PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM SPACECRAFT_NAME = "LUNAR RECONNAISSANCE ORBITER" INSTRUMENT_NAME = "LYMAN ALPHA MAPPING PROJECT" TARGET_NAME = MOON OBJECT = TEXT INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = ASCII PUBLICATION_DATE = 2020-12-01 NOTE = "Comments on the LRO LAMP EDR Archive Volume" END_OBJECT = TEXT END Comments on the LRO LAMP EDR Archive Volume ============================================================================= Known Errors and Anomalies ========================== At 04:19:32 UTC on October 5, 2016 (DOY 279), the LAMP failsafe door was opened. This increased the total size of the instrument's light-admitting aperture by about 10% of the size of the airglow aperture. FITS files containing data taken after this LAMP configuration change are identified by the keyword "FAILSAFE" (with value = "T") in their primary headers. New File Additions ================== In this forty-fourth data release, there are 1301 new EDR files supplied. Modifications to Existing Files =============================== None.