CCSD3ZF0000100000001NJPL3IF0PDS200000001 = SFDU_LABEL                         
RECORD_TYPE                       = FIXED_LENGTH                              
RECORD_BYTES                      = 80                                        
SPACECRAFT_NAME                   = MAGELLAN                                  
TARGET_NAME                       = VENUS                                     
OBJECT                            = TEXT                                      
PUBLICATION_DATE                  = 1993-07-25                                
NOTE                              = "COMMENTS ON MAGELLAN MIDR CD-ROMS"       
                   COMMENTS ON MAGELLAN MIDR CD-ROMS                          
1.  Purpose of This Document                                                  
    This document is a cumulative summary of comments concerning the          
Magellan MIDR data set published on CD-ROMs.  It contains comments on         
all the MIDR CD-ROMs published so far.  Comments include information of       
interest to users of the data and notes about any known errors on the         
2.  General Comments                                                          
2.1  Normalization of Data                                                    
    Note that the eight-bit digital numbers (DN's) for each MIDR pixel        
on the CD-ROM's were computed by taking the estimated backscatter cross       
sections, dividing the values by the value for the Muhleman scattering        
law at the same incidence angles, converting to decibels, and scaling         
to bytes.  The Muhleman Law has the following expression:                     
        sigma naught = A cos(i) / (sin(i) + B cos(i)) ** 3                    
Values for A and B were meant to be 0.0188 and 0.111, respectively            
Through an error, the A value used for the Muhleman Law estimate              
was 0.0118.  As a result of this mistake, the pixel values are                
systematically about 10 DN (2 dB) greater than they should be according       
to the planned algorithm.  Also, because of an indexing error, the            
incidence angles used in the above equation were 0.5 degrees lower than       
the actual angles.                                                            
2.2  VICAR2 Labels of Browse Images                                           
    The browse versions of MIDR's were created by reducing the original       
7168 by 8192 MIDR by a factor of 8.  The VICAR2 labels for the browse         
images do not accurately reflect the size reduction, in that parameters       
PROJSAMP, PIXSIZ, and SPECLINE still pertain to the original MIDR size.       
2.3  Data Feathering                                                          
    MIDR products on the CD-ROM's, in some cases, have had a feathering       
algorithm applied to suppress banding due to BIDR differences.  The file      
CONTENTS.TAB includes a column (column no. 31) that specifies whether         
or not feathering has been applied.  A "C" in this column indicates           
correction by feathering, while an "R" means not feathered.                   
3.  Comments on volume MG_0001, version 2                                     
3.1  Difference between MG_0001 file structure and Standard file structure    
    The files MCUMDIR and CONTENTS are in the root directory of MG_0001.      
They are in subdirectory INDEX of MG_0002 and subsequent CD's.  In addition,  
MG_0001 has a label file PMIDRDS.LBL in the LABEL directory.  This file       
is replaced by NPMIDRDS.LBL and SPMIDRDS.LBL in the LABEL subdirectory        
of MG_0002 and subsequent CD's.  For MG_0002 and subsequent CD's, a number    
of other label and text files (including AAREADME.TXT) have been updated to   
reflect these and a few other minor changes.                                  
3.2  Difference between Standard and Engineering F-MIDR's                     
    The ten F-MIDR's on this CD-ROM are not standard products; rather,        
they are engineering test products generated before delivery of               
operational software.  There are three primary differences between            
Engineering F-MIDR's and standard F-MIDR's.  First, Engineering F-MIDR's      
consist of 20 orbits whereas standard F-MIDR's contain 24 orbits.             
Second, Engineering F-MIDR's are not necessarily complete on the trailing     
edge and may contain missing orbits within the body of the mosaic that        
have since been processed.  The gap at the trailing edge of some of the       
F-MIDR's is a start of mapping gap and is present because processing          
began with orbit 376.  Gaps in the bodies of the F-MIDR's are present         
because the Image Data Processing Team (IDPT) was instructed not to wait      
until all orbits had completed the processing queue.  Therefore, orbits       
that the SAR Data Processing Team (SDPT) had trouble processing appear        
as gaps in the Engineering F-MIDR's even though the orbit has now been        
3.3  Error in VICAR2 Keyword PROJSAMP                                         
    This CD-ROM has an error in the VICAR2 labels for the mosaicked           
framelets.  Specifically, the value for PROJSAMP does not vary from           
framelet to framelet.                                                         
3.4  VICAR2 Labels of MIDR Framelets                                          
    Some of the MIDR framelet files have a VICAR2 label embedded at the       
end of the file, in addition to the normal VICAR2 label at the beginning      
of the file.  This extra label is not documented in the PDS detached label.   
