PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = FIXED_LENGTH RECORD_BYTES = 80 FILE_RECORDS = 339 OBJECT = TEXT INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = ASCII PUBLICATION_DATE = 1995-03-31 END_OBJECT = TEXT END SFOC Name: SFOC-1-MHR-Mgn-SCIEDR Software Interface Specification (SIS) Revision Date: 02-01-90 Module Change 1 MODULE TITLE: SAR and Altimeter EDR/TEDR Tapes PURPOSE: Module describes the SAR and Altimeter EDR/TEDR product tapes for the Magellan Project. Also detailed are the interfaces with the SFOC and with other Magellan teams and subsystems. DATA FLOW: Physical From To. Data Object Medium OPCT RDPS Science EDR Formats CCT OPCT RES Science EDR Formats CCT PREPARER(S): Betsy Wilson Approval: Name Date Baseline System Engineer -------------------------------------/----/---- MHR Subsystem M. Tankenson Baseline System Engineer -------------------------------------/----/---- MGN Subsystem B. Wilson Technical Group Supervisor -------------------------------------/----/---- J. Wilson SFOC System Engineer -------------------------------------/----/---- SFDU Control Authority J. Johnson SFOC System Engineer -------------------------------------/----/---- J. Holladay SFOC System Engineer -------------------------------------/----/---- G. Dawson Approved for Publication -------------------------------------/----/---- FOC Change Board Chairman SFOG-1-MHR-Mgn-SCIEDR SFOC0038-01-09-02 DOCUMENT LOG Date Page No. Status Date Page No. Status 10-02-87 All Prelim 11-28-88 All Final 02-01-90 Pgs. i, i-a,& Change 1 2-2, App. Doc. #5 MGN SIS SGS 108, Rev A LIST OF TBD ITEMS Page Section Item i-a SFOC-1-MHR-Mgn-SCIEDR SFOC0038-01-06-02 DISTRIBUTION HAC MMC S. Barry 264-370 K. Ledbetter 264-370 T. Lonski 264-370 P. Scheffer 264-370 S. Ogle (3) 264-370 0. Short 264-370 T. Stewart 264-370 J. Weiner 264-370 K. Wong 264-370 MSPL J. Gilbert 300-243 MGN A. Herrmann (2) 300-243 M. Jin 300-243 A. Conrad 230-201BG C. Wong 300-243 J. Gunn 230-201BG D. Heisey 301-260 A. Johnson 301-260A SFOC M. Jones 230-201BG P. Kutsch 230-201BS C. Burgess 301-350D R. Piereson 300-227 G. Dawson 264-728 L. Pieri 230-201BS J. Diehl 301-260A F. Salamone 300-320 J. Holladay 264-728 J. Scott 230-201BG L. Johnsen 264-728 B. Sword 179-206 J4. Johnson 264-728 B. Wilson 179-206 J. Wilson 301-260A MIPL MGN Science K. Andersen 168-427 C. Leff 230-201BS R. Brill 168-427 N. Nickle 264-316 J. Clark 168-514 T. Thompson 264-316 M. Girard 168-427 S. Wall (8) 183-701 C. Meisl 168-427 1-b SFOC-1-MHR-Mgn-SCIEDR SFOC0038-01-06-02 CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 OVERVIEW.................................................... 1-1 1.2 SCOPE....................................................... 1-1 1.3 APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS........................................ 1-1 1.4 SUBSYSTEM SITING............................................ 1-2 1.4.1 Interface Location and Medium........................ 1-2 1.4.2 Data Sources, Destinations, and Transfer Methods..... 1-2 1.4.3 Generation Method and Frequency...................... 1-4 1.4.4 Pertinent Relationships with Other Interfaces........ 1-4 1.5 ASSUMPTIONS AND CONSTRAINTS................................. 1-4 1.5.1 Usage Constraints.................................... 1-4 1.5.2 Priority Phasing Constraints......................... 1-4 1.5.3 Explicit and Derived Constraints..................... 1-4 1.5.4 Documentation Conventions............................ 1-5 Data Format Descriptions.................... 1-5 Time Standards.............................. 1-5 Limits of this Document..................... 1-5 2 INTERFACE CHARACTERISTICS 2.1 HARDWARE CHARACTERISTICS AND LIMITATIONS.................... 2-1 2.1.1 Special Equipment and Device Interfaces.............. 2-1 2.1.2 Special Setup Requirements........................... 2-1 2.2 VOLUME AND SIZE............................................. 2-1 2.3 LABELING AND IDENTIFICATION (INTERNAL/EXTERNAL)............. 2-2 2.3.1 Magnetic Label....................................... 2-2 2.3.2 External Tape Label.................................. 2-2 Product AcronyLns........................... 2-2 2.4 INTERFACE MEDIUM CHARACTERISTICS............................ 2-2 2.5 FAILURE PROTECTION, DETECTION, AND RECOVERY PROCEDURES...... 2-3 2.5.1 File Backup Requirements............................. 2-3 2.6 END-OF-FILE CONVENTIONS..................................... 2-3 2.7 END-OF-VOLUME CONVENTIONS................................... 2-3 3 ACCESS 3.1 PROGRAMS USING THE INTERFACE................................ 3-1 3.2 SYNCHRONIZATION CONSIDERATIONS.............................. 3-1 3.2.1 Timing and Sequencing Considerations................. 3-1 3.2.2 Effective Duration (Temporary vs. Final)............. 3-1 3.2.3 Priority Interrupts.................................. 3-1 3.3 INPUT/OUTPUT PROTOCOLS, CALLING SEQUENCES................... 3-1 4 DETAILED INTERFACE SPECIFICATIONS 4.1 STRUCTURE AND ORGANIZATION OVERVIEW......................... 4-1 4.1.1 Altimeter EDR........................................ 4-1 Altimeter EDR Component Files............... 4-1 ALT-EDR Tape Structure...................... 4-1 4.1.2 SAR EDR.............................................. 4-3 SAR EDR Component Files..................... 4-3 4.2 SUBSTRUCTURE DEFINITION AND FORMAT.......................... 4-3 4.2.1 SFDU Labels and Headers.............................. 4-3 4.2.2 Data Blocking........................................ 4-5 4.2.3 Block Length......................................... 4-5 ii SFOC-1-MHR-Mgn-SCIEDR SFOC0038-01-06-02 5 EDR DATA BLOCK FORMAT DESCRIPTIONS 5.1 ANSI and SFDU Label Structures.............................. 5-1 5.1.1 Volume Header and Trailer (VOLl/EOV1)................ 5-1 5.1.2 ANSI File Header/Trailer Label (HDR1/EOF1)........... 5-1 5.1.3 ANSI File Header/Trailer 1 (HDR1/EOF1) Field Identifier Codes..................................... 5-2 5.1.4 ANSI Header/Trailer 2 Labels (HDR2/EOF2)............. 5-2 5.1.5 Catalog Keyword Labels............................... 5-3 5.1.6 Aggregation Start/End Marker Labels.................. 5-6 5.1.7 Generic File Structure............................... 5-8 5.2 VOLUME HEADER FILE.......................................... 5-9 5.3 ORBIT HEADER RECORD FILE.................................... 5-11 5.4 DATA QUALITY SUMMARY FILE................................... 5-16 5.5 EPHEMERIS FILE.............................................. 5-19 5.6 SCIYISCET COEFFICIENTS FILE................................. 5-20 5.7 DSN MONITOR 5-12 FILE....................................... 5-20 5.8 MAPPING QUATERNION POLYNOMIAL COEFFICIENTS FILE............. 5-26 5.9 RADAR PROCESSING BANDWIDTHS FILE............................ 5-26 5.10 DECOM/DECAL FILE............................................ 5-27 5.11 ENGINEERING DATA............................................ 5-27 5.12 SAB HEADER RECORD FILE...................................... 5-33 5.13 SAR FILE.................................................... 5-36 5.14 ALT FILE.................................................... 5-40 5.15 VOLUME TRAILER FILE FORMAT.................................. 5-45 APPENDICES A JPL STANDARD TIME FORMAT.................................... A-1 A.1 SCET/ERT.................................................... A-1 A.2 SCLK........................................................ A-2 Figures 1-1 Magellan Telemetry Processing............................... 1-3 4-1 ALT EDR Tape Structure...................................... 4-2 4-2 SAR EDR Tape Structure...................................... 4-4 5-1 Sample Catalog/Keyword Label................................ 5-3 5-2 Sample Aggregation Marker Label............................. 5-6 5-3 Sample File Structure....................................... 5-8 5-4 Volume Header File Format................................... 5-10 5-5 Orbit Header Record File - Block Format..................... 5-12 5-6 Orbit Header Record Data Diagram............................ 5-14 5-7 Data Quality Summary File Format............................ 5-17 5-8 Data Quality Summary Logical Record Structure............... 5-19 5-9 (Deleted).................................................... 5-21 5-10 Monitor 5-12 File Format.................................... 5-22 5-11 Monitor 5-12 SFDU Format.................................... 5-25 5-12 Decom/Decal Data File Structure............................. 5-28 5-13 Spacecraft Engineering File Format.......................... 5-30 5-14 Processed Engineering Minor Frame Format.................... 5-32 5-15 SAB Header File Format...................................... 5-33 5-16 Processed SAB Header Record Format.......................... 5-35 5-17 SAR Data File Format........................................ 5-36 iii SFOC-1-MHR-Mgn-SCIEDR SFOC0038-01-06-02 5-18 SAR Burst Frame/Physical Record Relationship................ 5-37 5-19 Processed SAB Header/SAR Burst Frame Configuration.......... 5-39 5-20 Altimeter Data File Format.................................. 5-41 5-21 Processed SAB Header and Altimeter Frame Format............. 5-43 5-22 Volume Trailer File......................................... 5-45 A-1 JPL Standard Time Format - SCET/ERT......................... A-1 A-2 JPL Standard Time Format - SCLK............................. A-2 Tables 5-1 Magellan-Specific Volume Header/Trailer Label Content...... 5-1 5-2 Magellan-Specific File Header/Trailer 1 Label Content...... 5-1 5-3 ANSI File Header/Trailer (HDR1/EOF1) Field Identifier Values 5-2 5-4 Magellan-Specific ANSI Header/Trailer 2 (HDR2/EOF2) Fields. 5-2 5-5 Sample Catalog/Keyword Label Field Formats................. 5-4 5-6 Start/End Aggregation Marker Label Field Formats/Rules..... 5-6 5-7 Sample File Content........................................ 5-9 5-8 Volume Header File Content................................. 5-11 5-9 Orbit Header Record File Contents.......................... 5-13 5-10 MGN EDR Orbit Header Record Data Contents.................. 5-15 5-11 Data Quality Summary File Contents......................... 5-18 5-12 Data Quality Summary Logical Record Content................ 5-19 5-13 DSN Monitor 5-12 File Content.............................. 5-23 5-14 Monitor 5-12 SFDU Content.................................. 