Mars Exploration Rover (MER) Project
Microscopic Imager Calibration Plan
Rev. A
Ken Herkenhoff
__________________________ ___________________________
Steve Squyres Joy Crisp
Athena PI MER Project Scientist
__________________________ ___________________________
Ken Herkenhoff John Callas
MI Payload Element Lead MER Science Manager
__________________________ ___________________________
Mark Schwochert Art Thompson
MER Camera PEM MER ATLO Systems Lead
__________________________ ___________________________
Eric Baumgartner Justin Maki
MER IDD Technical Lead MER Remote Sensing Technical Lead
October 28, 2001
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
California Institute of Technology
9/24/01 |
1.2, 3.4.8, 4.1, 4.3.3 |
Add discussion of Level 2 req't 921 |
1.7 |
9/24/01 |
Tables 1.2.1, 4.1.1 |
Update requirement number TBDs to 922 and 923 |
1.7 |
9/24/01 |
7 |
Add archiving of Calibration Report |
Initial Release |
10/2/01 | |
Remove wavelength dependence |
Draft A |
10/2/01 |
Signature page |
Add Schwochert, Thompson, Baumgartner |
Draft A |
10/28/01 |
3.3 |
Update calibration schedule |
Rev. A |
1.5.2 Performance Verification. 11
2 Component-level Testing and Calibration. 12
2.1 Stand-alone CCD test and calibration. 12
2.2 Optical barrel transmission. 13
2.2.2 Purpose and Description. 13
2.2.3 Parameters and Range. 13
2.2.4 Accuracy and Relationship to Requirements. 13
2.2.5 Environmental Conditions. 13
2.2.6 Supporting Instrumentation, Tests, and Calibrations. 13
2.2.7 Data Processing and Products. 13
2.3 Filter blocking and transmission. 14
2.3.2 Purpose and Description. 14
2.3.3 Parameters and Range. 14
2.3.4 Accuracy and Relationship to Requirements. 14
2.3.5 Environmental Conditions. 14
2.3.6 Supporting Instrumentation, Tests, and Calibrations. 14
2.3.7 Data Processing and Products. 14
2.4 Dust Cover Spectral Transmission. 15
2.4.2 Purpose and Description. 15
2.4.3 Parameters and Range. 15
2.4.4 Accuracy and Relationship to Requirements. 15
2.4.5 Environmental Conditions. 15
2.4.6 Supporting Instrumentation, Tests, and Calibrations. 15
2.4.7 Data Processing and Products. 15
3.4 Detailed Test Descriptions. 19 Purpose and Description. 19 Parameters and Range. 19 Accuracy and Relationship to Requirements. 19 Environmental Conditions. 19 Supporting Instrumentation, Tests, and Calibrations. 19 Data Processing and Products. 19
3.4.2 Absolute and Relative Radiometry. 20 Purpose and Description. 20 Parameters and Range. 20 Accuracy and Relationship to Requirements. 20 Environmental Conditions. 20 Supporting Instrumentation, Tests, and Calibrations. 21 Data Processing and Products. 21
3.4.3 System Spectral Response. 21 Purpose and Description. 21 Parameters and Range. 21 Accuracy and Relationship to Requirements. 21 Environmental Conditions. 21 Supporting Instrumentation, Tests, and Calibrations. 22 Data Processing and Products. 22
3.4.4 CCD Blooming Behavior 22 Purpose and Description. 22 Parameters and Range. 22 Accuracy and Relationship to Requirements. 22 Environmental Conditions. 22 Supporting Instrumentation, Tests, and Calibrations. 22 Data Processing and Products. 23
3.4.5 CCD Temperature Sensor Functional Test 23 Purpose and Description. 23 Parameters and Range. 23 Accuracy and Relationship to Requirements. 23 Environmental Conditions. 23 Supporting Instrumentation, Tests, and Calibrations. 23 Data Processing and Products. 23
3.4.6 Observations of Rock Targets. 24 Purpose and Description. 24 Parameters and Range. 24 Accuracy and Relationship to Requirements. 24 Environmental Conditions. 24 Supporting Instrumentation, Tests, and Calibrations. 24 Data Processing and Products. 24
3.4.7 CCD Electronic Shutter Effect (Readout Smear) 25 Purpose and Description. 25 Parameters and Range. 25 Accuracy and Relationship to Requirements. 25 Environmental Conditions. 25 Supporting Instrumentation, Tests, and Calibrations. 25 Data Processing and Products. 25 Purpose and Description. 26 Parameters and Range. 26 Accuracy and Relationship to Requirements. 26 Environmental Conditions. 26 Supporting Instrumentation, Tests, and Calibrations. 26 Data Processing and Products. 26 Purpose and Description. 27 Parameters and Range. 27 Accuracy and Relationship to Requirements. 27 Environmental Conditions. 27 Supporting Instrumentation, Tests, and Calibrations. 27 Data Processing and Products. 27
3.4.10 Scattered and Stray Light 28 Purpose and Description. 28 Parameters and Range. 28 Accuracy and Relationship to Requirements. 28 Environmental Conditions. 28 Supporting Instrumentation, Tests, and Calibrations. 28 Data Processing and Products. 28
4.3 Detailed test descriptions. 30
4.3.1 Dust Cover Flat Field. 30 Purpose and Description. 30 Parameters and Range. 30 Accuracy and Relationship to Requirements. 30 Environmental Conditions. 30 Supporting Instrumentation, Tests, and Calibrations. 30 Data Processing and Products. 31 Purpose and Description. 31 Parameters and Range. 31 Accuracy and Relationship to Requirements. 31 Environmental Conditions. 31 Supporting Instrumentation, Tests, and Calibrations. 31 Data Processing and Products. 31
4.3.3 Instrument Deployment Device (IDD) Tests. 32 Purpose and Description. 32 Parameters and Range. 32 Accuracy and Relationship to Requirements. 32 Environmental Conditions. 32 Supporting Instrumentation, Tests, and Calibrations. 33 Data Processing and Products. 33
4.3.4 Stray/scattered light test 33 Purpose and Description. 33 Parameters and Range. 33 Accuracy and Relationship to Requirements. 33 Environmental Conditions. 33 Supporting Instrumentation, Tests, and Calibrations. 34 Data Processing and Products. 34 Purpose and Description. 34 Parameters and Range. 34 Accuracy and Relationship to Requirements. 34 Environmental Conditions. 34 Supporting Instrumentation, Tests, and Calibrations. 34 Data Processing and Products. 35
5.3.1 ICER Compression Performance. 36
5.3.2 Auto Exposure Performance. 36
5.3.3 Bias Levels and Dark Modeling Subtraction Capabilities. 37
5.3.4 Bad Pixel Correction. 37
5.3.5 Readout Smear (Electronic Shutter) Correction. 37
5.3.6 IDD Pointing and Deployment 37
5.3.8 Flat Fielding Correction. 37
5.3.9 Pixel Summing Capability. 37
5.3.10 Command Execution Time. 37
8 Calibration and Test Schedule and Staffing. 39
The Athena Microscopic Imager (MI) will acquire images of natural surfaces with a resolution of 30 µm/pixel. It will be mounted on the Instrument Deployment Device (IDD), allowing it to be placed near surfaces that can also be examined by other Rover instruments. The optics will employ a simple, fixed focus design that provides at least 6 mm depth-of-field at 30-µm/pixel sampling. The Microscopic Imager will acquire images using only solar or skylight illumination of the target surface. Stereoscopic observations will be obtained by moving the Microscopic Imager between two successive frames. The spectral bandpass of the Microscopic Imager will be restricted to 400-680 nm by the addition of a single filter. A bright target illuminated directly by the sun under low opacity conditions is predicted to provide a 20% full well response with an integration time of 35 msec. A more typical shadowed target will require integration times of at least 570 msec to produce a response of 20% full well.