3.5  Product ID in VICAR2 Label                                               
    In two of the data subdirectories, the product ID given in the            
VICAR2 embedded labels is not correct.  Specifically, the VICAR2 label        
has an N for north latitude instead of an S for south latitude.  The          
correct IDs are as follows:                                                   
     directory   product ID in VICAR2 labels   correct product ID             
     ---------   ---------------------------   ------------------             
     [F05S335]         F-MIDR.05N335             F-MIDR.05S335                
     [F40S342]         F-MIDR.40N342             F-MIDR.40S342                
3.6  Error in BROWSE.LBL Files                                                
    The PDS label files for the browse images on this CD-ROM (all named       
BROWSE.LBL) contain incorrect entries in the IMAGE object.  The keyword       
LINES, which shows a value of 1024, should have the value 896.  The keyword   
LINE_SAMPLES, which shows a value of 896, should have the value 1024.         
4.  Comments on Volume MG_0003, version 1                                     
    The F-MIDR products, F50S345, F55N337, F60N334, F65N330 and F75N332,      
on CD-ROM MG_0003 are the standard product replacements for five of the       
engineering test product F-MIDRD's on MG_0001.                                
5.  Comments on GEO.LBL for Volumes MG_0001 to MG_0022                        
    The PDS label file GEO.LBL on Magellan CD's volumes 1 to 22 contain       
incorrect DESCRIPTION keyword entries for the objects MINIMUM_LONGITUDE       
and MAXIMUM_LONGITUDE.  The correct entries for these objects are:            
 OBJECT                         = COLUMN                                      
  NAME                          = MINIMUM_LONGITUDE                           
  DATA_TYPE                     = REAL                                        
  UNIT                          = DEGREE                                      
  START_BYTE                    = 19                                          
  BYTES                         = 8                                           
  DESCRIPTION                   = "The minimum_longitude element specifies    
     the westernmost (left_most) longitude of the feature."                   
 END_OBJECT                     = COLUMN                                      
 OBJECT                         = COLUMN                                      
  NAME                          = MAXIMUM_LONGITUDE                           
  DATA_TYPE                     = REAL                                        
  UNIT                          = DEGREE                                      
  START_BYTE                    = 28                                          
  BYTES                         = 8                                           
  DESCRIPTION                   = "The maximum_longitude element specifies    
     the easternmost (right_most) longitude of the feature."                  
 END_OBJECT                     = COLUMN                                      
Previously, the DESCRIPTION keyword for MINIMUM_LONGITUDE referred to         
"easternmost" and the DESCRIPTION keyword for MAXIMUM_LONGITUDE referred      
to "westernmost".                                                             
6.  Comments on Volume MG_0012                                                
    Framelet 56 for C1-MIDR 60N014 has zeros in approximately 6.5 records     
starting at line 605 sample 513 and continuing to line 611 sample 1024.       
This will result in a horizontal black band across the framelet and may       
cause problems with some automated processing algorithms.                     
7.  Comments on Volume MG_0014                                                
    Framelet 36 for C1-MIDR 00N009 has zeros in approximately 7 records       
starting at line 316 sample 513 and continuing to line 323 sample 512.        
This will result in a horizontal black band across the framelet and may       
cause problems with some automated processing algorithms.                     
8.  Comments on Volume MG_0015                                                
    Framelet 22 for F-MIDR 20N097 has zeros in approximately 6 records        
starting at line 360 sample 513 and continuing to line 366 sample 512.        
This will result in a horizontal black band across the framelet and may       
cause problems with some automated processing algorithms.                     
9.  Comments on Volumes MG_0023 to MG_0026                                    
    The PUBLICATION_DATE keyword in MCUMCOMM.TXT shows an incorrect date.     
The date is supposed to be 1991-10-03 not 1991-09-03.                         
10. Comments on Volume MG_0030                                                
    The file CONTENTS.TAB, in directory INDEX, shows 141 as the maximum       
longitude for product C1_75N119.  The maximum longitude entry for this        
product should be 186.                                                        
11. Comments on Volume MG_0038                                                
    The VICAR labels for all image files (*.IMG) in the directory F45N241     
incorrectly list this product as being 'F-MIDR.45N241;1'.  This product is    
actually 'F-MIDR.45N241;2', i.e. version 2.  The detached PDS labels in       
this directory are correct.                                                   
12. Comments on Volume MG_0041                                                
12.1   Comments on FRAME.TAB                                                  
    The file FRAME.TAB in directory C175N209 incorrectly reports the maximum  
longitude of framelet C1F02 to be 175.9575.  This should be 183.4368.  Also,  
FRAME.TAB reports the minimum longitude of framelet C1F03 to be 183.4495.     