5-26 5-15 Decom/Decal Data File Content.............................. 5-29 5-16 Spacecraft Engineering File Content........................ 5-31 5-17 Processed Engineering Minor Frame Content.................. 5-32 5-18 SAB Header File Content.................................... 5-34 5-19 Processed SAB Header Record Content........................ 5-35 5-20 SAR Data File Content...................................... 5-38 5-21 Processed SAB Header/SAR Burst Frame Content............... 5-39 5-22 Altimeter Data File Content................................ 5-42 5-23 Processed SAB Header and Altimeter Frame Content........... 5-44 5-24 Volume Trailer File Content................................ 5-45 SFOC-1-MHR-Mgn-SCIEDR SFOC0038-01-06-02 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ALT Altimeter ANSI American National Standards Institute AOE Average Orbital Elements BER Bit Error Rate CCT Computer Compatible Tape CDB Central Data Base CHDO Compressed Header Data object (SFDU structure) DMAT Data Management and Archive Team DMD Data Monitor and Display (Subsystem) DPS Data Products Subsystem DQS Data Quality Summary File DSN Deep Space Network DSOT Data Systems Operating Team of the SFOC DSS Deep Space Station EDR Experiment Data Record EME Earth Mean Ecliptic ENG Engineering Data ERT Earth Received Time FID Format I.D. GIF GCF Interface of the SFOC IDPS Image Data Processing Subsystem IDPT Image Data Processing Team IOC In Orbit Checkout phase of the MGN mission IRD Interface Requirements Document LAN Local Area Network MGN Magellan SFOC-1-MHR-Mgn-SCIEDR SFOC0038-01-06-02 MHR Magellan High Rate Processor MMC Martin Marietta Corporation MODmn Modulo value where mn is an integer divisor MON Ground Monitor Data MQPC Mapping Quaternion Polynomial Coefficients MRO Memory Read Out portion of the telemetry stream MSDS Mission Sequence Design Subsystem MSN Mission (i.e. Magellan) MSPL Multi-mission SAR Processing Laboratory NAV Navigation Subsystem/Team ODR Original Data Record OHR Orbit Header Record QQC Quality, Quantity, Continuity RA Restricted ASCII; Character set restricted to upper case alph characters, A-Z and numeric characters, 0-9 RCD Radar Composite Data; telemetry frames containing asynchronous portions of radar, altimeter, engineering and SAB header data RES Radar Engineering Subsystem RIM Real-Time Imaging count of the CDS clock RSET Radar System Engineering Team SAB SAR/Altimeter Burst SAR Synthetic Aperture Radar SCET Space Craft Event Time SCLK Space Craft Clock SCT Space Craft Team SDPS Science Data Processing Subsystem SDPT Science Data Processing Team SES Spacecraft Engineering Subsystem vi SFOC-1-MHR-Mgn-SCIEDR SFOC0038-01-06-02 SFDU Standard Formatted Data Unit SFOC Space Flight Operations Center SGS Sequence Generation Subsystem SIS Software Interface Specification SPAT Science Planning and Analysis Team TBD To Be Determined TEDR Temporary Experiment Data Record TIS Telemetry Input Subsystem of the SFOC TLM Telemetry TPS Telemetry Processing Subsystem of MGN VOI Venus Orbit Insertion VRM Venus Radar Mapper vii SFOC-1-MHR-Mgn-SCIEDR SFOC0038-01-09-02 SECTION 1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION 1.1 OVERVIEU This Software Interface Specification (SIS) contains the description of the SAR and Altimeter EDR/TEDR product tapes for the Magellan Project. Also detailed are the interfaces with the Space Flight Operations Center (SFOC) and with other MGN teams and subsystems. 1.2 SCOPE The format and content specifications in this SIS apply to all phases of the project for which the product is required. 1.3 APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 1. 630-300 Venus Radar Mapper, Mission Design Functional Reguirements, JPL D-2769, September, 1985. 2. 820-13 Rev. A, DSN System Reguirements, Detailed Interface Design. DSN Monitor and Control System Interface with Magellan Project, Telecommunication Link Analysis, MON-5-12, February 1, 1988. 3. ANSI X3.27-1978 American National Standards Institute, Magnetic Tape Label for Information Exchange, Appendix X, Label and Volume Organization, April 18, 1977. 4. MGN SIS MSDS-104 Average Orbital Elements, SFOC-1-CDB-Mgn-AOE, SFOC0038-00-05-01, Preliminary, November 24, 1987. 5. MGN SIS SGS-108 Phase 1, Key Spacecraft Events Times File, Rev A, October 11, 1989. 6. MGN SIS RES-101 Radar Processing Bandwidths File Format and Content, SFOC-1-CDB-Mgn-Bandwidth, Preliminary, November 24, 1987. 7. MGN SIS SES-112 Magellan SCIK/SCET Coefficients File, SFOC-1-CDB- MGN-SCLKvSCET, SFOC0038-02-08-01, Final, November 2, 1989. 8. MGN SIS RES-104 Mapping Ouaternions Polynomial Coefficients File, SFOC-1-CDB-MGN-Quaterni, SFOC0038-00-05-01, Preliminary, December 1, 1987. 9. VRM-2-280 VRM Spacecraft System and Subsystem Design Book, Telemetry Measurements and Data Formats, Draft, June, 1987, MMC. 1-1 SFOC-1-MHR-Mgn-SCIEDR SFOC0038-01-09-02 10. 630-204 MGN Mission Operations System, Radar System Interface Requirements Document. 11. DSN Detailed Interface Design 820-13, Module TLM 3-17, DSN Telemetry Interface with SFOC - Magellan, Final, February 1988. 12. SFOC0038-XX-09 Space Flight Operations Center, Software Interface Specification, June 29, 1990. a. SFOC0038-01-08-03 SFOC-1-TIS-Ann -DecomRpt. Decommutation Report Form, Final, January 2, 1990. b. SFOC0038-01-00-01 SFOC-2-DPS-CDB-Ephemeris. Spacecraft and Planet Ephemerides, NAIF S and P Kernels, Final, Aprill 25, 1990. c. SFOC0038-01-00-03 SFOC-2-TIS-Any-MgnTelem. Magellan Telemetry Formats Generated by Telemetry Input Subsystem, Final, September 30, 1987. d. SFOC0038-03-09-03 SFOC-2-TIS-Any-Telem. Telemetry Minor Frame Formats from Telemetry Input Subsystem, CR 2458, June 15, 1990. e. SFOC0038-03-09-03 SFOC-5-SYS-*DU-NJPL. NJPL SFDU Global Definitions, Revision, June 15, 1990. f. SFOC0038-02-06-03 SFOC-5-TIS-*DU-MgnSFDU, SFDUs Generated from TIS for Magellan, Revision to Final, March 16, 1989. g. SFOC0038-04-09-03 SFOC-5-TIS-*DU-SFDU. Standard Formatted Data Units Generated from Telemetry Input Subsystem, Revision, June 14, 1990. h. SFOC0038-01-02-01 SFOC-1-GIF-DSN-MgnGCFMon, Magellan DSN Monitor Data (Mon 5-12), Final, February 17, 1988. i. SFOC0038-01-07-01 SFOC-1-DMD-Mzn-ChnIProc, MGN Decalibration File to DMD, Final, July 10, 1989. NOTE: Applicable Document #12e also describes decommutation data. This data is not being used for EDR; the decommutation data used is as in Applicable Document #12a. 1.4 SUBSYSTEM SITING 1.4.1 Interface Location and Medium Experiment Data Record (EDR) tapes are created on the Magellan High Rate processor, a computing system composed of Pyramid hardware. Temporary EDR tapes are the same format as final EDR tapes, except that they contain a predicted, not an actual, ephemeris file. 1-2 SFOC-1-MHR-Mgn-SCIEDR SFOCOO38-01-06-02 1-3 SFOC-1-MHR-Mgn-SCIEDR SFOC0038-01-06-02 1.4.3 Generation Method and Frequency The Data Systems Operations Team (DSOT) will operate the MHR and will create EDR tapes on a daily basis. Two copies of each product tape will be written simultaneously. EDR product tapes contain orbit-specific sets of telemetry and ancillary data for a maximum of eight orbits on Altimeter EDR tapes and for a single orbit on SAR tapes. ALT-TEDR tapes contain data from a maximum of two consecutive orbits. Figure 1-1 illustrates the breakdown of data into the various EDR components as further explained below. 1 -RCD frames are produced from ODR tapes; 2 -engineering minor frames are extracted from the RCDS; 3 -SAB frames are extracted from the RCDS; 4 -SAB headers, SAR data, and ALT data are extracted from the SAB frames. 5 -the four data types--engineering, SAB headers, SAR data (SAR EDR only), and ALT data (ALT EDR only) - -end up on the EDR tapes. 1.4.4 Pertinent Relationships with Other Interfaces Production of EDR products is heavily reliant on the timely produc- tion and transfer of ancillary files from DPS (see Applicable Document #11), RES (see Applicable Documents #6 and #8), MSDS (see Applicable Document #4), SES (see Applicable Documents #7 & #10), and SGS (see Applicable Document #5) to the Project Central Data Base (CDB). EDR production requires an interface with the CDB for the acquisition of all non-telemetry inputs to the process. All MGN ancillary files are copied to CDB for storage. 1.5 ASSUMPTIONS AND CONSTRA M S 1.5.1 Usage Constraints EDR product tapes shall be provided, through the DRAT, only to project-designated teams (IDPT, SDPT, and RSET) and investigators. 1.5.2 Priority Phasing Constraints EDR generation functions are required from November 1988 through the end of the mission. 1.5.3 Explicit and Derived Constraints The production of TEDR tapes shall be expedited and given the highest job priority. The time-line for this task is driven by the availability of data from Goldstone passes and of the predict Spacecraft Ephemeris File. See Applicable Document #11 (spacecraft ephemerides). 1-4 SFOC-l-MHR-Mgn-SCIEDR SFOC0038-01-06-02 1.5.4 Documentation Conventions Data Format Descriptions The reference data unit is the byte. The high (more significant) byte of a pair shall be numbered zero (0) and the low (less significant) byte shall be numbered one (1). The high byte shall be illustrated as the left-most byte of a pair. However, when data are written to tape, the more significant byte of a pair shall always precede the less significant byte on the tape. Please note that this is not VAX structure, but is IBM and SUN, but not PC, structure. Within a multi-byte structure, the lower addressed bytes will contain the numerically most-significant bytes and shall be written to tape first. Within a byte, the least-significant bit shall be numbered zero (0). Data structures internal to Monitor, ENG, SAR, and ALT data remain unchanged by the creation of an EDR product. All numbers are decimal unless stated otherwise. Time Standards Per the SFOC Standard, the EDR shall adopt the 0000, January 1,1958 epoch as the time standard for ERT and SCET. As illustrated in Appendix A, when stored in binary, SCET/ERT shall be stored as unsigned integers, a sixteen-bit unsigned days since beginning of epoch, and a 32-bit unsigned milliseconds of day. Because these times are measured in elapsed days, January 1, 1958 shall be numbered as day zero (0) of the epoch. The SCLK format is defined in Appendix A. A six-byte value, the SCLK defines its own epoch as it is initialized at the start of the Mission. See Section for information on formats of multi-byte structures. ASCII representatives of times are as presented in the including structure or SIS, or as defined in a footnote. Limits of This Document This document shall define the format for SAR-EDR, SAR-TEDR, ALT- EDR, and ALT-TEDR product tapes. It shall specify ANSI and SFDU labeling at the volume and file levels, and shall extend to the logical record level for telemetry files and the Data Quality Summary and Orbit Header Record, which are created within the MHR. The logical record content and format of all other files are defined by their associated SIS module. 