Coarse (~2 mm precision) focusing will be achieved by moving the IDD away from a target after the contact sensor is activated. Multiple images taken at various distances will be acquired to ensure good focus on all parts of rough surfaces. Position and orientation data for each acquired image will be stored in the rover computer and returned to Earth with the image data. The Microscopic Imager optics will be protected from the martian environment by a dust cover. When closed, the cover will prevent dust that is falling vertically from the martian atmosphere from settling onto MI optical surfaces in any IDD configuration, and will minimize accumulation of dust produced by the Rock Abrasion Tool (RAT) operation on MI optical surfaces.
The purpose of this plan is to define a consistent method to calibrate the MI, by 1) establishing a framework for the generation of Controlled Documents used to assemble the MI, and 2) defining or referencing the methods and types of tests used to validate the radiometric, geometric, thermal, optical, and mechanical performance against the functional requirements outlined in the Camera Functional Requirements Document (FRD) (JPL Doc. # D-19702, MER 420-2-409) and other MER project requirements. This plan also establishes a prioritized test sequence, so that verification of requirements takes place in a systematic and timely fashion, and describes performance of preflight calibration, the result of which will be delivery of a fully tested instrument that meets or exceeds the functional requirements. The tests described in this plan will provide the data needed to clearly understand the accuracy, precision, and limitations of MI calibration.
The MI calibration plan is divided into three major parts: component-level tests, stand-alone camera test and calibration, and system level test and calibration. Also included is software testing, as it relates to functional tests and calibration, although more extensive software testing will be addressed in a separate procedure. Inflight calibration plans are briefly discussed, followed by the calibration data archiving plan. Component level CCD screening and selection tests are addressed in a separate procedure: MER 420-1-485, D-20247.
The primary goal of calibration and testing of the MI is to verify that the instrument will meet or exceed all of the MER Project requirements relevant to close-up imaging on Mars. Meeting these requirements and achieving the levels of calibration accuracy described below will ensure that the MI returns images, possibly taken under a wide variety of illumination conditions, that will yield useful new information about Mars. The spectral bandpass was chosen to mimic the photopic response of the human eye, simplifying interpretability and testing. The IFOV and f/# were selected after considerations of tradeoffs among overall FOV, diffraction blurring, operational complexity, and the expected size of natural features of interest. The relevant requirements are compiled in the MER Project System Level 2 Requirements Document (JPL D-19650), MER Flight System Level 3 Requirements Document (JPL D-TBD), MER Science Requirements Document (JPL D-19638; MER 420-2-128), MER Cameras Level 3 Requirements (ECR 100497), and the MER Camera Functional Requirements Document (MER 420-2-409; JPL D-19702). The requirements in these documents that are relevant to MI calibration and testing are summarized in Tables 1.2.1 and 4.1.1. Note that Level 3 requirement #51 applies to the optics only, not the MI camera system.
Table 1.2.1: MER Requirements Relevant to MI Component Level and Standalone Calibration and Testing |
Level |
ID # |
Requirement |
2 |
921 |
The Project System shall be capable of coregistering images from the Microscopic Imager with images and panoramas from the Pancam, Hazcam, Navcam observations of Mars. |
2 |
922 |
The Project System shall ensure that the quality of the calibration of the science instruments be sufficient to satisfy the requirements and objectives in the Science Requirements Document and the Level 1 science requirements. |
2 |
923 |
It shall be possible to produce radiometrically calibrated images from the Microscopic Imager, Hazcam, and Navcam observations on Mars, using pre-launch calibration data. |
3 |
46 |
The Microscopic Imager shall have an Instantaneous Field of View (IFOV) of 30 ± 1.5 micrometers/pixel on-axis. |
3 |
47 |
The Microscopic Imager shall have a Field of View (FOV) of 1024 x 1024 square pixels. |
3 |
48 |
The Microscopic Imager shall have a spectral bandpass of 400-680 nanometers. |
3 |
49 |
The Microscopic Imager shall have an effective depth of field of ≥ ±3 millimeters. |
3 |
51 |
The Microscopic Imager shall have an MTF of ≥0.35 @ 30 lp/mm over spectral bandpass at best focus. |
3 |
52 |
The Microscopic Imager optical design shall minimize the contributions of stray and scattered light onto the CCD. |
3 |
53 |
Radiometric calibration of the Microscopic Imager shall be performed with an absolute accuracy of ≤20%. |
3 |
54 |
Radiometric calibration of the Microscopic Imager shall be performed with a relative (pixel-to-pixel) accuracy of ≤5%. |
3 |
55 |
The Microscopic Imager Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) shall be ≥100 for exposures of ≥20% full well over the spectral bandpass and within the calibrated operating temperature range. |
3 |
56 |
The Microscopic Imager shall have a temperature sensor, accurate to ± 2 deg. Celsius, on the CCD package that can be read-out and associated with the image data in telemetry. |
3 |
58 |
The Microscopic Imager shall be able to have the sun in its field of view (powered and unpowered) and not sustain permanent damage. |
4 |
Working f/# = 15 ± 0.75 |
4 |
Operating temperature within calibrated specifications = -55±2°C to +5±2°C. |
This plan covers all MI "Deliverables" as described in the MER Project Implementation Plan (JPL D-19620).