The minimum longitude for framelet C1F03 is 175.9738.  (Although locations    
are reported to four significant figures, spatial accuracy is actually much   
12.2   Comments on [C175N209]C1F02.LBL                                        
    The MAXIMUM_LONGITUDE keyword in this file has a value of 175.9575.  The  
value should be 183.4368.                                                     
12.3   Comments on [C175N209]C1F03.LBL                                        
    The MINIMUM_LONGITUDE keyword in this file has a value of 183.4495.  The  
value should be 175.9738.                                                     
12.4   Comments on CONTENTS.TAB                                               
    The file CONTENTS.TAB, in directory INDEX, reports 186 as the minimum     
longitude for product C1_75N209.  The minimum longitude entry for this        
product should be 142.                                                        
13. Comments on Volume MG_0043                                                
    The file CONTENTS.TAB, in subdirectory INDEX, reports the maximum         
latitude (northernmost), the minimum latitude (southernmost), the maximum     
longitude (easternmost) and the minimum longitude (westernmost).  Since the   
product C2-MIDR 60N033 on this CD lies in the far northern hemisphere, the    
image wraps around itself.  Consequently, the maximum longitude and minimum   
longitude entries in CONTENTS.TAB are not appropriate indications of the      
longitude limits for this image.  These entries in CONTENTS.TAB have          
therefore been set to 0. This approach adheres to the file structure given    
in the MIDRCD SIS.  Note that the top edge of this product extends for 401    
degrees, from 192.1 degrees, through 360 degrees and continuing to 233.2      
14. Comments on GEO.TAB on all volumes                                        
    GEO.TAB contains names and locations of specific features on Venus.  The  
file is dynamic and contains a number of spelling and location errors.  The   
file is periodically updated, and the user should be careful in using this    
data.  Contact Raymond Batson if you have comments on GEO.TAB.                
                           Raymond Batson                                     
                           Branch of Astrogeology                             
                           U.S. Geological Survey                             
                           2255 North Gemini Drive                            
                           Flagstaff, Arizona  86001                          
                           (602) 556-7260                                     
                           NASAmail: RAY.BATSON                               
15. Comments on PDS Data Set Map Project Keyword Descriptions on all volumes  
     The following information, concerning the definitions of some PDS        
keywords, should be added to the DATA_SET_MAP_PROJECT_CATALOG descriptions    
contained in [LABEL]DSMAP*.LBL files.                                         
    NOTE: The PDS keywords whose names begin 'X_' and 'Y_', e.g.              
    to denote LINE and 'Y' to denote SAMPLE. This is reversed relative        
    to the definitions in Snyder (1987), i.e. x(Snyder) = y(PDS), and         
    y(Snyder) = -x(PDS).                                                      
    Snyder, John P., (1987)  "Map projections -- a working manual",           
            U. S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Paper 1395, 383p., 1987.                  
16. Comments on Volume MG_0051                                                
    The C2 MIDR's C260N333, C260N153 and C260N093 on this CD lie far enough   
north so that the top boundaries of these products actually wrap around       
themselves.  Consequently, the entries in [INDEX]CONTENTS.TAB, maximum        
longitude (easternmost) and minimum longitude (westernmost), for these        
products are not an appropriate indication of the limits of these products.   
These entries have therefore been set to 0.  Latitude and longitude limits    
for these products can be obtained from the VICAR label or from the file      
  C260N333   the top edge of this product extends for 401 degrees, from       
             132.1 degrees, through 360 degrees and continuing to 173.2       
  C260N153   the top edge of this product extends for 401 degrees, from       
             312.1 degrees, through 360 degrees and continuing to 353.2       
  C260N093   the top edge of this product extends for 401 degrees, from       
             252.1 degrees, through 360 degrees and continuing to 293.2       
17. Comments on "PRODUCT_ID" for Volumes MG_0053 and Above                    
    With the advent of cycle 2 data on volume MG_0053, it was decided         
to alter the format and meaning of PRODUCT_ID version numbers (note that      
the version number follows the ";" in the PRODUCT_ID).                        
    If the PRODUCT_ID has a single digit version number (e.g.                 
F-MIDR.25N333;1), the product is a cycle 1 product.  In this case, a          
higher version number means an improved version of the same product.          
    If the PRODUCT_ID has a three digit version number (e.g.                  
F-MIDR.15S049;201), the version number format is :                            
                  c   is the cycle number                                     
                  vv  is a "version" number.                                  
However, in this case the version number does NOT necessarily refer           
to an improved version of the same product.  It may mean that this            
is a completely different type of MIDR product at this latitude and           
longitude.  For example, F-MIDR.nnzmmm;202 may be a right looking             
image while F-MIDR.nnzmmm;201 is a left looking one.  The file                
[INDEX]CONTENTS.TAB will provide this information.                            
18. Comments on GEOM.TAB for MG_0001 to MG_0052                               
    The file GEOM.TAB in each product sub-directory contains geometry         
information such as orbit number, boresight longitude and latitude, etc.      
