally, these products now include both RGB and methane images that have had timing offsets applied. See Section B, number 4, for more details. All Global Map products from PJ1 to PJ24 have been updated with the PRODUCT_VERSION_ID keyword equal to "02". Starting with Release 0014 onwards, the Global Map products will be produced with the updated software and include the timing offsets. 7. EDR and RDR products with timing offsets A list of all EDR and RDR products that have had a timing offset applied can be found in the EXTRAS/ directory under the file names EDR_TIMING_OFFSETS.TXT and RDR_TIMING_OFFSETS.TXT. These images had a variable amount of error in the reporting of the image start time. In order to correct this, a timing offset was applied in order to help with map-projecting and/or georeferencing of these images. Only images in the PJ swath were considered for a timing offset. See the file EXTRAS/TIMING_OFFSETS_DESCRIPTION.TXT and Section B, number 4 above, for more details. Release 0017 contains lists of all images with an offset from PJ1-PJ32. The two lists will be updated going forward for each release. 8. EASTERNMOST_LONGITUDE and WESTERNMOST_LONGITUDE In Releases 0001-0019, the EASTERNMOST_LONGITUDE and WESTERNMOST_LONGITUDE values in the Global Map product .LBL files were reported as: EASTERNMOST_LONGITUDE = 180.0 WESTERNMOST_LONGITUDE = 180.0 For Release 0020 onward, these keywords have been updated to reflect the correct values in the Global Map product .LBL files: EASTERNMOST_LONGITUDE = 360.0 WESTERNMOST_LONGITUDE = 0.0