1-5 SFOC-1-MHR-Mgn-SCIEDR SFOC0038-01-06-02 SECTION 2 AGE CELARACTERIESTICS 2.1 HARDWARE CHARACTERISTICS AND LIMITATIONS 2.1.1 Special Equipment and Device Interfaces The primary means of acquiring telemetry data shall be from ODR tapes (see Applicable Document #20). The MHR shall be required to have high- density (6250 bpi) tape drives. These devices may be used both to read data from ODR tapes and to write files to EDR tapes. The extensive processing time that is required after initial acquisition of raw data eliminates the possibility of read-write contention for the drives. The MHR shall be connected to the SFOC Local Area Network (LAN) and shall use this interface to acquire telemetry from the SFOC GCF Interface (GIF) during IOC. During this phase of the mission, a real-time 115.2 kbs telemetry stream of science data shall be the sole source of telemetry for MHR processing. The MHR processor shall use the SFOC LAN to acquire ancillary data from and copy selected processed telemetry files to the project central database. 2.1.2 Special Setup Requirements None identified. 2.2 VOLUME AND SIZE The data for each orbit is a set of files, each of which varies in length according to the design characteristics of that orbit and with spacecraft system functions and telemetry quality. Each final ALT-EDR tape contains telemetry and ancillary data for a maximum of eight orbits; final SAR-EDR tapes contain data sets for a single orbit. ALT-TEDR tapes shall contain data sets for up to two consecutive orbits; SAR-TEDRs, for a single orbit. Whereas it is anticipated that TEDR/EDR products shall each be contained on single tape volumes, this arrangement cannot be assumed-to be a requirement on the system. The high potential for variability in volume and quality of telemetry data precludes the possibility of providing users with absolute product sizing. Throughout this module, 'tape' may mean a one- or two-reel volume. If a two-reel volume is produced, there will be no overlaps or gaps in data between the two reels. 2-1 SFOC-1-MHR-Mgn-SCIEDR SFOC0038-01-09-02 2.3 LABELING AND IDENTIFICATION 2.3.1 Magnetic Label EDR tapes delivered to DMAT shall have level 2 ANSI standard magnetic labels and file structures as described in Section 5 of this module. In addition, each file shall be identified by a set of Standard Formatted Data Unit (SFDU) labels. 2.3.2 External Tape Label Each volume shall have an external label defining its contents. In addition to creation time, the label shall include the following structure designed by DMAT as the generic external product label, as the unique product identifier: where: X the product-specific acronym per Section, Y yyyyy-M/N where "y' is a five-character orbit number (for ALT (T)EDRs, this shall be the first orbit number); this number is the same as the number on the ANSI volume ID, except the ANSI number is in hexadecimal. This number is also the same as the first orbit number in the SFDU volume header file. "M" is the total number of reels for this volume, and 'N" is the number of this reel (nine characters total), and Z a version identifier expressed as a numeric value that shall be initialized at '1' for each product and incremented by 1 for each subsequent iteration of that product. Product Acronyms The 'X' field in the generic External Tape Label structure shall be represented by one of the following acronyms, as appropriate: Acronym Data Product SAR-TEDR SAR Experiment Data Record, Temporary SAR-EDR SAR Experiment Data Record, Final ALT-TEDR Altimeter Experiment Data Record, Temporary ALT-EDR Altimeter Experiment Data Record, Final 2.4 INTERFACE MEDIUM CHARACTERISTICS Magellan EDR products shall be contained on one or more 1/2 inch by 2400 foot computer-compatible magnetic tapes written at 9-tracks, 6250 bytes per inch. 2-2 SFOC-1-MHR-Mgn-SCIEDR SFOC0038-01-06-02 2.5 FALURE PROTECTION, DETECTION, AND RECOVERY PROCEDURES 2.5.1 File Backup Requirements The EDR shall have as backup the archival Original Data Record (ODR) tapes from which the SAR, ALT, ENG, and SAB header data were extracted. One of the copies of final EDR tapes--produced by the MHR--shall be maintained as a long-term archival product and shall serve as the sole archival repository for ancillary files. 2.6 END-OF-FILE CONVENTIONS End of file labeling shall comply with ANSI standards for multi- file magnetic tapes. 2.7 END-OF-VOLUME CONVENTIONS End of volume labeling shall comply with ANSI standards for multi- file and multi-volume tapes. 2-3 SFOC-1-MRR-Mgn-SCIEDR SFOC0038-01-06-02 SECTION 3 ACCESS 3.1 PROGRAMS USING THE INTERFACE SDPS, IDPS, and RES are expected to use the EDRs described by this SIS module. Investigators' programs that do so cannot be identified here. 3.2 SYNCHRONIZATION CONSIDERATIONS 3.2.1 Timing and Sequencing Considerations Data in the telemetry records (ENG, SAR, ALT, SAB headers) are placed in Spacecraft Event Time (SCET) order, using the SCLK time field in the telemetry secondary header. 3.2.2 Effective Duration (Temporary vs. Final) EDR tapes containing final ephemeris files are considered the final data record. An ephemeris file is declared "final' by the Navigation team when the file has been made after the actual Doppler tracking data has been processed by the navigation team. Predicted data is based on: current spacecraft 'position & trajectory; known celestial motions & mechanics; and planned spacecraft maneuvers. In the event (which will probably never happen) that a final ephemeris is not available for an orbit or orbits, a TEDR will be made into an EDR anyway. This means only that the various ASCII strings on the tape/label will read "EDR", not "TEDR"; no data file will have changed. 3.2.3 Priority Interrupts None identified. 3.3 INPUT/OUTPUT PROTOCOLS, CALLING SEQUENCES None identified. 3-1 SFOC-1-MHR-Mgn-SCIEDR SFOC0038-01-06-02 SECTION 4 DETAILED INTERFACE SPECIFICATIONS 4.1 STRUCTURE AND ORGANIZATION OVERVIEW 4.1.1 Altimeter EDR The ALT-EDR/TEDR shall consist of a single Volume Header File and a single Volume Trailer File that brackets from one to eight sets of ten files (See subsection The tape structure and organization are consistent with ANSI and SFDU standards. If no telemetry data have been acquired for an orbit or an ODR tape is unreadable, the entire set of orbit files shall be omitted from the ALT-EDR tape. The sequence of orbits on the tape is defined in the Catalog/Keyword Label of the Volume Header File (Figure 5-4). Altimeter EDR Component Files 1. Volume Header File 6. Monitor data file *** Start repeated set 7. Mapping Quaternion 2. 0 r b i t Header Polynomial Coefficients File Record File 3. Data Quality 8. Decom/Decal File Summary File 9. Engineering Data File 4. Spacecraft 10. SAB Header Records File Ephemeris File 5. SCLK/SCET 11. Altimeter Data File Coefficients File End repeated set 12. Volume Trailer File ALT-EDR Tape Structure The structure of the ALT-EDR/TEDR tape is straightforward; the Volume Header and Trailer Files are used only once, to bracket the remaining f iles on the tape. The repeated file set, those files numbered two through eleven as shown in Section, is repeated for each orbit. The Volume Header File identifies the number and sequence of single orbit sets to be found on the tape. Each set is further identified by its Orbit Header Record, the first file in each repeated set. Although the orbital sets are written to the tape sequentially by orbit number, it cannot be assumed that orbits are consecutive. There will always be the possibility that one or more orbits of telemetry may be lost as a result of operational problems, station scheduling conflicts, or spacecraft problems. 4-1 SFOG-1-MHR-Mgn-SCIEDR SFOC0038-01-06-02 Figure 4-1 ALT EDR Tape Structure 4-2 SFOC0038-01-06-02 SFOC-l-MHR-Mgn-SCIEDR Using the file numbers defined in Section, the file sequence on any ALT tape would be: 1, Set 1(2 - 11), Set 2(2 - 11) . . . Set n(2 - 11), 12 where n - the total number of orbits included on the tape, a number in the range [1,81 4.1.2 SAR-EDR The SAR-EDR/TEDR written to magnetic tape shall consist of a single set of thirteen files (See The tape structure and organization are consistent with ANSI and SFDU standards. SAR-EDR Component Files 1. Volume Header File 7. Mapping Quaternion Polynomial Coefficients File 2. Orbit Header Record File 8. Processing Bandwidths File 3. Data Quality 9. Decom/Decal File Summary File 10. Engineering Data File 4. Spacecraft Ephemeris File 11. SAB Header Records File 5. SCLK/SCET 12. SAR Data File Coefficients File 13. Volume Trailer File 6. Monitor 5-12 File 4.2 SUBSTRUCTURE DEFINITION AND FORMAT Section 5 of this module details the use of Standard Formatted Data Unit (SFDU) labels and headers and provides a description of the format and content of each of the data files on the tape. The Volume Header and Trailer Files are detailed in Sections 5.2 and 5.15, respectively. 4.2.1 SFDU Labels and Headers SFDU labels are used to identify and characterize each file on the product tapes. Guidelines for the use of SFDU headers are found in Applicable Document #14. To conform with the convention adopted for other Magellan data products, the length field in all SFDU labels defined in this document shall be an 8- byte ASCII value. Note that the length field of SFDU labels on Monitor, Engineering, SAB header and ALT data are not in ASCII but SAB/SAR records are. That is, each individual SFDU label is binary in these records, but the SFDU labels around the files containing these records are ASCII. 