The orbit numbers referenced in these files on CD's 1 to 52 are               
incorrect.  The table entry for orbit number was 3 bytes long when it         
should have been 4 bytes.  Cycle 1 and cycle 2 orbit numbers were also        
intermixed.  These files should not be used.  The problem has been fixed      
for MG_0053 and future CD's.  Corrected versions of past GEOM.TAB             
files will be available on a future CD.                                       
19. Comments on GEO.TAB for MG_0001 to MG_0052                                
    The file GEO.TAB, contained in the top level directory, reports           
the positions and types of Venus features.  Up to and including CD 52         
this file has included the names of provisional features.  Starting           
with CD 53, GEO.TAB includes only the names of IAU (International             
Astronomical Union) approved features.                                        
20. Comments on Volume MG_0054                                                
20.1 [INDEX]CONTENTS.TAB Values                                               
    The C2 MIDR's C260N213, C260S213, C260S153, C260S093, C260S033 and        
C260S273 on this CD lie far enough north (or south) so that the top           
(or bottom) boundaries of these products wrap around themselves.              
Consequently, the entries in [INDEX]CONTENTS.TAB, maximum longitude           
(easternmost) and minimum longitude (westernmost), for these products         
are not an appropriate indication of the limits of these products.            
These entries have therefore been set to 0.  Latitude and longitude limits    
for these products can be obtained from the VICAR label or from the file      
  C260N213   the top edge of this product extends for 401 degrees, from       
             12.1 degrees, through 360 degrees and continuing to 53.2         
  C260S213   the bottom edge of this product extends for 401 degrees, from    
             12.1 degrees, through 360 degrees and continuing to 53.2         
  C260S153   the bottom edge of this product extends for 401 degrees, from    
             312.1 degrees, through 360 degrees and continuing to 353.2       
  C260S093   the bottom edge of this product extends for 401 degrees, from    
             252.1 degrees, through 360 degrees and continuing to 293.2       
  C260S033   the bottom edge of this product extends for 401 degrees, from    
             192.1 degrees, through 360 degrees and continuing to 233.2       
  C260S273   the bottom edge of this product extends for 401 degrees, from    
             72.1 degrees, through 360 degrees and continuing to 113.2        
20.2 VICAR Label Keywords for Product C160N347                                
    VICAR labels in Magellan image files contain a keyword "IMAGE".  This     
keyword is supposed to have the value "NORMALIZED RADAR CROSS SECTION".       
The VICAR keyword "IMAGE" in all image files (*.IMG) for the product          
C160N347 on volume MG_0054, contains the incorrect value "RADAR CROSS         
SECTION POWER".                                                               
21. Comments on Volume MG_0060                                                
21.1 [INDEX]MCUMDIR.LBL                                                       
     The PDS label file [INDEX]MCUMDIR.LBL is missing a line (the             
fifth record) containing the ^TABLE value.  The fifth record of this          
file should be:                                                               
  ^TABLE                            = "MCUMDIR.TAB"                           
21.2 Version number for [C100N060]                                            
     The keyword "PRODUCT", in the VICAR labels for the files                 
BROWSE.IMG and C1F*.IMG, incorrectly list this product as being               
'C1-MIDR.00N060;201'.  The product in this directory is                       
'C1-MIDR.00N060;202'.  This is a cycle 2 product with a "right"               
look direction.  The product in directory C100N060 of volume MG_0057 is       
the 201 ("left" look direction) version of C100N060.  Since the VICAR         
labels were incorrect, the  "IMAGE_ID" keyword in the following files         
also incorrectly refer to this product as 'C1-MIDR.00N060;201':               
This product, 'C1-MIDR.00N060;202', is correctly referred to by the           
file [INDEX]MCUMDIR.TAB and by the product listing associated with            
22. Comments on Volume MG_0061                                                
22.1 [INDEX]CONTENTS.TAB Values                                               
    The C2 MIDR's C260N033, C260N153 and C260N273 on this CD lie far          
enough north so that the top boundaries of these products wrap around         
themselves.  Consequently, the entries in [INDEX]CONTENTS.TAB, maximum        
longitude (easternmost) and minimum longitude (westernmost), for these        
products are not an appropriate indication of the limits of these             
products.  These entries have therefore been set to 0.  The actual limits     
of these products are:                                                        
  C260N033   the top edge of this product extends for 401 degrees, from       
             192.1 degrees, through 360 degrees and continuing to 233.2       
  C260N153   the top edge of this product extends for 401 degrees, from       
             312.1 degrees, through 360 degrees and continuing to 353.2       
  C260N273   the top edge of this product extends for 401 degrees, from       
             72.1 degrees, through 360 degrees and continuing to 113.2        
22.2 [INDEX]MCUMDIR.LBL                                                       
     This file has the wrong record format.  It is a variable length          
(max 255 byte) file.  The file should be: fixed length, 80 byte.              
23. Comments on Volume MG_0063                                                
23.1 [INDEX]MCUMDIR.LBL                                                       
     The fifth record, which contains the entry for ^TABLE, is missing        
the carriage return character (ASCII 13) in the 79th byte and the             
line feed character (ASCII 10) in the 80th byte.  This may cause a problem    
for automated procedures which use this file.                                 