· To collect baseline data sets of engineering data in the various instrument states. These data sets shall be used during the I, T&C Program phases at JPL and elsewhere to assure correct instrument operation. These data sets shall also be used for trend analysis to detect any long-term change or degradation in instrument performance;
This Calibration Plan shall comply with the test requirements outlined in the MER Environmental Verification Matrix. Instrument compliance to this matrix shall be the responsibility of the Integration, Test and Calibration Lead. Measuring and test equipment shall be used in a manner that ensures that the measurement uncertainty is known and is consistent with the required measurement capability.
Accuracy of the required measurements shall be known and appropriate equipment shall be selected to perform the measurements. All measuring and test equipment used for verification of products shall be calibrated using calibration standards traceable to the national standard. The calibration status of measuring equipment shall be identified with calibration stickers. The equipment shall be maintained and its placement and use shall be controlled.
Details of the design and operation of the MI CCD can be found in the Mars Exploration Rover Camera CCD Specification Document (MER 420-7-495, JPL D-20365). Before the cameras are assembled, the CCDs, filters, dust covers and optical assemblies must be tested and calibrated. These tests will be performed at JPL, with the exception of the optical barrel transmission test, which may be performed at Kaiser Electro-Optics (KEO). The component level tests are listed in Table 2.0.1.
Table 2.0.1. MI Component Level Calibration and Testing
Test |
Brief Description |
CCD Component Level Testing |
Operating voltage windows |
See JPL D-20247 |
Photon transfer/linearity |
Determine CCD linearity, read noise, full well, gain, bias, and dark current in both full resolution and summation modes |
Dark current |
See JPL D-20247 |
Flat field |
See JPL D-20247 |
Pinholes |
See JPL D-20247 |
Image |
Record images in both full-resolution and summation modes |
Temperature cycling |
See JPL D-20247 |
Impedance |
See JPL D-20247 |
Spectral quantum efficiency |
See JPL D-20247 |
Full well map |
See JPL D-20247 |
Charge transfer efficiency |
See JPL D-20247 |
Radiation tolerance (qualification test) |
See JPL D-20247 |
Life testing (qualification test) |
See JPL D-20247 |
Transfer area mask transmission |
See JPL D-20247 |
Residual bulk image |
Possible additional test; only significant below -70°C |
Other Component Level Tests |
Optical barrel transmission |
Determine throughput of each flight and flight spare optics barrel from 400 to 700 nm |
Filter blocking and transmission |
Determine throughput of filter in bandpass and integrated rejection band |
Dust cover spectral transmission |
Determine throughput of dust cover (or material from same batch) |
Refer to MER CCD Test Plan (MER 420-1-485, JPL D-20247). All of the CCD tests are high priority. The details of the CCD test plan may be changed based on ongoing CCD characterization and testing, in particular the evaluation of spectral quantum efficiency and residual bulk image at various temperatures.
Low. If system spectral response calibration (section 3.4.3) is successful, optical barrel transmission measurements will not be needed.
Transmission of the MI optics barrel must be measured before integration of the optics into the camera. These data will be used to determine the spectral radiometric response of the camera in the event that the monochromator calibration (section 3.4.3) is unsuccessful. The results of this test will also serve as acceptance criteria for the optical barrel assemblies.
Spectral transmittance of each optical barrel assembly from 350 to 1100 nm in 10 nm steps. If measurements across this entire range are not feasible, transmittance from 400 to 700 nm is acceptable.
Transmittance accuracy of ±5% to meet Level 3 requirement #53 (absolute radiometric calibration accuracy). Wavelength steps of 10 nm will ensure that MI spectral bandpass is adequately sampled. If absolute spectral calibration is not feasible, relative spectral transmittance is acceptable.
Calibrated spectrophotometer or monochromator and photodiode.
Table of transmittance values at each wavelength.
Filter spectral transmission and CCD spectral quantum efficiency measurement uncertainties also contribute to overall radiometric calibration uncertainty. CCD spectral QE will not be measured to high level of accuracy. Therefore, system spectral response calibration (section 3.4.3) has higher priority than this test.
Low. If system spectral response calibration (section 3.4.3) is successful, filter blocking and transmission measurements will not be needed.
Transmission of the Schott BG-40 filter over the entire spectral bandpass (350 to 1100 nm) must be measured before integration of the filter into the optical assembly. These data will be used to determine the absolute and spectral radiometric response of the camera in the event that the monochromator calibration (section 3.4.3) is unsuccessful. The results of this test will also serve as acceptance criteria for the Schott filter.
Spectral transmittance of each filter assembly from 350 to 1100 nm in 10 nm steps.
Transmission accuracy of ±2% and 1 part in 104 blocking to meet Level 3 requirement #53 (absolute radiometric calibration accuracy). Wavelength steps of 10 nm will ensure that MI spectral bandpass is adequately sampled.
Calibrated spectrophotometer.
Table of transmittance values at each wavelength.
Optics spectral transmission and CCD spectral quantum efficiency measurement uncertainties also contribute to overall radiometric calibration uncertainty. CCD spectral QE will not be measured to high level of accuracy. Therefore, system spectral response calibration (section 3.4.3) has higher priority than this test.
Determine spectral transmission of flight dust covers or material from same batch using spectrophotometer.
