PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = ASCII PUBLICATION_DATE = 2019-08-28 NOTE = "Description of the GEOMETRY directory contents for the LRO LAMP EDR Archive Volume" END_OBJECT = TEXT END GEOMETRY Directory Contents ============================================================================= The GEOMETRY directory contains files intended for use by those wanting to understand the observation geometry of the LAMP EDR data. The following files are found in this directory. GEOMINFO.TXT - This file. de421.bsp - SPICE planetary SPK. de421.lbl - Detached PDS label. lro_clkcor_2019079_v00.tsc - SPICE SCLK (clock correlation) file. lro_clkcor_2019079_v00.lbl - Detached PDS label. lro_frames_2014049_v01.tf - SPICE FK (reference frame) file. lro_frames_2014049_v01.lbl - Detached PDS label. lro_lamp_2010125_v03.ti - SPICE IK (LAMP instrument) file. lro_lamp_2010125_v03.lbl - Detached PDS label. moon_080317.tf - SPICE lunar frames file. moon_080317.lbl - Detached PDS label. moon_assoc_me.tf - SPICE lunar body-fixed frame association file. moon_assoc_me.lbl - Detached PDS label. moon_pa_de421_1900-2050.bpc - SPICE binary PCK (high-precision lunar orientation) file. moon_pa_de421_1900-2050.lbl - Detached PDS label. naif0012.tls - SPICE LSK (leapsecond information) file. naif0012.lbl - Detached PDS label. pck00008.tpc - SPICE generic PCK file. pck00008.lbl - Detached PDS label. Notes on Using the Geometry Files ================================= Also needed are the FDF29 (LRO definitive SPICE SPK spacecraft and planet ephemeris) files and the MOC42 (SPICE definitive CK spacecraft orientation) files in order to completely determine the LRO and LAMP orientation and pointing. These files are not included here in the LAMP archive due to size issues, but can be retrieved from the LRO SPICE archive.