23.2 [INDEX]MCUMDIR.TAB                                                       
     The last seven records of this file are a repeat of the previous         
seven records.                                                                
24. Comments on [INDEX]MCUMDIR.TAB for MG_0064 to MG_0066                     
     The file [INDEX]MCUMDIR.TAB on these CD's is an exact duplicate of       
the MCUMDIR.TAB file on CD 63.  The file was not updated for new entries      
and contains the repeated entries reported in section 22.2.                   
25. Comments Concerning VMS Record Attributes of IMAGE Files on All Volumes   
     Image files (*.IMG) and HIST.TAB files for all products on MIDR CD's     
use a "print file carriage control" record attribute instead of a  null       
"carriage control" record attribute.  This will cause a problem when using    
the COPY command in VMS.  In general there is no reason to COPY these files,  
as applications such as TAE or the standard FORTRAN library can access the    
files without any difficulty.                                                 
     The files can be copied, if necessary, using the VMS utility "CONVERT".  
Use any editor to produce a file called MIDR.FDL, which should contain the    
following lines:                                                              
        CARRIAGE_CONTROL        none                                          
        FORMAT                  fixed                                         
        SIZE                    1024                                          
The file can be "converted" to the hard disk using the command:               
  CONVERT/FDL=MIDR.FDL cddev:[directory1]file.IMG disk:[directory2]file.IMG   
where: cddev       is the VMS device name for the CD reader,                  
       directory1  is the directory name containing the image file to be      
       directory2  is the name of the directory where the converted file      
                   is to be placed,                                           
       disk        is the VMS device name for your hard disk,                 
and    file        is the name of of the file to be converted.                
For example, to convert a BROWSE.IMG file in the directory C260N273 on        
MG_0061, where the CD reader is the device DUB0: and the converted file       
is to be put onto the hard disk DUA0:, the command would be:                  
26. Comments on [LABEL]C3MIDRDS.LBL on Volume MG_0068 and Above               
    Starting with MG_0068 the description of C3-MIDRD's in                    
[LABEL]C3MIDRDS.LBL has been changed to more accurately read:                 
"One C3-MIDR frame covers 137.5 degrees in latitude and 157 degrees in        
 longitude, at the equator."                                                  
instead of:                                                                   
"One C3-MIDR frame covers 80 degrees in latitude and 120 degrees in           
 longitude.  No C3-MIDRs were generated during the first mapping cycle."      
27. Comments on Volume MG_0069                                                
27.1 [INDEX]CONTENTS.TAB Values                                               
    The C2 MIDR C260S333 lies far enough south so that the bottom boundary    
of this product wraps around itself.  The C3 MIDR C314N180 also wraps around  
itself due to the extreme scale of C3 MIDR's.  Consequently, the entries in   
[INDEX]CONTENTS.TAB, maximum longitude (easternmost) and minimum longitude    
(westernmost), for these products are not an appropriate indication of the    
limits of these products.  The entries for maximum longitude and minimum      
longitude in the file [INDEX]CONTENTS.TAB have therefore been set to 0.       
In some cases, for C3 MIDR's, an individual framelet has a longitude extent   
of more than 360 degrees.  The maximum and minimum longitude entries in       
FRAME.TAB have also been set to 0 when this occurs.  The latitude and         
longitude extents of these frames can be found from the VICAR label for       
each framelet.                                                                
  C260S333   the bottom edge of this product extends for 401 degrees, from    
             132.1 degrees, through 360 degrees and continuing to 173.2       
  C314N180   the top edge of this product extends for 1203.3 degrees, from    
             298.4 degrees, through 1080 degrees and continuing to 61.7       
27.2 [C314N180]FRAME.TAB Values                                               
     Note that individual framelets for the product C314N180, also wrap       
around themselves.  Thus maximum and minimum longitude entries for some       
framelets in the file [C314N180]FRAME.TAB have been set to 0.  Latitude       
and longitude limits for these products can be obtained from the VICAR        
27.3 [C314N180] PDS Label Files                                               
    The detached PDS label files for framelets C3F01, C3F02, C3F07            
and C1F08 should  have had the values of keywords MAXIMUM_LONGITUDE           
and MINIMUM_LONGITUDE set to 0.  Latitude and longitude product limits        
in the detached PDS label files should conform to those in the file           
FRAME.TAB.  This was not done for this product.                               
28. Comments on Volumes MG_0070, MG_0071, MG_0072 and MG_0073                 
    The file [INDEX]MCUMDIR.TAB is a cumulative listing of all CD-ROM         
products to date.  This file contains a field (start_byte 44) for the         
CD-ROM publication date.  The publication dates listed for the MG_0070        
and MG_0071 products show a 1991 date.  This date should be 1992. The         
[INDEX]MCUMDIR.TAB files on MG_0070, MG_0071, MG_0072 and MG_0073 contain     
this error.                                                                   
29. Comments on GEO.TAB on all volumes                                        
    GEO.TAB contains the names, locations and geologic type of specific       
features on Venus.  The file is dynamic and is periodically updated.          