Spectral transmittance of each dust cover assembly from 350 to 1100 nm in 10 nm steps.
Transmittance accuracy of ±2% to meet Level 3 requirement #53 (absolute radiometric accuracy). Wavelength steps of 10 nm will ensure that MI spectral bandpass is adequately sampled.
Calibrated spectrophotometer.
Table of transmittance values at each wavelength.
Filter spectral transmission and CCD spectral quantum efficiency measurement uncertainties also contribute to overall radiometric calibration uncertainty. CCD spectral QE will not be measured to high level of accuracy.
The MI utilizes a 1024 × 2048 Mitel frame transfer CCD detector array with 1024 × 1024 imaging pixels. The array is combined with optics and a single filter to yield images of surfaces approximating the view through a hand lens. The required operating temperature range for performance of the MI within specifications is -55°C to 5°C, and for survival is from -105°C to +50°C. Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is required to be ≥100 for nominal observing conditions (≥20% full well within operating temperature range). Dark current is expected to be significant at the high end of the operating temperature range, and therefore must be well calibrated. The spectral QE of the CCD is also expected to vary with temperature. Hence, temperature-dependent calibrations and tests will be performed in a thermal/vacuum chamber at temperatures spanning the required operating temperature range. Full sets of calibration data will be acquired with the MI temperature stabilized at the extremes of the operating temperature range, and perhaps at other temperatures if component-level tests results indicate that full calibration data are needed at other temperatures. In any case, additional calibration data should be acquired during temperature transitions.
Table 3.2.1 provides a prioritized overview of the stand-alone camera calibration and testing requirements. Each of these tests will be performed at JPL, and is described in more detail below. The CCD blooming and readout smear tests have low priority because the goal of the tests is to simply characterize the blooming behavior and "shutter effect" in support of flight software (autoexposure and shutter correction algorithm) development. These tests could be performed on the EM MI if the calibration schedule does not allow them to be performed on the flight units. The temperature sensor functional test and rock target observations have medium priority because they do not directly affect MI calibration accuracy. It is not possible to accurately calibrate the CCD temperature sensor once it has been integrated into the camera. Scattered and stray light can substantially affect calibration accuracy, but it will be difficult to apply laboratory test results to inflight observations of scattered/stray light from complex sources. Therefore, the scattered/stray light test has medium priority. The other tests have high priority because they address significant sources of calibration uncertainty that must be properly evaluated to achieve the requirements listed above.
Table 3.2.1. MI standalone calibration and testing
Test name |
Subtest |
Accuracy |
Priority |
Environmental Conditions |
1. Light Transfer |
High |
system linearity |
± 1%, from 10 to 90% full well |
-55°C and +5°C; pressure £ 10-6 torr |
read noise |
± 2 e- |
-55°C and +5°C; pressure £ 10-6 torr |
full well |
± 5% e- |
-55°C and +5°C; pressure £ 10-6 torr |
gain |
± 2% e-/DN |
-55°C and +5°C; pressure £ 10-6 torr |
bias (offset) |
± 5% DN |
-55°C and +5°C; pressure £ 10-6 torr |
dark current and noise |
±0.1 e-, RMS noise |
-55°C and +5°C; pressure £ 10-6 torr |
2. Absolute and Relative Radiometry |
£ 20% absolute; £ 5 % relative |
High |
-55°C and +5°C; pressure £ 10-6 torr |
3. System Spectral Response |
wavelength, ± 0.2 nm; flux, ±7% |
High |
-55°C and +5°C; pressure £ 10-6 torr |
4. CCD Blooming Behavior |
±5%, adjacent pixels |
Low |
-55°C and +5°C; pressure £ 10-6 torr |
5. CCD Temperature Sensor Functional Test |
Medium |
-55°C and +5°C; pressure £ 10-6 torr |
6. Observation of Rock Target |
± 1 mm focus control |
Medium |
Ambient |
7. CCD Readout Smear |
± 1% pixel response |
Low |
Ambient |
8. Grid Target Imaging |
High |
Ambient |
Effective Focal Length |
± 2% of EFL |
Field of View |
± 0.2° |
Geometric Distortion |
± 0.3% |
9. Bar Target Imaging |
High |
Ambient |
Depth of Field |
± 1 mm |
± 10 % at 30 lp/mm |
10. Scattered and Stray Light |
Factor of 2 to 10 |
Medium |
Ambient |
The tests requiring thermal/vacuum conditions will be performed in a chamber in JPL building 168. The preliminary schedules (as of October 25, 2001) for MER-A and MER-B MI thermal/vacuum testing are shown in Tables 3.3.1 and 3.3.2. The first 6 items in the schedules are in preparation for calibration. However, it will be possible to perform a limited number of tests during various parts of this pre-calibration period (for example, observing targets through the chamber window while the camera is going through its 24 hour temperature dwell tests).
Table 3.3.1. MER-A MI Standalone Camera Calibration Schedule
Activity |
Starting date |
Ending date |
Days |
Chamber Setup |
2/25/02 |
2/26/02 |
2 |
Pump-down |
2/27/02 |
2/27/02 |
1 |
Bake-out |
2/28/02 |
3/5/02 |
6 |
Non-operating Thermal |
3/6/02 |
3/7/02 |
2 |
Operating Functional |
3/8/02 |
3/11/02 |
4 |
Thermal Cycle/Dwell |
3/12/02 |
3/18/02 |
7 |
Radiometric Calibration |
3/19/02 |
4/1/02 |
14 |
Monochromator Setup |
4/2/02 |
4/3/02 |
2 |
Spectral Calibration |
4/4/02 |
4/9/02 |
6 |
Other Calibration Tests |
4/10/02 |
4/11/02 |
2 |
Required at ATLO |
5/1/02 |
Table 3.3.2. MER-B MI Standalone Camera Calibration Schedule
Activity |
Starting date |
Ending date |
Days |
Chamber Setup |
n/a |
n/a |
-- |
Pump-down |
4/12/02 |
4/12/02 |
1 |
Bake-out |
4/15/02 |
4/18/02 |
4 |
Non-operating Thermal |
4/19/02 |
4/22/02 |
4 |
Operating Functional |
4/23/02 |
4/24/02 |
2 |
Thermal Cycle/Dwell |
4/25/02 |
5/1/02 |
7 |
Radiometric Calibration |
5/2/02 |
5/15/02 |
14 |
Monochromator Setup |
5/16/02 |
5/17/02 |
2 |
Spectral Calibration |
5/18/02 |
5/23/02 |
6 |
Other Calibration Tests |
5/24/02 |
5/28/02 |
5 |
Required at ATLO |
6/7/02 |
The MI ATLO calibration and test schedule is still TBD, but is expected to occur in late 2002 to early 2003.