4-3 SFOC-1-MHR-Mgn-SCIEDR SFOC0038-01-06-02 FIGURE 4-2 4-4 SFOC-1-MHR-Mgn-SCIEDR SFOC0038-01-06-02 Put another way: File name Logical record length File headers Volume header ASCII ASCII ORR ASCII ASCII DQS ASCII ASCII Ephemeris ASCII ASCII SCLK/SCET ASCII ASCII Monitor Binary ASCII Quaternions ASCII ASCII Proc. BW ASCII ASCII Decom/Decal ASCII ASCII Engineering Binary ASCII SAB header Binary ASCII SAR ASCII ASCII ALT Binary ASCII 4.2.2 Data Blocking If the data of any entire file can be contained in less than one physical record, it shall be written to tape as a single block of 32500 bytes. All physical records shall have a fixed length of 32,500 bytes. Circumflex characters (^)1 shall fill only the remainder of the last physical record of each file. These characters are henceforth in this document referred to as "fill characters". Logical records are packed into physical records, thus spanning physical records where necessary. No null characters shall be required if the last logical record in a physical record ends on byte 32500. Section 5 of this module provides the file-specific structures and formats. Logical records fill physical records entirely. A logical record may span a physical record boundary, and a physical record may contain more than one logical record. This is known now as the "sausage" explanation, where physical records are created every 32,500 bytes regardless of logical record size and boundaries. Figure 5-17 illustrates this condition for large physical records, and may be logically extrapolated for small logical records. Note that each logical record has a SFDU structure, where each physical record does not. In summary, all physical records on the tape are 32,500 bytes except ANSI components. These consist of the volume header and volume trailer files, and the ANSI file header & trailer records. These will be less than 32,500 bytes in length. 4.2.3 Block Length The physical record length shall be 32,500 bytes. 1 Note: the " ^ " is hexadecimal 94. 4-5 SFOC-1-MHR-Mgn-SCIEDR SFOC0038-01-06-02 SECTION 5 EDR DATA BLOCK FORMAT DESCRIPTIONS 5.1 ANSI and SFDU Label Structures The volume shall be bracketed by VOL/EOV labels. All files shall be bracketed by HDR1/HDR2 and EOFl/EOF2 labels. ANSI labels at the volume and file levels include fields reserved for user-specific information. The contents of the fields to be used on Magellan science EDR tapes are defined here. The remainder of the label is defined in Applicable Document #3, the ANSI Tape Standards. All reels prior to the last reel of a multi-reel volume end with an EOV label. 5.1.1 Volume Header and Trailer (VOLl/EOV1) Table 5-1 MGN-Specific Volume Header/Trailer Label Conteut Byte(s) Field Name Contents 5 - 10 Volume Identifier Six-character tape volume serial number Byte 5 - product U - SAR-TEST EDR type identifier T - SAR-TEDR S - SAR-EDR B - ALT-TEDR A - ALT-EDR C - ALT TEST EDR Bytes 6-10: The most-significant (left-most) product number four characters will be the hexa- decimal orbit number. In the case of ALT-(T)EDRs, it will be the first orbit number of the set. The least-significant (right-most) character will be a version number starting at 1 (one). 38 - 51 Owner-identifier Set permanently to 'SFOC_MGN_MHR ' (two trailing blanks) 5.1.2 ANSI File Header/Trailer Label (HDR1/EOF1) Table 5-2 NGN-Specific File Header/Trailer I Label Content Byte(s) Field Name Contents 5 - 21 File Identifier See 5.1.3, Table 5-3, Field Identifier Codes 5-1 SFOC-1-MHR-Mgn-SCIEDR SFOC0038-01-06-02 5.1.3 ANSI File Header/Trailer 1 (HDR1/EOF1) Field Identifier Codes Table 5-3 ANSI File Reader/Trailer (HDR1/EOFI) Field Identifier Values EDR File ID Trailing File Values Blanks Volume Header File N-VOLUME-HEADER 2 Orbit Header Record N-ORB-HEAD-RECORD 0 Data Quality Summary n-DATA_QUAL-SMRY 1 S/C Ephemeris N-EPHEMERIS DATA 1 SCLK/SCET Coefficients n-SCLK-SCET-COEF 1 Monitor 5-12 n-MONITOR-5-12 3 Mapping Quaternion Polynomial Coefficients n-MAP_QUAT-COEF 2 Processing Bandwidths N-PROC-BANDWIDTHS 0 Decom/Decal n-ENG-DECOM-DECAL 0 Engineering Minor Frames N-ENG-DATA 7 SAB Header N-SAB-HEADER 5 SAR data N-SAR DATA 7 Altimeter Frames N-ALT-DATA 7 Volume Trailer File N-VOLUME-TRAILER 1 n - 1 for all SAR-(T)EDRs, 1-2 for all ALT-TEDRS, and 1-8 for all ALT-EDRS. 5.1.4 ANSI Header/Trailer 2 Labels (HDR2/EOF2) Table 5-4 MGN-specific ANSI Header/Trailer 2 (HDR2/EOF2) Fields Byte(s) Field Name Contents 5 Record Format 'F'(fixed length) 5 - 2 SFOC-1-MHR-Mgn-SCIEDR SFOC0038-01-06-02 5.1.5 Catalog Keyword Labels The SFDU catalog keyword label is made up of a set of fields that completely identify each file according to its type, content, origin, and version. In addition, the label contains time tags identifying the time and date on which the data were created. The value field of the catalog keyword label is an ASCII string comprising several keyword/value pairs. Alpha characters must be upper case. Underline characters are used between words. No 'white spaces' such as space or null characters are permitted. All numeric fields are of fixed lengths. Leading zeroes must fill unused digits. Unless otherwise specified in Table 5-5, field lengths are not limited. The end of each keyword/value pair shall be indicated by a single carriage return followed by a single line feed. These two bytes per string are accounted for in length fields, but are not shown in fir- ures. Catalog keyword headers must be an even number of bytes. To accomplish this, an ASCII blank (hex 20) may be added before the last carriage return and line feed. This will cause succeeding data to line up on even byte boundaries. There is no convention for keyword ordering. The following table identifies parameters used for the creation of each field. Not all f ields are used in each f ile. However, the format of a field will not vary from file to file. Figure 5-1 Sample Catalog/Keyword Label T NJPLLKOOKLOO L 00000xxx V DATA.SET NAME-SAR EDR.YYYYY DATA-OBJECT - TYPE-SAR - EDR A MISSION ID-4 SPACECRAFT NAME-MAGELLAN L SPACECRAFT ID-18 MISSION NAME-MAGELLAN U PROCESS-TIME-YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.fff VERSION ID-01 E UPLOAD ID-NNNNNN ORBIT-NUMBER-NNNNN 5 - 3 SFOC-1-MHR-Mgn-SCIEDR SFOC0038-01-06-02 Table 5-5 Sample Catalog/Key Word Label Field Formats Field Name Format/Rules Type Label NJPLLKOOKLOO, restricted ASCII Catalog/Keyword Label; "1" indicates an ASCII length field. Length Field Eight bytes, ASCII, with lead- zeroes mandatory; length of the value field iucludiug two bytes per keyword/value pair for the unillustrated line feed and carriage return characters. DATA_SET_NAME Field is used for both volume DATA_OBJECT_TYPE and file-level labels. Length is specific to each product. Both keywords must be present. The "name" must be unique for each instance of the "type"; that is, all tapes are the same type--like SAR - EDR--but each tape represents a different orbit. Therefore, the name will be of the form 'SAR - EDR.yyyyy', where 'yyyyy' is the orbit number. Throughout this document, unless stated otherwise, 'yyyyy' is the orbit number. MISSION_ID Set to "4" SPACECRAFT_NAME Set to "MAGELLAN" SPACECRAFT_ID Set to "18" for spacecraft data or "28" for simulated spacecraft data. MISSION_NAME Set to "MAGELLANN NOTE: These keywords are the current standard for the Planetary Data System and have the concurrence of the JPL SFDU Coutrol Authority. 5 -4 SFOC-1-MHR-Mgn-SCIEDR SFOC0038-01-06-02 Table 5-5 (continued) Catalog Keyword Label Field Formats Field Name Format/Rules YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.fff is an ASCII string where: "-", 'T", are fixed delimiters; yyyy is 19-- or 20__ year; MM is two-digit month of year; DD is two-digit day of month; T separate the date and time segments of the string; hh is hour of day; 00-59 mm is minutes of hour; 00-59 ss is seconds of hr; fff is milliseconds of a second. Six or fewer characters ABBBBC, where "A" is mission phasel "BBBB." starts at one for each phase and increments by one for each upload (this need not include leading zeros), and "C" is a revision indicator which has values from A to Z. ORBIT_NUMBER(S) Five-digit decimal integer in (not shon in ASCII with leading-zeros when sample figure). necessary. Identifies the orbit during which this telemetry set was generated. Multiple orbit numbers are valid for ALT-EDR and ALT-TEDR tapes and are separated by commas. Each number in addition to the first adds six bytes to the lengths of SFDU structures. In the volume header, the order of the orbit numbers in the header is the same as the order of the orbit file sets on the tape. If multiple orbit numbers are used, the optional 'S' is added to the keyword. VERSION_ID Two-digit ASCII number. Starts at 01 and increments by I every time a product is updated, not including TEDR to EDR update. 1 L-Launch, C-Cruise, V-VOI, I-IOC, M-Mapping, T-Test, N-Non-standard 5-5 SFOC0038-01-06-02 SFOC-l-mHR-Mgn-SCIEDR 5.1.6 Aggregation Start/End Marker Labels Each collection of logical SFDUs within a file, or collection of files within -a volume, is bounded by a pair of SFDU 'R' labels identifying positionally the start and end of that collection. The value f ield of the label contains an appropriate set of restricted ASCII strings, selected from those depicted in Table 5-6, which characterize the label and the structures being collected. Collected data structures begin immediately after the last byte of the start label and continue to the last byte preceding the "R" label marking the end of the aggregation. Aggregations of structures can be nested to any level. Each level of nesting must use a start and end label pair that clearly identifies by PRODUCT - NAME the title/type of the collection being bounded. Alpha charadters must be upper case: Words are separated by underline characters. Each string in the value label must be uninterrupted by 'white spaces' such as null or space characters. NOTE: The end of each keyword/value pair shall be marked by a single carriage return and a single line feed. These two bytes per string are accounted for in length fields, but are not shown in figures. Figure 5-2 Sample Aggregation Marker Label T CCSDlROOOOO3 (varies by L 0000oxxx < ------ product) DELIMITER-SMARKER V PRODUCT-NAME-ORBIT-HEADER-RECORD TYPE-NJPLlIOOO141 PROTOCOL-NONE Table 5-6 Start/End Aggregation Marker Label Field Formats/Rules Field Name Type Label Length Field CCSDlROOOOO3, restricted ASCII Aggregation Start/End Format/Rules Eight bytes, ASCII, with lead- zeroes mandatory; length of the value field including two bytes per keyword/value pair for the unillustrated line feed and carriage return characters. 