GEO.TAB on volumes MG_0001 to MG_0052 contains provisional names as well      
as  IAU (International Astronomical Union) approved names.  Volumes MG_0053   
to MG_0073 have GEO.TAB files which contain only IAU approved names.          
GEO.TAB on volume MG_0074 and subsequent volumes is an updated list of        
features.  It contains IAU approved and provisional names as of June 1992.    
30. Comments on Volume MG_0078                                                
30.1 [INDEX]CONTENTS.TAB Values                                               
    Due to the extreme scale of C3 MIDR's the top edge (in the case of        
northern products) or the bottom edge (in the case of southern products)      
wraps around itself.  Consequently, the entries in [INDEX]CONTENTS.TAB,       
maximum longitude (easternmost) and minimum longitude (westernmost), are      
not an appropriate indication of the limits of these products.  The           
entries for maximum longitude and minimum longitude in [INDEX]CONTENTS.TAB    
have therefore been set to 0.  In some cases, an individual framelet has      
a longitude extent of more than 360 degrees.  The maximum and minimum         
longitude entries in FRAME.TAB have also been set to 0 when this occurs.      
The latitude and longitude extents for these frames can be found from         
the VICAR label for each framelet.                                            
  C314N060   the top edge of this product extends for 1203.3 degrees, from    
             178.4 degrees, through 1080 degrees and continuing to 301.6      
  C314N300   the top edge of this product extends for 1203.3 degrees, from    
             58.4 degrees, through 1080 degrees and continuing to 181.6       
  C314S060   the bottom edge of this product extends for 1203.3 degrees,      
             from 178.4 degrees, through 1080 degrees and continuing to       
             301.6 degrees.                                                   
  C314S180   the bottom edge of this product extends for 1203.3 degrees,      
             from 298.4 degrees, through 1080 degrees and continuing to       
             61.6 degrees.                                                    
  C314S300   the bottom edge of this product extends for 1203.3 degrees,      
             from 58.4 degrees, through 1080 degrees and continuing to        
             181.6 degrees.                                                   
30.2 FRAME.TAB Values for C3 MIDRD's                                          
     Note that individual framelets for the products C314N060, C314N300,      
C314S060, C314S18 and C314S300 also wrap around themselves.  Thus maximum     
and minimum longitude entries for framelets C3F01, C3F02, C3F07 and C3F08,    
in the case of north C3 MIDRD's, or framelets C3F49, C3F50, C3F55 and C3F56,  
in the case of south  C3 MIDRD's, in the file FRAME.TAB have been set to 0.   
Latitude and longitude limits for these products can be obtained from the     
VICAR label.                                                                  
30.3 PDS Label Files for C3 MIDRD's                                           
    The detached PDS label files for framelets C3F01, C3F02, C3F07            
and C3F08 in directories [C314N060] and [C314N300], and framelets C3F49,      
C3F50, C3F55 and C3F56 in [C314S060], [C314S180] and [C314S300] should  have  
had the values of keywords MAXIMUM_LONGITUDE and MINIMUM_LONGITUDE set to 0.  
Latitude and longitude product limits in the detached PDS label files should  
conform to those in the FRAME.TAB files.  This was not done for these         
31. Comments on MCUMCOMM.TXT product lists for MG_0027 to MG_0080             
    Starting with MG_0027, a list of MIDR products sorted by longitude        
and latitude is appended to the MCUMCOMM.TXT file.  This list includes        
all products from MG_0001 up to and including the CD the list appears on.     
A number of mistakes have been found in this list.                            
         CD NUMBER       LIST (incorrect)        SHOULD BE                    
             5               F65S005;1           F65S005;2                    
            38               F45N241;1           F45N241;2                    
            51              C175S066;1          C175S068;1                    
            51              C200N337;1          C200N337;2                    
            51              C250N333;1          C260N333;2                    
            51              C250N153;1          C260N153;2                    
            51              C230N335;1          C230N335;2                    
            66               F45S188;1           F45N188;1                    
These errors have been corrected for the lists on MG_0081 and above.          
32. Comments on Volume MG_0081                                                
    The C2 MIDR C260N333 on this CD lies far enough north so that the         
top boundary of this product wraps around itself.  Consequently, the          
entries in [INDEX]CONTENTS.TAB, maximum longitude (easternmost) and           
minimum longitude (westernmost) are not an appropriate indication of the      
limits of this product.  These entries have therefore been set to 0.          
Latitude and longitude limits can be obtained from the VICAR label or         
from the file FRAME.TAB.  The actual limits are:                              
  C260N333   the top edge of this product extends for 401 degrees, from       
             192.1 degrees, through 360 degrees and continuing to 233.2       
33. Comments on Volume MG_0082                                                
    Seven C2 MIDR's on this CD lie far enough north (or south) so that        
the top (or bottom) boundaries of these products wrap around themselves.      