Staffing for calibration activities includes JPL engineering, science, and calibration team support plus science team support from the PEL, Athena Co-Is, Athena team collaborators, and other graduate and undergraduate student helpers as needed. A staffing plan will be generated for each calibration run assuring that the science team will be prepared to support 24/7 calibration activities with up to 3 shifts consisting of at least 3 science team members or collaborators/designates per shift.
Measure the system light transfer curve for each camera by illuminating the CCD with a series of broadband flat fields ranging from zero to average full-well (approx. 220,000 electrons); obtain at least 3 frames at each level. These measurements will yield the linearity of the camera system response to an incident photon stimulus, the system gain and bias (offset), the system read noise, dark current, and the average full-well value for 5 regions (4 corners plus center of frame).
Obtain exposures at 11 well depths (0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 0.9, 0.95, 1.0, and 1.1 times full well). Determine system linearity, gain, bias (offset), read noise, dark current, and average number of electrons in full-well for each region. Evaluate coherent noise, if any. The test setup should be adjusted so that integration times are similar to those expected during flight (0.1 to 2 sec).
Pixel response for each exposure to ±1%, to derive system linearity to ±1%, from 0.1 to 0.9 times full well. Measure read noise to ±2 electrons, system gain to ±2% (electrons/DN), bias to ± 5%, dark noise to ±0.1 electron RMS, full well to ±5%. These accuracies are consistent with Level 3 requirement #53 (absolute radiometric accuracy).
Temperature = -55°C and +5°C; pressure £ 10-6 torr. Additional dark current and noise data should be acquired at other temperatures during transitions.
Window transmission vs. wavelength; calibrate red radiometer and verify sphere uniformity to 1% level.
For linearity, analyze the response of 50 ´ 50 pixel regions, perform linear least squares fit to average signal between 0.1 and 0.9 times full well; determine nonlinear residuals and goodness of fit. Read noise is constant offset (at zero exposure) in plot of pixel signal variance vs. signal level. To find full well depth, track exposures into saturation on central (higher transmission) portion of CCD. Gain is inverse of slope from linear least squares fit of pixel signal variance vs. signal level. The bias is the mean of zero exposure dark frames. Dark current and dark noise are the mean and RMS deviation of bias-subtracted frames, respectively. Coherent noise, if observed, should be characterized with respect to potential noise sources. Products include digital archive of photon transfer curve (plot of noise vs. signal) and linearity graph (plot of average DN vs. exposure time) for five areas on the CCD frame, showing any departures from linearity; line trace showing full well of each pixel, column trace showing full well of each pixel in given region; images of fixed and random system noise; bad pixel map. Digital archive of each image.
Present absolutely-calibrated, uniform (± 1%) light source to camera and acquire images over light transfer test range of source intensities. Obtain 3 identical images per light level, and 30 identical images only at the half well level.
Absolute conversion between DN and radiance; flat field images. The test setup should be adjusted so that integration times are similar to those expected during flight (0.1 to 2 sec).
± 20% absolute, ± 5% relative to meet Level 3 requirements #53 and #54 (absolute and relative calibration accuracy).
Temperature = -55°C and +5°C; pressure £ 10-6 torr.
Vacuum chamber window transmission vs. wavelength; need to calibrate red radiometer and verify sphere uniformity to 1% level. Radiometric calibration should be traceable to NIST standards.
Dark and noise subtract. Relate DN to source absolute radiance.
Will require setup time plus approximately 8 minutes to obtain images.
Planned CCD spectral quantum efficiency measurements may not provide sufficient data to allow the spectral response of the MI to be accurately determined. Therefore, this test has higher priority than the component-level spectral transmission tests.
Measure camera system relative spectral response directly rather than calculating spectral response by combining optics and filter spectral transmission and CCD spectral QE. Present monochromatic flux bundle to MI, with image of monochromator slit entirely contained within each image frame.
Monochromator wavelength stepped by 10 nm or less between 350 and 800 nm, wavelength stepped by 40 nm or less between 800 to 1100 nm. Measure integral camera response at each wavelength.
Wavelength accuracy, ± 0.2 nm. Relative flux accuracy, ±7%. Test will verify compliance with Level 2 requirement #922 (calibration quality) and Level 3 requirement #48 (spectral bandpass).
Temperature = -55°C and +5°C; pressure £ 10-6 torr.
Monochromator calibration; photodiode calibration; lamp stability test; chamber window throughput calibration.
Dark subtract. Sum all photoelectrons on chip, compare with photodiode output. Digital archive of each image.
Interception of monochromator flux by camera must be independent of wavelength.
Characterize CCD performance when signal exceeds the full well capacity. Take images at lower signal level (shorter integration or reduced illumination) immediately following bloomed image to evaluate residual effects, if any. Results will aid in design of autoexposure algorithm.
Measure the horizontal and vertical charge distribution of a CCD image illuminated at 5, 10, and 20 times full-well level at five locations in the array (in the four corners and in the center), both for a point and extended area broadband source; 3 frames each.
Signal level in adjacent pixels to ±5%, in compliance with Level 3 requirement #54 (relative radiometric accuracy).
Temperature = -55°C and +5°C; pressure £ 10-6 torr.
Point sources and 10" integrating sphere.
CCD images, digital archive of horizontal and vertical and/or diagonal charge distribution, as appropriate for each location. Evaluate residual image, if any.
Repeat test at 2 times full well if time available.
Verify proper function of temperature sensor by comparing with a reference sensor at high and low temperatures.
CCD temperature sensor output and reference sensor output at full range of temperatures reached in chamber.