5 - 6 SFOC-1-MHR-Mgn-SCIEDR SFOC0038-01-06-02 Table 5-6 (continued) Start/End Aggregation Marker Label Field Formats/Rules Field Name Format/Rules DELIMITER-SMARKER Start marker; indicates that a collection of data structures follow the value field of this label. DELIMITER-EMARKER End Marker; indicates that a collection of data structures ended with the byte immedi- ately preceding the type field of this label. PRODUCT-NAME ASCII string of any length which identifies this collec- tion by a unique name. Each structure within this module or each referenced module i- dentifies the valid product- name for that structure. TYPE Identifies the 12 byte type field assigned to data struc- tures in this collection.2 This string has the generic format: NJPLlIOOnnnn where: NJPL identifies th.e Control Authority,"l" indicates an ASCII length field, "I" indi- cates that a data object fol- lows, nnnn is a four-digit integer DDR ID, a unique data structure identifier assigned by the JPL Control Authority for each data type. See Appli- cable Document #14. PROTOCOL TYPE and PROTOCOL are required only if the aggregated data does not contain its own SFDU labels. In this case, 'PROTO- COL' is always set to 'NONE'. 2 This is used only if the aggregated data inside does not contain its own SFDU labels and a unique ID. 5-7 SFOC-1-MHR-Mgn-SCIEDR SFOC0038-01-06-02 5.1.7 Generic File Structure All EDR tape files share a common file structure that is illustrated in Figure 5-3. The internal structure of each individual file is detailed either in this document or in a referenced SIS module. The data area of a file may be a set of SFDUS, another SFDU, or a set of logical non-SFDU structured records. This module states what the data area of each file actually is. Figure 5-3 Sasple File Structure T CCSDlZOOOOOl L 00000nnn length varies T NJPLLKOOKLOO V L 00000nnn A V A L L U E U T CCSDlROOOOO3 L 00000nnn E DELIMITER-SMARKER V PRODUCT-NAME-ORBIT-HEADER-RECORD (typical) T CCSDlROOOOO3 L 00000nnn DELIMITER-EMARKER V PRODUCT-NAME-ORBIT-HEADER-RECORD (typical) 5 - 8 SFOC-l-MHR-Mgn-SCIEDR SFOC0038-01-06-02 Table 5-7 Sample File Content Field Size (bytes) CCSD Primary Label 12 CCSDlZOOOOO1, restricted ASCII Length Field 8 ASCII value for the byte offset to the data portion of this file, beginning at byte 20. Catalog/Keyword Label 12 NJPLLKOOKLOO, restricted ASCII Length Field 8 ASCII value for the length in bytes of the value portion of the keyword label. Value Field varies ASCII text per Table 5-5 Start of Aggregation 12 CCSDlROOOOO3, restricted ASCII Marker Label Length Field 8 ASCII value for the length in bytes of the value field of this Marker Label. Value Field varies ASCII text per Table 5-6 Data varies End of Aggregation 12 CCSDIR000003, restricted ASCII Length Field 8 ASCII value for the length in bytes of the value field of this Marker Label. Value Field varies ASCII text per Table 5-6 Description 5.2 Volume Header File The Volume Header File, a set of SFDU volume descriptors and catalog keywords, constitutes the first file on each data product volume. It appears only at the beginning of the first reel, whether it is a single or multiple reel product. It identifies the number and sequence of orbits on multi-orbit products and a single orbit number on single- orbit products. 5-9 SFOC-1-MHR-Mgn-SCIEDR SFOC0038-01-06-02 Figure 5-4 Volume Header File Format T CCSDlZOOOOOl L 0000oxxx T NJPLLKOOKLOO L 0000oxxx V DATA SET NAME-SAR EDR.YYYYY DAT-A-OBJ-ECT-TYPE-SAR-EDR3 A V MISSION-ID-4 A SPACECRAFT NAME-MAGELLAN L SPACECRAFT ID-18 L A MISSION NAME-MAGELLAN U PROCESS-TIME-YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.fff E VERSION ID-01 ORBIT-NUMBER(S)-nnnnn[,nnnnn . . .] U T CCSDIR000003 L 00000oxx E DELIMITER-SMARKER V PRODUCT-NAME-SAR-EDR3 PROTOCOL-CCSDS 3 May also be ALT-EDR, ALT-TEDR, or SAR-TEDR as appropriate. 5-10 SFOC-1-MHR-Mgn-SCIEDR SFOC0038-01-06-02 Table 5-8 Volume Header File Content Field Size (bytes) Description CCSD Primary Label 12 CCSDlZOOOOO1, restricted ASCII Length Field 8 ASCII value for the value field of this label in bytes. Catalog/Keyword Label 12 NJPLLKOOKLOO, restricted ASCII. Length Field 8 ASCII value for the length in bytes of the value portion of the keyword label; increased by six bytes for each orbit in addition to the first, and by an additional three bytes total if more than one orbit. Value Field ASCII text per Table 5-5 and Figure 5-4. Start of Aggregation 12 CCSDlROOOOO3, restricted ASCII. Marker Label Length Field 8 ASCII value for the length in bytes of the value field of this Marker Label. Value field ASCII text per Table 5-6 and Figure 5-4. 5-3 Orbit Header Record File The Orbit Header Record File (OHR) identifies the orbit number, time frame, and characteristics of orbital geometry for one orbit. The OHR data block, depicted in Figure 5-6, occurs once for each single-orbit file set. The file format is illustrated in Figure 5-5. The data area of this file is a set of non-SFDU ASCII records, conforming to Figure 5-6. 5-11 SFOC-1-MHR-Mgn-SCIEDR SFOC0038-01-06-02 Figure 5-5 Orbit Header Record File - Block Format T CCSDlZOOOOOl L 0000oxxx T NJPLLKOOKLOO V L 0000oxxx DATA - SET - NAME-ORBIT-HEADER-RECORD.YYYYY V DATA-OBJECT-TYPE-ORBIT-HEADER-RECORD A A MISSION-ID-4 SPACECRAFT-NAME-MAGELLAN L SPACECRAFT-ID-18 MISSION-NAME-MAGELLAN L U PROCESS-TIME-YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.fff VERSION ID-01 E UPLOAD-ID-NNNNNN ORBIT-NUMBER-NNNNN T CCSDlROOOOO3 U L 00000oxx DELIMITER-SMARKER V PRODUCT-NAME-ORBIT - HEADER RECORD E TYPE-NJPLlIOOO141 PROTOCOL-NONE OHR DATA BLOCK T CCSDlROOOOO3 L 00000oxx DELIMITER-EMARKER V PRODUCT-NAME-ORBIT-HEADER-RECORD 5-12 SFOC-1-MHR-Mgn-SCIEDR SFOC0038-01-06-02 Table 5-9 Orbit Header Record File Contents Field Size (bytes) Description CCSDS Primary Label 12 CCSDlZOOOOO1, restricted ASCII Length Field 8 Byte offset to the data portion of this file, ASCII. Catalog/Keyword Label 12 NJPLIKOOKLOO, restricted ASCII Length Field 8 ASCII value for the length in bytes of the value field of this label. Value Field ASCII text per Table 5-5 Start of Aggregation 12 CCSDlROOOOO3, restricted ASCII Marker Label Length Field 8 ASCII value for the length in bytes of the value field of this Marker. Leading zeros to fill the 8-byte field are mandatory. Value Field ASCII text per Table 5-6 OHR Data Block 306 See Figure 5-6 End of Aggregation 12 CCSDlROOOOO3, restricted ASCII. Marker Label Length Field 8 ASCII value for the length in bytes of the value field of this label. Value Field ASCII text per Table 5-6 5-13 SFOC-1-MHR-Mgn-SCIEDR SFOC0038-01-06-02 Figure 5-6 Orbit Header Record Data Diagram Orbit Number Commanded Mapping Start Time SCLK Commanded Mapping Stop Time SCLK First SAB Data Time - SCLK Last SAB Data Time - SCLK First SAB Data Time - SCET Last SAB Data Time - SCET First RCD Received by DSS - ERT Last RCD Received by DSS - ERT Number of SAR or ALT records Number of SAB header records Total Data Present - This Orbit Total Gap Time - This Orbit Predicted Time of Periapsis - SCLK AOE - Semi-major Axis AOE - Eccentricity AOE - Inclination AOE - Longitude of Ascending Node AOE - Argument of Periapsis 5-14 SFOC-l-MHR-Mgn-SCIEDR SFOC0038-01-06-02 Table 5-10 NGN EDR Orbit Header Record Data Contents Bytes Description 0 - 4 Orbit number counting sequentially from VOI; expressed as a five-character leading-zeros ASCII string 5 -19 Commanded start of mapping, SCLK4 20-34 Commanded end of mapping, SCLK4 35-49 Time of first SAB frame of this orbit, on this (T)EDR, SCLK4 50-64 Time of last SAB frame of this orbit, on this (T)EDR, SCLK4 65-87 Time of first SAB frame of this orbit, on this (T)EDR, SCET5 88-110 Time of last SAB frame of this orbit, on this (T)EDR, SCET 111-133 ERT First RCD received, this mapping pass 134-156 ERT Last RCD received, this mapping pass 157-160 number of logical SAR or ALT records (SFDUS) in this one orbit set; expressed as a 4-byte ASCII positive integer with leading zero(s) if needed (one record (SFDU) - one burst or one 2266 byte (+ headers) ALT data area. 161-164 Number of SAB header records in SAB header file of this orbit; expressed as a four-byte ASCII positive integer with leading zero(s) if needed. 165-169 Total data present for this mapping pass; expressed in ASCII as the sum of all RCD times in the format: mm:ss (i.e., total amount of time data captured & present for this pass). 170-174 Total gap time for this mapping pass; expressed in ASCII as-the sum of all gaps in the format: mm:ss (i.e., total amount of time data should have been, but was not, present for this pass). (Continued on next page) 4 SCLK represented as XXXXXXXX.YY.Z.A (15 characters). 5 SCET/ERT represented as YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.'fff. 5-15 SFOC-1-MHR-Mgn-SCIEDR SFOC0038-01-06-02 Table 5-10 NGN EDR Orbit Header Record Data Contents (Continued Bytes Description 175-189 Predicted time of periapsis - SCLK4 190-212 AOE - Semi-major axis (23-character floating points decimal number in ASCII, plus trailing blank). Units = Kilometers. 213-235 AOE - Eccentricity (23-character floating point decimal number in ASCII, plus trailing blank). No units. 236-258 AOE - Inclination - EME of J2000 (23-character floating point decimal number in ASCII, plus trailing blank). Units - Degrees, with respect to Earth'Mean Equator of J2000 coordinate system. 259-281 AOE - Longitude of ascending node - EME of J2000 (23- character floating-point decimal number in ASCII, plus trailing blank). Units - Degrees, with respect to Earth Mean Equator of J2000 coordinate system. 282-304 AOE - Argument of periapsis - EME of J2000 (23 character floating-point decimal number in ASCII, plus trailing blank). Units - Degrees, with respect to Earth Mean Equator of J2000 coordinate system. 305 Blank - to get an even number of bytes. 