PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2017-05-12 NOTE = "This file describes known errors or deficiencies in this archive volume set." END_OBJECT = TEXT END Users are encouraged to provide comments back to the Imaging Node of the PDS if errors or omissions are found either in data or in documentation. Please send comments by e-mail or U.S. mail to the Imaging Node PDS Operator: PDS - Flagstaff Imaging Node United states Geological Survey 2255 North Gemini Drive Flagstaff, AZ 86001 Electronic mail address: pdsmgr@usgs.gov An updated version of this file is maintained online at the Imaging Node of the Planetary Data System. The online errata list can be found within Mercury Messenger related content on the World Wide Web at http://pdsimg.jpl.nasa.gov/ This file, ERRATA.TXT, contains release notes and errata concerning the MESSENGER MDIS DDR archive. During the course of the MESSENGER mission the MDIS science team may update previously released data products or documentation; for example, updates may occur due to changes in calibration data or procedures. Updates will be reported in this file and be distinguished in the archive by an increase in the version number contained in the file name. Older versions of data and documentation will not be retained in the archive. Section A of this file contains an entry for each MESSENGER release with general information about the contents of the release, in order from newest to oldest. Updates to previously released files are reported in these entries, along with any known errata. Section B of this file contains general notes, if any, concerning the archive as a whole. ******** SECTION A ******** RELEASE NUMBER: 16 RELEASE DATE: 2017-05-12 DATA COVERAGE: 2011-03-29 to 2015-02-24 (Mercury Orbit, Mercury Orbit Year 2, Mercury Orbit Year 3, Mercury Orbit Year 4, Mercury Orbit Year 5) PRODUCT TYPES RELEASED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: None PRODUCT TYPES UPDATED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: MDIS DDR (Partial) REASON FOR UPDATES: Improved SPICE parameters This is an update to the DDR volume. A subset of the on-orbit products have been reprocessed. For the reprocessed products, filenames and label PRODUCT_ID have been updated to indicate version 2. All existing version 1 files are retained in the archive volume. The c-smithed SPICE ck kernel used in processing the version 1 products is archived at the NAIF PDS node (data set ID: MESS-E/V/H-SPICE-6-V1.0). The MESSENGER MDIS Derived Data Record (DDR) Geometry Data data set consists of MDIS image backplanes with latitude and longitude, incidence, emission, and phase angles. Version 1 of the DDRs includes files for images acquired at Mercury over the interval 2008-01-09 to 2015-04-30. Version 1 DDRs are calculated using the best-determined spacecraft and instrument pointing values, spacecraft position, and camera model recorded in SPICE kernels and utilize a global Digital Elevation Model (DEM). Additionally, for images that contributed to the creation of the global DEM product (roughly 100,000 total images, either NAC or 750-nm-filter WAC images), the control information resulting from the DEM product, contained in c-smithed kernels (archived at the NAIF PDS node, data set ID: MESS-E/V/H-SPICE-6-V1.0), was also used in the creation of the DDRs for the corresponding images. Version 2 of the DDRs includes files for a subset of the images covered by Version 1 that were acquired during MESSENGER's orbital mission from 2011-03-29 to 2015-04-30. The subset of images included are 750-nm-filter WAC images that contribute to the MDIS 8-Color Map Projected Multispectral Reduced Data Record (MDR), the MDIS 3-Color Map Projected Multispectral Reduced Data Record (MD3), or the MDIS 5-Color Map Projected Multispectral (MP5) Reduced Data Record. These images were added to the global DEM control network after production of the global DEM product to produce updated c-smithed kernels (see the PDS NAIF archive data set mess-e/v/h-spice-6-v1.0), which were used along with the global DEM to calculate the DDR's values in the Version 2 files. For 750-nm-filter WAC images with c-smithed kernels produced from both Version 1 and from Version 2 efforts, slight differences in DDR values may be present between the two versions. Version 1 of the DDRs is optimized for MDIS global monochrome products, including the MDIS Map Projected Basemap Reduced Data Record (BDR), the MDIS Map Projected High-Incidence Angle Basemap Illuminated from the East (HIE) Reduced Data Record, the MDIS Map Projected High-Incidence Angle Basemap Illuminated from the West (HIW) Reduced Data Record, and the MDIS Map Projected Low-Incidence Angle (LOI) Basemap Reduced Data Record. Version 2 of the DDRs is optimized for MDIS multispectral products of the MDR, MD3, and MP5. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- RELEASE NUMBER: 15 RELEASE DATE: 2016-05-06 DATA COVERAGE: 2008-01-09 to 2015-04-30 (Mercury 1 Flyby, Mercury 2 Cruise, Mercury 2 Flyby, Mercury 3 Cruise, Mercury 3 Flyby, Mercury 4 Cruise, Mercury Orbit, Mercury Orbit Year 2, Mercury Orbit Year 3, Mercury Orbit Year 4, Mercury Orbit Year 5) PRODUCT TYPES RELEASED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: MDIS DDR PRODUCT TYPES UPDATED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: MDIS DDR REASON FOR UPDATES: Full reprocess This is the final full release for this volume which includes a complete redelivery of all calibrated data products. These have been reprocessed using the final SPICE parameters, all final calibrations and corrections, as applicable with the following exceptions: None. Filenames and label PRODUCT_ID have been updated to indicate version 1. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- RELEASE NUMBER: 13 RELEASE DATE: 2015-03-06 DATA COVERAGE: 2013-03-18 to 2014-03-17 PRODUCT TYPES RELEASED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: MDIS DDR PRODUCT TYPES UPDATED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: None REASON FOR UPDATES: N/A No known errors or variances. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- RELEASE NUMBER: 11 RELEASE DATE: 2014-03-07 DATA COVERAGE: 2008-01-08 to 2013-03-17 PRODUCT TYPES RELEASED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: MDIS DDR PRODUCT TYPES UPDATED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: None REASON FOR UPDATES: N/A No known errors or variances. ******** SECTION B ******** This section is provided for general notes concerning the archive as a whole. There are no general errors or notes to report.