Temperatures measured to ±2°C or better to meet Level 3 requirement #56 (temperature sensor accuracy = ±2°C).
Temperature = -55°C and +5°C; pressure £ 10-6 torr.
CCD temperature sensor calibration; reference temperature sensor calibration. Flight-like temperature sensor circuitry; precision calibrated temperature sensor on CCD housing.
Convert reference temperature sensor output to °C based on supporting calibration, plot temperature vs. CCD sensor output.
Take and record data frequently during chamber temperature changes. Functional test and calibration of temperature sensor should be performed during system thermal/vacuum testing.
Take images of rock target(s) in good focus to provide data for software testing and calibration pipeline verification. The same target(s) will be observed by the other Athena flight instruments for comparison.
Series of images at target distances at least 10 mm either side of best focus. Measure distance from target to camera for each position. The test setup should be adjusted so that integration times are similar to those expected during flight (0.1 to 2 sec).
± 1 mm focus control, to verify Level 3 requirement #49 (depth of field).
Rock target (selected from set shown in Fig. 1), light source, measurements of distance between camera and target.
Confirm acquisition of well-focused images and out of focus images on either side.
Rock target will be provided by Athena Co-I Dick Morris (JSC).
To determine the integration times at which frame transfer of the image of a bright spot from imaging to storage areas on the CCD will leave a "readout smear" or shutter effect. This should be done with the final flight electronics, which govern the frame transfer speed.
Images taken at several integration times including minimum integration time. Integration time should be increased until shutter effect can no longer be measured.
Pixel response for each exposure to ±1%, in compliance with Level 3 requirement #54 (relative radiometric accuracy).
Flight electronics; targets, linear motion, and 10" integrating sphere.
Dark subtract. Compare long and short exposures to determine radiometric error; calculate minimum integration time for which radiometric error is less than 1%. Digital archive of each image.
Dark current at ambient temperature will limit accuracy of measurement of shutter effect.
Image a well-known grid target at best focus. Characterize the geometric distortion introduced by the MI into its images. Measure the effective focal length and field of view by measuring dimensions of target image. Multiple images needed to reduce errors in image location precision. These data will be used to construct the MI camera models.
Effective focal length, field of view, and geometric distortion. Intersections are to be spaced 50 pixels apart both horizontally and vertically and are to cover the entire field of view. Images are to be obtained at 2 exposure levels, with 2 different target rotational orientations and 2 different target translational locations.
Accuracy of effective focal length to ±2%, field of view accurate to ± 0.2°, geometric distortion accurate to ± 0.3%. Such accuracies are consistent with Level 2 requirement #921 (image coregistration) and Level 3 requirement #46 (IFOV).
Ambient if image signal/noise of at least 50 can be obtained.
Well-known grid target, light source, TBD alignment tools. The target grid pattern should be known to a precision of 3 micrometers or better. A target that will meet this requirement is available (Cassini WAC test target).
Measure locations of intersections of a grid target in images to ±0.1 pixel using centroiding algorithm; compare image locations with their locations in object space. Produce file of geometric distortion vs. field position and wavelength, value of effective focal length on axis, value of field of view. Document residual errors between the image-space and object-space grid intersection locations after a best-fit matching of the 2 data sets by adjustments in scale, translation, rotation, skew, and/or aspect ratio. Table of maximum and RMS values of the residuals for each grid target image. Digital archive files for use in geometric distortion correction software. Digital image showing (for all intersections) the magnitude and directions of distortions.
Determine depth of field (defocus blur) and camera modulation transfer function (MTF) by imaging bar target and knife edge or point source at various distances from camera, including best focus.
Observe bar target and knife edge or point source at 5 positions on CCD from -5 to +5 mm about best focus in 1 mm steps. Measure distance from target to camera.
Distance from camera measured to accuracy of ±1 mm; MTF measured to ±10% at 30 lp/mm and Nyquist frequency. Level 3 requirement #51 (optics MTF) will be verified by testing the optics at the component level.
Knife edge, point source, bar target, light source, TBD alignment tools. Dimensions of point source and bar targets known to accuracy of ±3 micrometers.
Archive each image; compute MTF and point spread function vs. position within field of view and depth of field.
Can be performed during camera assembly and focus if desired; TBD number of spatial frequencies.
To determine the intensity of light reaching the CCD from off-axis or internally-scattered sources (ghosts), as a function of source intensity and either distance off-axis or (for bright point-like sources) position on-axis. Direct a collimated beam towards camera entrance pupil.
Move the beam in 10° angular increments past the edge of field to a TBD deg final angle, taking illuminated and background frames at each location. Perform this on one axis.
Factor of 2 to 10 in scattered/stray light relative to source will verify that Level 3 requirement #53 has been met.
Collimator, camera holding bracket, 1-axis angular motion, black shroud, target, 10" sphere light source. Perform light source stability test; measure reflectivity of black shroud material.
Background subtracted from illuminated frames, which are then compared to a background frame. Curves of scattered light intensity vs. field angle for off-axis sources. Magnitude and preferential orientation of any internal ghost images.
Compare to stray light analysis; cold reduces dark current (increases contrast), but then we've got to image through chamber window, which could detract substantially from results. Probably better to use bright sources at ambient without window.
The Calibration and Test activities at the IDD-integrated level are primarily geometric in nature, designed to determine the physical layout of the camera relative to the IDD as well as to assess the actual IDD pointing performance compared to MI Level 3 requirements (Table 4.1.1). All of the tests can be performed in room temperature and pressure (STP) conditions, and a subset of these tests will be performed during ATLO in thermal vacuum conditions to validate performance in the flight environment.