5.4 Data Quality Summary File The Data Quality Summary (DQS) File provides a measure of the continuity of SAR, ALT, ENG, and SAB Header data in the current f ile set. Each gap of one or more successive whole SAB frames shall cause a DQS logical record to be generated. This file shall not report gaps of finer granularity such as missing RCD frames. The time assigned to the first missing SAB burst of a gap shall be the SCLK time of the first RCD frame following the RCD containing the last bit of the last SAB frame before a gap, whether or not the RCD is present. The time resolution for RCDs is one MOD8 count, or 8 1/3 milliseconds. 6 All AOE numbers are represented as .12345678901234567D+Ol, where numbers to the right of the "D" (standing for "double precision") are an exponent. 5-16 SFOC-1-MHR-Mgn-SCIEDR SFOC0038-01-06-02 DQS logical records shall be written to the appropriate area of the data block, in packed format. That is, the records shall follow one another with neither a header nor an inter-record gap separating them. The entire file is all ASCII. The data area is a set of non-SFDU records conforming to Figure 5-12. The file format is depicted in Figure 5-7. The content of the DQS logical record is depicted in Figure 5-8. Figure 5-7 Data Quality Summary File Format T CCSDlZOOOOOl L 00000nnn T NJPLLKOOKLOO V L 00000nnn DATA - SET - NAME-DATA_QUALITY-SUMMARY.YYYYY DATA-OBJECT-TYPE-DATA_QUALITY-SUMMARY A V MISSION ID-4 A SPACECRAFT NAME-MAGELLAN L SPACECRAFT ID-18 U MISSION NAME-MAGELLAN L E PROCESS TIME-YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.fff VERSION ID-01 UPLOAD ID-NNNNNN ORBIT-NUMBER-nnnnn U T CCSDlROOOOO3 L 000000nn E DELIMITER-SMARKER PRODUCT-NAME-DATA-QUALITY_SUMMARY TYPE-NJPLlIOOO142 PROTOCOL-NONE Data Quality Summary Logical Records T CCSDlROOOOO3 L 000000nn DELIMITER-EMARKER V PRODUCT-NAME-DATA_QUALITY-SUMMARY 5-17 SFOC-J-MHR-Mgn-SCIEDR SFOC0038-01-06-02 Table 5-11 Data Quality Summary File Contents Field Size (bytes) Description CCSDS Primary Label 12 CCSDlZOOOOO1, restricted ASCII Length Field 8 Byte offset to the data portion of this file, ASCII. Leading zeros to fill the 8-byte field are mandatory. Catalog/Keyword Label 12 NJPLLKOOKLOO, restricted ASCII Length Field 8 ASCII value for the length in bytes of the remaining offset to beginning of data beginning at byte offset 40. Leading zeros to fill the 8-byte field are mandatory. Value Field ASCII text per Table 5-5 Start of Aggregation 12 CCSDlROOOOO3, restricted ASCII Marker Label Length Field 8 ASCII value for the length of the value field in bytes of this label. Leading zeros to fill the 8-byte field are mandatory. Value Field ASCII text per Table 5-6 DQS data logical n @ 80 See Figure 5-8 and Table 5-12. records bytes each End of Aggregation 12 NJPLLROOKLOO, restricted ASCII. Marker Label Length Field 8 ASCII value for the length of the value field of this Marker label beginning at byte offset 20 following the end of the data block Value Field ASCII text per Table 5-6 5-18 SFOC-1-MHR-Mgn-SCIEDR SFOC0038- Figure 5-8 Data Quality Summary Logical Record Structure Valid SABs Since Last Gap Approx. time of first missing SAB-SCET Approx. time of first missing SAB-SCLK Time of first SAB Frame after gap-SCET Time of first SAB Frame after gap-SCLK Table 5-12 Data Quality Summary Logical Record Content Bytes Description 0 - 3 Valid SAB Frames since last gap-decimal ASCII, right-justified, four characters leading zeros 4 - 26 Calculated approximate time of the first SAB frame of this gap - SCET7 27 - 41 Calculated approximate time of the first SAB frame of this gap - SCLK8 42 - 64 Time of first SAB Frame after this gap - SCET7 65 - 79 Time of first SAB Frame after this gap - SCLK8 5.5 Ephemeris File Each 'fitted' or final Spacecraft Ephemeris File contains data for the mapping portion of a single orbit. The entire ephemeris file for each orbit plus 10% overlap on each end of the orbit will be included on the EDR even if data gaps occurred during mapping, downlink, or ground processing. The predict file used on temporary product tapes covers a period greater than the commanded mapping portion of an orbit. The file is copied in its entirety as it is shown in the referenced SIS without being changed by the EDR generation process. The format of the file is defined by Applicable Document #11. The data area of this file is ASCII text, non-SFDU structured. 7 SCET/ERT represented as YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.fff. 8 SCLK represent6d as XXXXXXXX.YY.Z.A (15 characters). SFOC-1-MHR-Mg-n-SCIEDR SFOC0038-01-06-02 5.6 SCU/SM Coefficients File The SCLK/SCET Coefficients File is created by the Spacecraft Team. The file is uploaded to a CDB file from which it is read by an MHR process during EDR production. By design and function, SCLK/SCET is a dynamic file, slowly growing in size as time passes. The data portion of the file is bounded by Start and End 'R' (aggregation by marker) labels. This file and others not detailed in this SIS share the generic SFDU structure depicted in Figure 5-3, Section 5.1.7 (see Applicable Document #14). In other words, the file is copied in its entirety as it is shown in the referenced SIS without being changed by the EDR generation process. The exact form of the file is described in Applicable Document #7. The data area of this file is non-SFDU structured ASCII. 5.7 DSN Monitor 5-12 File A 600-byte GCF block--with a 566-byte Monitor record embedded in it--is created every five seconds by each DSN station tracking the spacecraft. These GCF blocks are transmitted to the Laboratory in real time. The incoming stream of GCF blocks is processed through the SFOC GIF. This processing results in the 24-byte transport header and IO-byte transport trailer being stripped away. The GIF then creates the 586- byte Monitor SFDU; these are stored on the SFOC Central Data Base and retrieved to produce an EDR. The Monitor 5-12 File on EDR tapes, packaged as depicted in Figure 5-10, is a collection of these SFDUs. When two or more stations acquire data for an orbit, all of the Monitor data for each of the stations shall be assembled into station-specific, time-ordered collections. The collection from the 'setting' station shall be written to the EDR tape first. The collection from the 'rising' station follows. The Monitor 5-12 block format is defined in Applicable Document #18. Details of the primary and secondary headers are found in SFOC-5- TIS-*DU-SFDU, Applicable Document #16. The data area(s) of this file is (are) a set of SFDU structured records as defined in Applicable Document #18. 5-20 SFOC-I-MHR-Mgn-SCIEDR SFOC0038-01-06-02 This page is intentionally left blank as a tombstone for Figure 5-9 which has been deleted. 5-21 SFOC-1-MHR-Mgn-SCIEDR SFOcOO38-01-06-02 Figure 5-10 Monitor 5-12 File Forms 5-22 SFOC-1-MHR-Mgn-SCIEDR SFOC0038-01-06-02 Table 5-13 DSN Monitor 5-12 File Content Field Size (bytes) Description CCSDS Primary Label 12 CCSDlZOOOOO1, restricted ASCII Length Field 8 ASCII value for the byte offset to the beginning of the first data block in this file beginning at byte 20. Catalog/Keyword Label 12 CCSDIR000003, restricted ASCII Length Field 8 Length in bytes of Catalog/ Keyword value field. Catalog Keywords ASCII text per Table 5-5; START SECONDARY NESTING FIELDS DEPENDENT ON THE PRESENCE OF MONITOR DATA FROM A SECOND ('RISING') STATION Aggregation Start 12 CCSDlROOOOO3, restricted ASCII Marker Length Field 8 Length in bytes of the Start Marker. Data Start Keys ASCII text per Table 5-6; END SECONDARY NESTING FIELDS DEPENDENT ON THE PRESENCE OF MONITOR DATA FROM A SECOND ('RISING') STATION Aggregat ion Start 12 CCSDlROOOOO3, restricted ASCII Marker Length Field 8 Length in bytes of the Start Marker. (continued on next page) 5-23 SFOC-l-MHR-Mgn-SCIEDR SFOC0038-01-06-02 Table 5-13 (continued) DSN Monitor 5-12 File Content Field Size (bytes) Description Data Start Keys ASCII text per Table 5-6; Monitor 5-12 Data n @ 586 Reference document 18 from Station 1 bytes each Aggregation End 12 CCSDlROOOOO3, restricted ASCII Marker Length Field 8 Length in bytes of the value field of this end marker. ASCII. Data End Keys ASCII text per Table 5-6; START FIELDS DEPENDENT ON THE PRESENCE OF MONITOR DATA FROM A SECOND ('RISING') STATION Aggregation Start 12 CCSDlROOOOO3, restricted ASCII Marker Length Field 8 Length in bytes of the start marker. Data Start Keys ASCII text per Table 5-6; Monitor 5-12 Data n @ 586 See Applicable Document #18, bytes Figure 5-10. each Aggregation End 12 CCSDlROOOOO3, restricted ASCII Marker Length Field 8 Length in bytes of the value field of this end marker. (continued on next page) 5-24 SFOC-1-MHR-Mgn-SCIEDR SFOC0038-01-06-02 Table 5-13 (continued) DSN Monitor 5-12 File Content Field Size (bytes) Description Data End Keys ASCII text per Table 5-6; Aggregation End 12 CCSDlROOOOO3, restricted ASCII Marker Length Field 8 Length in bytes of the value field of this end marker. ASCII. Data End Keys ASCII text per Table 5-6; END FIELDS DEPENDENT ON THE PRESENCE OF MONITOR DATA FROM A SECOND ('RISING') STATION Figure 5-11 Monitor 5-12 SFDU Format T NJPLlIOOC115 L 00000566 Subheader Aggregation CHDO V TLM Primary Header A L U GIF Mon 5-12 Secondary Header E Monitor 5-12 Data Area 5 - 25 SFOC-1-MHR-Mgn-SCIEDR SFOC0038-01-06-02 Table 5-14 Monitor 5-12 SFDU Content Field Size (bytes) Description Primary Label 12 SFOC-5-TIS-*DU-SFDU Length Field 8 Length of the remainder of this data object beginning at byte offset 20; set to 00000566. Subheader Aggre- 2 Value 1, binary gation CHDO Type Subheader Aggre- 2 Byte offset to beginning of gation CHDO Length data; set to 30, binary TLM Primary Header 8 SFOC-5-TIS-*DU-SFDU GIF Monitor 5-12 32 SFOC-5-TIS-*DU-SFDU Secondary Header Monitor 5-12 522 SFOC-1-GIF-DSN-MgnGCFMon Data Area (including data CHDO) 5.8 Mapping Quaternion Polynomial Coefficients (MQPC) File The MQPC File is created by the Radar System Engineering Team (RSET). The file is uploaded to a CDB file from which it is read by MHR during EDR production. This file and others not detailed in this SIS module share the generic SFDU structure depicted in Figure 5-3, Section 5.1.7 (see Applicable Document #14). In other words, the file is copied in its entirety as it is shown in the SIS module without being changed by the process. The exact file format and content is described in Applicable Document #8. The data area of this file is non-SFDU structured ASCII. 