PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2024-11-21 NOTE = "Errors, discrepancies, and irregularities identified in the data products and PDS releases for the Juno Stellar Reference Unit Standard Data Products PDS Archive" END_OBJECT = TEXT END This document describes errors, discrepancies, and irregularities in observations in this data volume. Last updated: 2024-11-21 by Heidi Becker Table of Contents: ================== * Features of Note * Features of Note ================== - Image EDR SRU_1_2022015T120017_39_V01.FIT from orbit 39 is missing 89 rows (lines) of data. This was due to a ground data system issue. - Image EDRs SRU_1_2022272T153032_45_V01.FIT, SRU_1_2022272T165602_45_V01.FIT, SRU_1_2022272T150031_45_V01.FIT and SRU_1_2022272T171432_45_V01.FIT from orbit 45 are corrupt from straylight contamination due to a spacecraft attitude adjustment that disallowed controlled pointing during SRU imaging. - The first row of data of Image EDR SRU_1_2022272T093649_45_V01.FIT from orbit 45 contains corrupt values. - Users of data from orbit 47 should take note that an on-board mass memory event resulted in significant corruption and loss of data from this orbit. The following Image EDRs each contain some pixels with nonsensically high values (>37,000 DN): SRU_1_2022348T150021_47_V01.FIT SRU_1_2022348T160013_47_V01.FIT SRU_1_2022348T170005_47_V01.FIT SRU_1_2022348T180028_47_V01.FIT SRU_1_2022348T190021_47_V01.FIT SRU_1_2022348T200013_47_V01.FIT SRU_1_2022348T210005_47_V01.FIT SRU_1_2022348T220028_47_V01.FIT SRU_1_2022348T231812_47_V01.FIT SRU_1_2022349T000013_47_V01.FIT SRU_1_2022349T024013_47_V01.FIT SRU_1_2022349T033003_47_V01.FIT SRU_1_2022349T034815_47_V01.FIT SRU_1_2022349T040533_47_V01.FIT SRU_1_2022349T042243_47_V01.FIT SRU_1_2022349T045427_47_V01.FIT Image EDR SRU_1_2022349T043922_47_V01.FIT contains 357 nonsensically high pixel values, two 6-row gaps of missing data, and some nonsensically low pixel values. - Image SRU_1_2023212T073007_53_V01.FIT from orbit 53 has two 6-row gaps of missing data. - Images SRU_1_2023212T040407_53_V01.FIT and SRU_1_2023212T044458_53_V01.FIT from orbit 53 have stray light corruption. - These images from orbit 55 have stray light corruption: SRU_1_2023288T055525_55_V01.FIT SRU_1_2023288T063032_55_V01.FIT SRU_1_2023288T070450_55_V01.FIT SRU_1_2023288T074057_55_V01.FIT - Image SRU_1_2023288T083016_55_V01.FIT from orbit 55 has a 6-row gap of missing data due to corruption on-board the spacecraft. - Image SRU_1_2023326T130312_56_V01.FIT from orbit 56 has a 6-row gap of missing data due to corruption on-board the spacecraft. - Image SRU_1_2024100T020011_60_V01.FIT from orbit 60 contains saturated pixels due to the presence of Callisto in the field of view. - Image SRU_1_2024165T100027_62_V01.FIT from orbit 62 has a 6-row gap of missing data due to a data corruption event. - Image SRU_1_2024165T150016_62_V01.FIT from orbit 62 has a 6-row gap of missing data due to a data corruption event.