Table 4.1.1: MER Requirements relevant to MI System-Level Calibration and Testing
Level |
ID # |
Requirement |
2 |
921 |
The Project System shall be capable of coregistering images from the Microscopic Imager with images and panoramas from the Pancam, Hazcam, Navcam observations of Mars. |
2 |
922 |
The Project System shall ensure that the quality of the calibration of the science instruments be sufficient to satisfy the requirements and objectives in the Science Requirements Document and the Level 1 science requirements. |
2 |
923 |
It shall be possible to produce radiometrically calibrated images from the Microscopic Imager, Hazcam, and Navcam observations on Mars, using pre-launch calibration data. |
3 |
310 |
The IDD shall be capable of positioning instruments to an angular accuracy of 5 degrees in free space within the dexterous workspace of the IPS. |
3 |
312 |
The IDD shall be capable of positioning instruments to a positional accuracy of 5 mm in free space within the dexterous workspace of the IPS. |
3 |
313 |
The IDD shall be capable of repeatably positioning instruments to +/- 4 mm in position and +/- 3 degrees in orientation. |
3 |
316 |
The IDD shall have a minimum controllable motion along a science target's surface normal vector of 2 mm +/- 1 mm RMS. |
3 |
1071 |
The IPS shall be capable of positioning each in-situ payload element to within 10 mm of a science target that has not been previously contacted by another in-situ instrument. |
3 |
1072 |
The IPS shall be capable of orienting each in-situ payload element to within 10 degrees of normal to a science target's local surface that has not been previously contacted by another in-situ instrument. |
3 |
1073 |
After placing the MI in position for imaging, the motion of the IDD shall damp down to an amplitude of less than 30 microns within 15 seconds. |
Table 4.2.1 provides a prioritized overview of the MI and IDD system-level calibration and testing plan. "Flight-like" environmental conditions refer to thermal/vacuum environment during integrated system tests. Each of these tests is described in more detail below. The dust cover flat field test has medium priority because imaging through the dust cover is not required except in the event of dust cover actuator failure. Stray/scattered light test has medium priority because it will be difficult to apply laboratory test results to inflight observations of scattered/stray light from complex sources.
Table 4.2.1 - Overview of MI/IDD System-Level Calibration and Test Plan
Test |
Priority |
Environmental Conditions |
1. Dust cover flat field |
Medium |
Ambient |
2. Target imaging CCT Magnet array |
High |
Flight-like |
3. IDD tests Positioning control Positioning knowledge Contact sensor position MI boresight alignment Vibration damping time |
Flight-like |
4. Stray/scattered light |
Medium |
Ambient |
5. Coherent noise |
High |
Flight-like |
Determine effects of variations in dust cover transmission on MI flat field by imaging spatially flat target through dust cover.
At least 3 well-exposed (above half well) flat field images with dust cover open; at least 3 well-exposed (above half well) flat field images with dust cover closed.
Pixel response across entire image accurate to ±2%, in compliance with Level 3 requirement #54 (relative radiometric accuracy).
10-inch integrating sphere, dust cover actuator support electronics or integrated rover. Dark frames at same temperature and integration time or dark current model.
Average multiple dark-corrected images taken with cover closed, divide result by average of multiple dark-corrected images taken with cover open. Archive all image data.
The MI dust cover will not be integrated until after the standalone camera calibration.
Take multiple images of CCT and magnet array on flight rover to confirm IDD positioning accuracy. Test flight software commands to position MI on CCT and magnet array repeatably.
Images of CCT and magnet array at various distances from target, from contact through best focus to 10 mm beyond best focus, in 3 mm steps.
Knowledge of MI position relative to target to ±1 mm, in order to verify Level 3 requirements #310, #312, #313, #316 (IDD positioning).
Thermal/vacuum simulating landed environment.
Simulations of IDD positioning in Mars gravity relative to Earth gravity. Geometric layout of target features to ±15 micrometers. Dark frames at same temperature and integration time or dark current model.
Dark-correct each image, process to identify best-focused image. Determine optimal IDD command sequence to image each target. Archive all image data and command sequences used to acquire them.
Can be done in ambient conditions if temperature-dependent changes in IDD positioning are known.
Take images of precision test target and measure position and orientation of MI relative to rover coordinate frame. Determine IDD positioning control accuracy and repeatability (including backlash) and positioning knowledge accuracy. Determine position of image plane immediately following contact sensing and orientation of MI boresight relative to IDD coordinate frame. Measure damping of IDD vibrations immediately following various IDD motions. These tests will provide information needed to accurately command IDD to acquire MI image sequences, and to construct MI camera models.
Measure each MI position in Cartesian rover coordinates and each orientation of the MI boresight relative to the rover coordinate frame.
Measure IDD positioning accuracy to ±3 mm and ±3° in order to verify Level 3 requirements #310, 312, 1071 and 1072. Measure IDD positioning repeatability to ±2 mm and ±2° in order to verify Level 3 requirement #313. These measurements will also enable coregistration of MI images with other imaging data (Level 2 requirement #921). Measure IDD incremental positioning along MI boresight to better than ±1 mm to verify Level 3 requirement #316. Measure vibration of IDD 5, 10, 15, and 20 seconds after motion to within ±15 micrometers to verify Level 3 requirement #1073.
Thermal/vacuum simulating landed environment.
Simulations of IDD positioning in Mars gravity relative to Earth gravity. Three-dimensional target with dimensions known to ±15 micrometers. Dark frames at same temperature and integration time or accurate dark current model. Locations of target relative to rover to ±1 mm or better. Theodelite measurements of rover, IDD, MI and target positions.
Dark-correct each image, process to identify best-focused parts of each image and derive MI position and orientation relative to target. Reduce theodolite data to rover coordinates. Archive all image data and command sequences used to acquire them.
Can be done in ambient conditions if temperature-dependent changes in IDD positioning are known.
Evaluate effects of scattering of light from components integrated after standalone testing. Take images of dark target with MI dust cover and contact sensor directly illuminated by a source outside of the field of view.
Move the light source in 10° angular increments past the edge of field to a TBD deg final angle, taking illuminated and background frames at each location. Repeat imaging with dust cover closed. Emphasize configurations in which scattering into MI optics is most likely.
Factor of 2 to 10 in scattered/stray light relative to source will verify that Level 3 requirement #53 has been met.
Collimator, 1-axis angular motion, black shroud, target, 10" sphere light source. Perform light source stability test; measure reflectivity of black shroud material.
Background subtracted from illuminated frames, which are then compared to a background frame. Curves of scattered light intensity vs. field angle for off-axis sources. Magnitude and preferential orientation of any internal ghost images.