5.9 Radar Processing Bandwidths File The Processing Bandwidths File (PBW) is a product of the RSET. The PBW is included only on the SAR-EDR and TEDR product tapes. This file and others not detailed in this SIS share the generic SFDU structure depicted in Figure 5-3, Section 5.1.7 (see Applicable Document #14). In other words, the file is copied in its entirety as it is shown in the SIS without being changed by the process. The exact file format and content is included in Applicable Document #6. The data area of this file is non-SFDU structured ASCII. 5-26 SFOC-1-MHR-Mgn-SCIEDR SFOC0038-01-06-02 5.10 Decon/Decal File The Decom/Decal File consists of a set of ASCII-formatted SFDUs necessary to locate and interpret channelized data. The Decommutation Map consists of a listing of all channels in the Engineering frame, the length of each in bits, the offset of each into the data area (also in bits), and the value of any parameter (i.e., MOD91 count, etc.) that must be specified to ascertain its existence. Also included is the name for the location of the channel, information not required for machine interpretation. Decom data is defined in Applicable Document #9. The decalibration data consists of four ASCII SFDUS; see Applicable Document #10.9 The first contains references to all channels specifying in each case the name (title), type (such as ASCII, unsigned integer, floating point), the unit of measure, alarm limits (if applicable), and pointers to following SFDUs containing additional information. The second of these provides titles for the different states of each status-type channel. The third provides DN-EU correlation parameters for the polynomial (cal-curve) type of conversion. The fourth provides DN-EU correlation parameters for the table look-up (interpolation) type of conversion. In addition, each of these SFDUs will contain version and validity information, providing assurance that these files are, indeed, intended to be used with the data on this tape. SFDUs with identical version and validity information are guaranteed to be identical. The decalibration file components are defined in Applicable Document #10. Each of the five data-containing SFDUs in this file are exactly as specified in the referenced Applicable Documents, including SFDU labels. MHR merely aggregates the five SFDUs with an additional SFDU. Each one of the five variable-length areas conforms to the generic file structure seen in Section 5.1.7 of this module, though in this case they are part of a file and not individual files. Each SIS module contains exact descriptions of individual SFDUs and data structures. File structure is depicted in Figure 5-12. The data areas of this file are each an entire SFDU structure, aggregated by markers. 5.11 Engineering Data The Engineering File format for EDR product tapes shall be a SCIY,- ordered stream of engineering minor frames. An 800-bit Engineering minor frame is generated by the spacecraft once every 2/3 second (SCLK MOD91 count). It is anticipated that approximat l@ 4800 minor frames will be generated in a typical 37.2 minute mapping pass. 9 The decom description in this document is not the format of decom data on the EDR, as further explained previously in this paragraph. 5-27 SFOC-l-MHR-Mgn-SCIEDR SFOC0038-01-06-02 Figure 6- 12 Decom/Decal Data File Structure 5 -28 SFOG0038-01-06-02 SFOC-1-MHR-Mgn-SCIEDR Table 5-15 Decon/Decal Data File Content Field Size (bytes) Description CCSDS Primary Label 12 CCSDlZOOOOO1, restricted ASCII Length Field 8 ASCII value for the byte offset to the first data block of this file; Catalog/Keyword Label 12 NJPLLKOOKLOO, restricted ASCII Length Field 8 Length in bytes of Catalog/ Keyword value field. Catalog Keywords ASCII text per Table 5-5 Aggregation Start 12 CCSDlROOOOO3, restricted ASCII Marker Length Field 8 Length in bytes of the Start Marker. Data Start Keys ASCII text per Table 5-6 Decom Data varies SFOC-1-TIS-Any_DecomRpt Decal 1 Data varies SFOC-1-DMD-Mgn-DECAL, all channel parameters (SES-115) Decal 2 Data varies SFOC-1-DMD-Mgn-DECAL (SES-115), Cal-curve coefficients (polynomial expansion). Decal 3 Data varies SFOC-1-DMD-Mgn-DECAL, interpolation tables Decal 4 Data varies SFOC-1-DMD-Mgn-DECAL, status titles Aggregation End 12 CCSDlROOOOO3, restricted ASCII Marker Length Field 8 Length in bytes of the value field of this end marker; ASCII. Data End Keys ASCII text per Table 5-6 5 - 29 SFOC-1-MHR-Mgn-SCIEDR SFOC0038-01-06-02 During ground data system processing that precedes EDR production, an SFDU label and a set of SFDU headers are added to identify and characterize the minor frames. The format of the processed Engineering minor frames is illustrated in Figure 5-14. See Applicable Documents #14, #15, #16, and #17. The Engineering file shall contain data for the mapping portion of the orbit as well as all data recorded for the period of up to 20 minutes immediately preceding and immediately following mapping. (Each spacecraft turn to and from Venus takes approximately six minutes, but there is usually idle time between the turns and the mapping pass start/stop; this idle time may be as long as five minutes.) This 20 minutes (maximum) is used to accommodate the spacecraft-turning maneuvers. The structure of the file is depicted in Figure 5-13. The data area of this file consists of SFDU-structured records conforming to the format shown in Figure 5-14 of this document. Figure 5-13 Spacecraft Engineering File Format T CCSDlZOOOOOl L 00000nnn NJPLLKOOKLOO V L 00000nnn DATA SET - NAME - ENGINEERING.yyyyy DATA-OBJECT - TYPE - ENGINEERING A V MISSION ID-4 A SPACECRAFT NAME-MAGELLAN L SPACECRAFT ID-18 U MISSION NAME-MAGELLAN L E PROCESS-TIME-YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.fff ORBIT-NUMBER-nnnnn T CCSDlROOOOO3 U L 000000nn DELIMITER-SMARKER E V PRODUCT-NAME-ENGINEERING Processed Engineering Minor Frames T CCSDIR000003 L 000000nn V DELIMITER-EMARKER PRODUCT-NAME-ENGINEERING 5 - 30 SFOC-1-MHR-Mgn-SCIEDR SFOC0038-01-06-02 Table 5-16 Spacecraft Engineering File Content Field Size (bytes) Description CCSDS Primary Label 12 CCSDlZOOOOO1, restricted ASCII Length Field 8 Byte offset to the data portion of this file. Catalog/Keyword Label 12 NJPLLKOOKLOO, restricted ASCII Leugth Field 8 Length of Catalog/Keyword value field. Catalog Keywords ASCII text per Table 5-5 Aggregation Start 12 CCSDlROOOOO3, restricted ASCII Marker Length Field 8 Length in bytes of the Start Marker. Data Start Keys ASCII text per Table 5-6 Engineering Data n frames Processed Engineering minor @ 274 bytes frames. Figure 5-14 each Aggregation End 12 CCSDlROOOOO3, restricted ASCII Marker Length Field 8 Length of the value field of this end marker; ASCII Data End Keys ASCII text per Table 5-6 5-31 SFOC-J-MHR-Mgn-SCIEDR SFOC0038-01-06-02 Figure 5-14 Processed Engineering Minor Frame Format byte offset 0 11 T NJPLlIOOC108 12 19 L 00000254 20 23 V Subheader Aggregation CHDO 24 31 TLM Primary Header A 32 115 TIS TLM Secondary Header 116 139 L Mgn TLM Tertiary Header 140 169 Engineering Quaternary Header U 170 173 Data CHDO 174 273 E Engineering Minor Frame Table 5-17 Processed Engineering Miuor Frame Content Field Size (bytes) Description Data ID Label 12 NJPLlIOOC108, restricted ASCII; Engineering minor frame- Length Field 8 Length of remainder of this data structure; set to 254 bytes. Subheader Aggre- 2 Value - 01, binary gation CHDO Type Subheader Aggre- 2 16-bit integer, byte offset (from gation CHDO Length start of primary header) to beginning of data CHDO; set to 146 binary. TLM Primary Header 8 SFOC-5-TIS-*DU-SFDU TIS TLM Secondary Header 84 SFOC-5-TIS-*DU-SFDU Mgn TLM Tertiary Header 24 SFOC-5-TIS-*DU-MgnSFDU Engineering Quater- 30 SFOC-5-TIS-*DU-MgnSFDU nary Header Data Header (CHDO) 4 SFOC-5-TIS-*DU-SFDU Engineering Frame 100 VRM 2-280 and SFOC-5-SYS-*DU-NJF 5 - 32 SFOC0038-01-06-02 SFOC-1-MHR-Mgn-SCIEDR 5.12 SAB Header Record File The SAR Altimeter Burst(SAB) Header, after Golay correction, is a logical record of 54 bytes. The structure of the data area of the SAB Header is defined in Applicable Document #19. During processing, an SFDU Primary label and four levels of headers are added to identify and describe each logical record. The Processed SAB Header Record structure is depicted in Figure 5-16. The SAB Header file on both ALT and SAR EDR tapes is composed of the full set of SAB Headers available from the telemetry for that orbit. 'A maximum of -6000 SAB headers is anticipated from the mapping portion of each orbit creating a total file length of more than two megabytes. The data area of this file consists of SFDU-structured logical records conforming to the format shown in Figure 5-16 of this document. Figure 5-15 SAB Header File For]Rat T CCSDlZOOOOOl L 00000nnn T NJPLLKOOKLOO V L 00000nnn DATA - SET - NAME - SAB-HEADER.yyyyy DATA-OBJECT - TYPE-SAB HEADER A V MISSION ID-4 A SPACECRAFT NAME-MAGELLAN L SPACECRAFT ID-18 U PROCESS-TIME-YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.fff L E ORBIT NUMBER-nnnnn UPLOiD-ID-nnnnnn T CCSDlROOOOO3 U L 000000nn DELIMITER-SMARKER E V PRODUCT-NAME-SAB-HEADER Processed SAB Header SFDUs T CCSDlROOOOO3 L 000000nn DELIMITER-EMARKER V PRODUCT-NAME-SAB-HEADER 5 - 33 SFOC-1-MHR-Mgn-SCIEDR SFOG0038-01-06-02 Table 5-18 SAB Header File Content Field Size (bytes) Description GCSDS Primary Label 12 CCSDLZOOOOOI, restricted ASCII Length Field 8 ASCII value for the byte offset to the data portion of this file beginning at byte 20. Catalog/Keyword Label 12 NJPLLKOOKLOO, restricted ASCII Length Field 8 Length in bytes of the data portion of this label. Catalog/Keyword Values ASCII text per Table 5-5 Start Aggregation 12 CCSDlROOOOO3, restricted ASCII Marker Label Length Field 8 Length in bytes of the data portion of this label. Value Field ASCII text per- Table 5-6 SAB Headers SFDUs variable References 14, 15, 16, and 17 per Figure 5-16 and Table 5-19. End Aggregation 12 CCSDlROOOOO3, restricted ASCII Marker Label Length Field 8 Length in bytes of the data portion of this label. Value Field ASCII text per Table 5-6 5 - 34 SFOG-1-MHR-Mgn-SCIEDR SFOC0038-01-06-02 Figure 5-16 Processed SAB Header