Consequently, the entries in [INDEX]CONTENTS.TAB, maximum longitude           
(easternmost) and minimum longitude (westernmost) are not appropriate         
indications of the limits of these products.  These entries have therefore    
been set to 0.  Latitude and longitude limits can be obtained from the        
VICAR label or from the file FRAME.TAB.  The actual limits are:               
  C260N153   the top edge of this product extends for 401 degrees, from       
             312.1 degrees, through 360 degrees and continuing to 353.2       
  C260S033   the bottom edge of this product extends for 401 degrees, from    
             192.1 degrees, through 360 degrees and continuing to 233.2       
  C260S093   the bottom edge of this product extends for 401 degrees, from    
             252.1 degrees, through 360 degrees and continuing to 293.2       
  C260S273   the bottom edge of this product extends for 401 degrees, from    
             72.1 degrees, through 360 degrees and continuing to 113.2        
  C260S153   the bottom edge of this product extends for 401 degrees, from    
             312.1 degrees, through 360 degrees and continuing to 353.2       
  C260S213   the bottom edge of this product extends for 401 degrees, from    
             12.1 degrees, through 360 degrees and continuing to 53.2         
  C260S333   the bottom edge of this product extends for 401 degrees, from    
             132.1 degrees, through 360 degrees and continuing to 173.2       
34. Comments on Volume MG_0083                                                
    Five C2 MIDR's on this CD lie far enough north (or south) so that         
the top (or bottom) boundaries of these products wrap around themselves.      
Consequently, the entries in [INDEX]CONTENTS.TAB, maximum longitude           
(easternmost) and minimum longitude (westernmost) are not appropriate         
indications of the limits of these products.  These entries have therefore    
been set to 0.  Latitude and longitude limits can be obtained from the        
VICAR label or from the file FRAME.TAB.  The actual limits are:               
  C260S033   the bottom edge of this product extends for 401 degrees, from    
             192.1 degrees, through 360 degrees and continuing to 233.2       
  C260S273   the bottom edge of this product extends for 401 degrees, from    
             72.1 degrees, through 360 degrees and continuing to 113.2        
  C260S333   the bottom edge of this product extends for 401 degrees, from    
             132.1 degrees, through 360 degrees and continuing to 173.2       
  C260N093   the top edge of this product extends for 401 degrees, from       
             252.1 degrees, through 360 degrees and continuing to 293.2       
  C260N033   the top edge of this product extends for 401 degrees, from       
             192.1 degrees, through 360 degrees and continuing to 233.2       
35. Comments on Volume MG_0084                                                
35.1 [INDEX]CONTENTS.TAB Values                                               
    The C2 MIDR C260N033 lies far enough north so that the top boundary       
of this product wraps around itself.  The C3 MIDR's C314S060 and C314N300     
also wrap around themselves, due to the extreme scale of C3 MIDR's.           
Consequently, the entries in [INDEX]CONTENTS.TAB, maximum longitude           
(easternmost) and minimum longitude (westernmost), for these products are     
not an appropriate indication of the limits of these products.  The           
entries for maximum longitude and minimum longitude in the file               
[INDEX]CONTENTS.TAB have therefore been set to 0.  In the case of             
C3 MIDR's, an individual framelet may have a longitude extent of more         
than 360 degrees.                                                             
  C260N033   the top edge of this product extends for 401 degrees, from       
             192.1 degrees, through 360 degrees and continuing to 233.2       
  C314S060   the bottom edge of this product extends for 1203.3 degrees,      
             from 178.4 degrees, through 1080 degrees and continuing to       
             301.6 degrees.                                                   
  C314N300   the top edge of this product extends for 1203.3 degrees, from    
             58.4 degrees, through 1080 degrees and continuing to 181.6       
35.2 FRAME.TAB Values for C3 MIDRD's                                          
     Note that individual framelets for the products C314S060 and C314N300    
also wrap around themselves.  Thus maximum and minimum longitude entries for  
framelets C3F01, C3F02, C3F07 and C3F08, in the case of the north C3 MIDRD,   
or framelets C3F49, C3F50, C3F55 and C3F56, in the case of the south          
C3 MIDRD, in the file FRAME.TAB have been set to 0. Latitude and longitude    
limits for these products can be obtained from the VICAR label.               
35.3  Look Angle for [C230N026]                                               
     The C1 MIDRD's used to create the product C2-MIDR.30N026;301 were        
created using a combination of oribits designated as STEREO orbits and        
MAXWELL orbits.                                                               
36. Comments on Volume MG_0085                                                
36.1 [INDEX]CONTENTS.TAB Values                                               
     The C3 MIDR C314N180 wraps around itself due to the extreme scale of     
C3 MIDR's.  Consequently, the entries in [INDEX]CONTENTS.TAB, maximum         
longitude (easternmost) and minimum longitude (westernmost), for this         
product are not an appropriate indication of the limits of this MIDR.         