Compare to stray light analysis; cold reduces dark current (increases contrast), but probably too difficult to perform inside thermal/vacuum chamber.
Examine all MI dark images taken during system testing, especially those at low temperatures, for evidence of coherent noise. Noise sources on the integrated flight system should be recognized when subsystems are powered.
Acquire MI dark frames at a wide variety of temperatures and operating conditions, especially at low temperatures.
Measure amplitude of coherent noise to ±10 e- to verify that Level 3 requirements #54 (relative radiometric accuracy) and #55 (SNR) are met.
Thermal/vacuum simulating landed environment.
Dark frames at similar temperature and integration time taken during standalone camera calibration. Determine source(s) of coherent noise (if any) at subsystem (camera) level. If different noise patterns are detected during system tests, attempt to locate and evaluate noise sources.
Contrast-enhance all images in near-real time to search for coherent noise patterns. Archive all image data and command sequences used to acquire them.
Potential noise sources must be operating during these tests.
MI flight software must be tested before launch to verify proper function. Much of the MI flight software (FSW) is similar to the FSW that will support operation of the other MER cameras, so some of the software tests discussed below are duplicated in the test plans for the other cameras. Table 5.1.1 provides a prioritized overview of the MI software calibration and testing requirements. Verification of pixel summing has medium priority because it is less likely to be used on MI images. Each of these tests is described in more detail below.
Table 5.1.1 - Overview of MI Software Calibration and Test Plan
Test |
Priority |
1. Verification of ICER Compression Performance (including effects on radiometry) |
High |
2. Verification of Auto Exposure Performance |
High |
3. Verification of Bias and Dark Modeling Subtraction Capabilities |
High |
4. Verification of Bad Pixel Correction |
High |
5. Verification of Readout Smear (Electronic Shutter) Correction |
High |
6. Verification of IDD Pointing and Deployment |
High |
7. Verification of Subframing |
High |
8. Verification of Flat Fielding Correction |
High |
9. Verification of Pixel Summing Capability |
Medium |
10. Determination of Wall Clock Time to Complete Every Commandable Feature |
Medium |
Flight system testbed, or similar flight-like computer system.
At least one high-signal/noise MI image each of natural rock and soil surfaces (such as those described in section 3.4.6 above) should be compressed losslessly and using various levels of lossy compression. Compare the compressed images with the original 16-bit images and gather statistics of the differences. Deviations between the original and compressed images will be used to assess the effects of various levels of ICER compression on radiometric precision and accuracy.
Test automatic exposure algorithm on targets with a variety of entropy characteristics, from flat to very complex (with specular reflections and/or dark shadows). Determine and document optimum algorithm parameters for each type of target.
Test commandable bias level circuit at various temperatures. Acquire dark current images with target image data and compare results of subtracting entire dark frame with correction using "extra pixel" values.
Construct bad pixel map and table. Confirm that algorithm corrects all bad pixels.
Test algorithm at various integration times, from minimum to smear threshold derived from standalone calibration (section 3.4.7). Confirm that FSW correctly recognizes when integration time is below threshold and automatically acquires and subtracts a zero-exposure frame.
Verify ability to position and point MI at wide variety of targets. Target geometry should extremes of IDD workspace.
Acquire full frames and subframes of high-entropy target to confirm that subframing software performs correctly.
Load flat field correction image/table into memory, ensure that high-signal/noise target image is properly flattened.
Acquire full image frame and summed frames to confirm that arithmetic is performed properly by pixel summing algrorithm.
Log execution time of all MI-related commands.
PEL: Approval of test plan, evaluation of data quality, acceptance of test results.
FSW team: Approval of test plan, code modifications, configuration control.
In order to verify the accuracy of preflight calibration and to identify changes in camera performance, acquisition of a limited amount of inflight calibration data is planned. Analysis of these data will enable updating of calibration parameters if necessary, perhaps improving MI calibration. Anticipated inflight calibration activities are described below.
During cruise to Mars, MI dark current images and extra pixel data will be acquired and returned to Earth. These dark data should be acquired at different temperatures if possible and losslessly compressed. This will serve as a functional test and permit the dark current model to be verified and/or updated. Extra pixel data will also be acquired and returned during the landed mission.
During surface operations, in particular during the "calibration campaign" soon after landing, images of the CCT and magnet array will serve to verify IDD positioning accuracy and MI focus distance. This test will take advantage of the experience and sequences derived from the system level test 4.3.2 described above. Any changes with respect to preflight calibration data will be analyzed and may be used to modify MI/IDD command sequences.
MI images of the martian sky, taken with the dust cover open and closed, will be used to verify flat field calibration and perhaps update it. Sky images could be acquired while the Mössbauer or APX spectrometers are placed against a surface target, for example.
All calibration data will be acquired in the PDS file format, so that it can be archived directly into the PDS without having to go through a file conversion. Calibration file labels and the details of the format itself will be defined by the Athena Data and Archives Working Group (DAWG) and are described in the MER Archive Generation, Validation, and Transfer Plan (MER 420-1-200; JPL D-19658).
Within 6 months of the completion of ATLO calibration activities, the MI PEL will deliver a detailed MI Calibration Report to the Principal Investigator that fully documents the procedures that were followed and the results that were obtained. A single report shall contain the detailed calibration data and algorithms for both MER-A and MER-B flight units. This calibration report will be archived in the PDS.
Staffing for calibration activities includes JPL engineering, science, and calibration team support plus science team support from the PEL, Athena Co-Is, Athena team affiliates, and their graduate and undergraduate student helpers as needed. A staffing plan will be generated for each calibration run assuring that the science team will be prepared to support 24/7 calibration activities with up to 3 shifts consisting of at least 3 science team members or affiliates/designates per shift.
The MI system-level calibration and test schedule is still largely TBD, but the tests described in section 4 are expected to occur in late 2002 to early 2003.
Figure 1:
Example of a rock and standards calibration target
designed by Athena Co-I Dick Morris, imaged by the APEX
Pancam instrument during standalone camera calibration in
1999. Each rock tile is approximately 2.5 cm square.