Record Format byte offset 0 - 11 T NJPLlIOOClll 12 - 19 L 00000318 20 - 23 V Subheader Aggregation CHDO 24 - 31 TLM Primary Header A 32 - 115 TIS TLM Secondary Header 116 - 139 L Mgn TLM Tertiary Header 140 - 279 SAB Quaternary Header U 280 - 283 Data CHDO 284 - 337 E SAB Header Table 5-19 Processed SAB Header Record Content Field Size (bytes) Description Primary Label 12 NJPLlIOOClll, restricted ASCII Length Field 8 Length of this structure beginning at byte offset 20; set to 314. subheader Aggre- 2 Value - 01, binary gation CHDO Type Subheader Aggre- 2 Byte offset (from start C'f gation CHDO Length primary header) to beginning of data CHDO; set to 256, binary. TLM Primary Header 8 SFOC-5-TIS-*DU-SFDU TIS TLM Secondary Header 84 SFOC-5-TIS-*DU-SFDU MGN TLM Tertiary Header 24 SFOC-5-TIS-*DU-MgnSFDU SAB Quaternary Header 140 SFOC-5-TIS-*DU-MgnSFDU Data Header (CHDO) 4 SFOC-5-TIS-*DU-SFDU SAB Header Data 54 MOS-RS IRD (Appl. Doc. #19) 5 - 35 SFOC-1-MHR-Mgn-SCIEDR SFOC0038-01-06-02 5.13 SAR File The SAR file contains SAB headers and associated radar data portions of the telemetry from a single mapping pass of the planet. SAR records are of a size that will span several physical tape records. The maximum length of the SAR data portion of the Processed SAR Burst Frame is approximately 90 kilobytes. During processing and extraction from the telemetry stream, an SFDU label and a set of four headers are added to each SAB Header/SAR burst frame. The resulting structure is depicted in Figure 5-19. See Section 4.2.2 for a discussion of Logical/Physical Blocking. The data area of this file consists of SFDU-structured records conforming to the format shown in Figure 5-19 of this document. Figure 5-17 SAR Data File Format T CCSDLZOOOOOI L 00000nnn T NJPLLKOOKLOO V L 00000nnn DATA SET NAME-SAR BURST.yyyyy DATA-OBJECT - TYPE - SAR-BURST A V MISSION ID-4 A SPACECRAFT NAME-MAGELLAN L SPACECRAFT ID-18 U PROCESS-TIME-YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.fff L E ORBIT NUMBER-nnnnn UPLOAD-ID - nnnnnn T CCSDlROOOOO3 U L 000000nn DELIMITER-SMARKER E V PRODUCT-NAME-SAR-BURST Processed SAR Burst Frames T CCSDlROOOOO3 L 000000nn DELIMITER-EMARKER V PRODUCT-NAME-SAR-BURST 5 - 36 SFOC-1-MHR-Mgn-SCIEDR FIGURE 5-18 5-37 SFOC-1-MHR-Mgn-SCIEDR SFOC0038-01-06-02 Table 5-20 SAR Data File Content Field Size (bytes) Description CCSDS Primary Label 12 CCSDlZOOOOO1, restricted ASCII Length Field 8 ASCII value for the byte offset to the data portion of this file beginning at byte 20. Catalog/Keyword Label 12 NJPLLKOOKLOO, restricted ASCII Length Field 8 Length in bytes of the data portion of this label. Catalog/Keyword Values ASCII text per Table 5-5 Start Aggregation 12 CCSDIR000003, restricted ASCII Marker Label Length Field 8 Length in bytes of the data portion of this label. Value Field ASCII text per Table 5-6 Processed SAR variable See Figure 5-19 Burst Frames End Aggregation 12 CCSDlROOOOO3, restricted ASCII Marker Label Length Field 8 Length in bytes of the data portion of this label. Value Field ASCII text per Table 5-6 5 - 38 SFOC-J-MHR-Mgn-SCIEDR SFOC0038-01-06-02 Figure 5-19 Processed SAB Reader/SAR Burst Frame Configuration byte offset 0 - 11 T CCSDIIOOOOOL 12 - 19 L variable 20 - 31 T NJPLlKOOKL10 V 32 - 39 L 00000256 40 - 47 TLM Primary Header A V 48 - 131 A TIS TLM Secondary Header L 132 - 155 U Mgn TLM Tertiary Header L E 156 - 295 SAB Quaternary Header 296 - 307 T NJPLlIOOC112 U 308 - 315 L variable 316 - 369 V SAB Header E A 370 - varies L SAR Burst Data Table 5-21 Processed SAB Reader/SAR Burst Frame Content Field Size (bytes) Description Aggregate label 12 CCSDlIOOOOOl - ASCII; this label is an aggregation of the next two objects. Length Field 8 Length of the entire aggregation in bytes, in ASCII NOTE: This can take up to six characters since these records are large. Label 12 NJPLlKOOKL10 - ASCII; this is the label for the following CHDOs. Length Field 8 Length of the following CHDOs in bytes, in ASCII. (continued on next page) 5-39 SFOC-1-MHR-Mgn-SCIEDR SFOC0038-01-06-02 Table 5-21 Processed SAB Reader/SAR Burst Frame Content (continued) Field Size (bytes) Description TLM Primary Header 8 SFOC-5-TIS-*DU-SFDU TIS TLM Secondary 84 SFOC-5-TIS-*DU-SFDU Header Mgn TLM Tertiary 24 SFOC-5-*DU-MgnSFDU Header SAB Quaternary 140 SFOC-5-*DU-MgnSFDU Label 12 NJPLlIOOC112 - ASCII; this is the label for the data area. Length Field 8 Length of the following data fields in bytes, in ASCII NOTE: This can take up to six characters. SAB Header 54 MOS-RS IRD, reference #19. SAR Data varies MOS-RS IRD, reference #19. 5.14 ALT File Altimeter data will be created at one of four ratios to SAB Header data: 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, or 1:4. The ratio is commendable and will be determined by the Radar System Engineering Team. The ratio will vary during a mapping pass. The frame has a non-varying data area length of 2266 bytes. During processing and extraction from the telemetry stream, an SFDU label and a set of four headers are added to each ALT frame. Each ALT frame is appended to the SAB Header of the SAB frame from which it was extracted. The resulting SAB Header/ALT package is depicted in Figure 5-21. Detail of the contents of the headers is found Sections 5.1.5 and 5.1.6 and in Applicable Documents #14, #15, and #16. The data area of this file consists of SFDU- structured records conforming to the format shown in Figure 5-21 of this document. 5-40 SFOC-l-MHR-Mgn-SCIEDR SFOC0038-01-06-02 Figure 5-20 Altimeter Data File Format T CCSDlZOOOOOl 00000nnn T NJPLIKOOKLOO V L 00000nnn DATA SET NAME - ALTIMETER.YYYYY DATA-OBJECT - TYPE - ALTIMETER A V MISSION-ID-4 A SPACECRAFT NAME-MAGELLAN L SPACECRAFT-ID-18 L U PROCESS-TIME-YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.fff E ORBIT NUMBER-nnnnn UPLOAD-ID-nnnnnn U T CCDSlROOOOO3 L 000000nn E DELIMITER-SMARKER V PRODUCT NAME-ALTIMETER Processed SAB Heado-r and Processed Altimeter Frames T CCSDlROOOOO3 L 000000nn DELIMITER-EMARKER V PRODUCT-NAME-ALTIMETER 5-41 SFOC-1-MHR-Mgn-SCIEDR SFOC0038-01-06-02 Table 5-22 Altimeter Data File Content Field Size (bytes) Description CCSDS Primary Label 12 CCSDJZOOOOO1, restricted ASCII Length Field 8 ASCII value for the offset to the data portion of this file beginning at byte 20. Catalog/Keyword Label 12 NJPLIKOOKLOO, restricted ASCII Length Field 8 Length of the data portion of this label in bytes. Catalog/Kdyword Values ASCII text per Table 5-5 Start Aggregation 12 CCSDlROOOOO3, restricted ASCII Marker Label Length Field 8 Length of the data portion of this label in bytes; set to 38. Value Field ASCII text per Table 5-6 SAB Header and 2484(x)* see Figure 5-21 ALT Data End Aggregation 12 CCSDlROOOOO3, restricted ASCII Marker Label Length Field 8 Length in bytes of the data portion of this label. Value Field ASCII text per Table 5-6 * - x = number of sabheader and ALT frames. 5-42 SFOC-1-MHR-Mgn-SCIEDR SFOC0038-01-06-02 Figure 5-21 Processed SAB Header and Altimeter Frame Format byte offset 0 - 11 T NJPLlIOOC114 12 - 19 L 00002464 20 - 23 Subheader Aggregation CHDO V 24 - 31 TLM Primary Header 32 - 115 A TIS TLM Secondary Header 116 - 139 Mgn TLM Tertiary Header L 140 - 159 ALT Quaternary Header 160 - 163 U Data CHDO 164 - 217 SAB Header E 218 - 2483 ALT Data These structures are accumulated in local storage during the processing of telemetry for each orbit. When EDR tapes are written, the SAB Header/ALT structures are written to tape using the file structure depicted in Figure 5-20. 5-43 SFOC-J-MHR-Mgn-SCIEDR SFOC0038-01-06-02 Table 5-23 Processed SAB Header and Altimeter Frame Conteut Field Size (bytes) Description Data Identification 12 NJPLlIOOC114, restricted ASCII Label Length Field 8 Length of the remainder of this record beginning at byte offset 20; set to 2464 bytes. subheader Aggre- 2 Value - 01, binary gation CHDO Type Subheader Aggre- 2 Byte offset to beginning of gation CHDO Length data; set to 136, binary. TLM Primary Header 8 SFOC-5-TIS-*DU-SFDU TIS TLM Secondary 84 SFOC-5-TIS-*DU-SFDU Header MGN TLM Tertiary 24 SFOC-5-TIS-*DU-MgnSFDU Header Altimeter Quaternary 20 SFOC-5-TIS-*DU-MgnSFDU Header Data Area Header (CHDO) 4 SFOC-5-TIS-*DU-SFDU SAB Header Data 54 MOS-RS IRD, Applicable Doc. #19 ALT Data 2266 MOS-RS IRD, Applicable Doc. #19 5-44 SFOC-1-MHR-Mgn-SCIEDR SFOC0038-01-06-02 5.15 Volume Trailer File Format The Volume Trailer file, a set of SFDU labels, constitutes the last file on the volume and marks the end of the aggregation of files constituting the product collection. It appears only at the end of the last reel, whether it is a single- or mult4Aple-reel product. Figure 5-22 Volume Trailer File T CCSDLZOOOOOI L 000000nn T CCSDlROOOOO3 V A L 000000nn L U V DELIMITER-EMARKER E PRODUCT-NAME-SAR-EDR alternatively, ALT_EDR, SAR-TEDR, or ALT-TEDR. Table 5-24 Volume Trailer File Content Field Size (bytes) Description CCSDS Primary Label 12 CCSDlZOOOOO1, restricted ASCII Length Field 8 ASCII value for the length of the remainder of the file beginning with byte offset 20. End of Aggregation 12 CCSDlROOOOO3, restricted ASCII Marker Length Field 8 Length in bytes of the Value field. Marker Values ASCII text per Table 5-6. 5-45 SFOC-1-MHR-Mgn-SCIEDR SFOC0038-01-06-02 APPENDIX A JPL STANDARD TDM FORMAT A.1 SCET/ERT Figure A-1 JPL Standard Time Format - SCET/ERT Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Byte 0 - 1 epoch 2 - 5 milliseconds of day Bytes Description 0-1 Binary unsigned 16-bit integer; days elapsed since beginning of epoch, 0000 1 January 1958, UTC. 2-5 Binary unsigned 32-bit integer; milliseconds of day NOTE: lowest-numbered bytes appear on tape first (i.e., most-significant byte is first). A-1 SFOC-1-MHR-Mgn-SCIEDR SFOC0038-01-06-02 A.2 Magellan Spacecraft Clock (SCLK) Figure A-2 JPL Standard Time Format - SCLK Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 - 1 RIM 2 - 3 RIM MOD91 4 - 5 MOD10 MOD8 Bytes Description 0-2 RIM Count 24-bit binary unsigned integer, one per 60 2/3 seconds or one per major frame. 3 MOD91 count 8-bit binary unsigned integer, one per 2/3 second or one per engineering minor frame. 4 MOD10 count 8-bit binary unsigned integer, one per Real Time Interrupt (RTI) 5 MOD8 count 8-bit binary unsigned integer, one per 8 1/2 msec or one per RCD minor frame. A-2