The entries for maximum longitude and minimum longitude in the file           
[INDEX]CONTENTS.TAB have therefore been set to 0.                             
  C314N060   the top edge of this product extends for 1203.3 degrees, from    
             178.4 degrees, through 1080 degrees and continuing to 301.6      
36.2 [C314N060]FRAME.TAB Values                                               
     Note that individual framelets for the product C314N060, also wrap       
around themselves.  Thus maximum and minimum longitude entries for            
framelets C3F01, C3F02, C3F07 and C3F08 in the file [C314N060]FRAME.TAB       
have been set to 0.  Latitude and longitude limits for these products         
can be obtained from the VICAR label.                                         
37. Product Lists for Volumes MG_0001 to MG_0090                              
    The following is a list of MIDR products, sorted by longitude then        
by latitude (from north pole to south pole).                                  
                              PRODUCT TYPE:  FMIDRS                           
 F_25N003;301  87   3       F_10S132;1    15   1       F_45S234;201  74   2   
 F_25N003;1     7   1       F_30S136;1    15   1       F_45S234;1    67   1   
 F_20N003;1     7   1       F_35S137;201  63   2       F_55N236;1    36   1   
 F_20N003;301  87   3       F_35S137;1    77   1       F_75N237;1    36   1   
 F_20S003;1     6   1       F_40S138;1    13   1       F_30N237;1    38   1   
 F_25S003;1     6   1       F_40S138;201  63   2       F_15N237;1    35   1   
 F_30S003;1     6   1       F_30S142;201  63   2       F_15S237;1    35   1   
 F_35S003;1     6   1       F_30S142;1    53   1       F_20N239;1    35   1   
 F_45N004;1     7   1       F_30S142;202  68   2       F_05N239;1    36   1   
 F_40S004;1     6   1       F_45S142;1    38   1       F_05S239;1    35   1   
 F_60N005;1     8   1       F_35S143;202  68   2       F_45N241;2    38   1   
 F_60S005;1     5   1       F_35S143;201  63   2       F_15S243;1    38   1   
 F_65S005;2     5   1       F_35S143;1    53   1       F_35S243;1    35   1   
 F_65N006;1     8   1       F_20N145;1    17   1       F_40N244;1    42   1   
 F_70N007;1     7   1       F_20S145;1    18   1       F_40S244;1    35   1   
 F_25S009;1     7   1       F_40S145;201  68   2       F_10S245;1    39   1   
 F_30S009;1     7   1       F_40S145;1    18   1       F_20S245;1    39   1   
 F_40S011;1    80   1       F_50N147;1    26   1       F_50N247;1    39   1   
 F_45S012;1    80   1       F_50S147;1    76   1       F_25S247;1    39   1   
 F_50S013;201  80   2       F_55N152;1    23   1       F_45N249;1    39   1   
 F_50S013;1    18   1       F_10S155;1    23   1       F_15N249;1    36   1   
 F_15N014;1    11   1       F_20S156;1    23   1       F_15S249;1    38   1   
 F_15N014;301  87   3       F_25S156;1    23   1       F_05S250;1    36   1   
 F_10N014;1    10   1       F_45N157;1    66   1       F_10S250;1    39   1   
 F_55S014;201  75   2       F_35N157;1    80   1       F_40N251;1    44   1   
 F_55S014;1    18   1       F_15S157;201  73   2       F_20S251;1    39   1   
 F_60N016;1     7   1       F_15S157;1    23   1       F_25S253;1    42   1   
 F_60S016;1     8   1       F_35S157;1    76   1       F_15S254;1    38   1   
 F_60S016;201  77   2       F_40N159;1    66   1       F_30N256;1    38   1   
 F_65N018;1     7   1       F_30N161;1    65   1       F_20S257;1    38   1   
 F_40N018;1     7   1       F_30S161;1    23   1       F_25N259;1    70   1   
 F_45N019;1    11   1       F_65N162;1    26   1       F_25S259;1    42   1   
 F_45S019;201  75   2       F_20S162;201  64   2       F_15N260;1    36   1   
 F_45S019;1    18   1       F_20S162;1    24   1       F_15S260;1    38   1   
 F_15N020;1    11   1       F_25S162;1    23   1       F_30N262;1    36   1   
 F_15N020;301  86   3       F_50N163;1    66   1       F_30S262;1    42   1   
 F_10N020;301  86   3       F_35N163;1    65   1       F_55N263;1    42   1   
 F_10N020;1     8   1       F_15S163;201  64   2       F_50N264;1    42   1   
 F_50N021;1     8   1       F_15S163;1    23   1       F_15N266;1    45   1   
 F_50S021;1    39   1       F_35S163;1    23   1       F_10N267;1    45   1   
 F_50S021;201  75   2       F_60N164;1    26   1       F_10S267;1    36   1   
 F_30S022;1    10   1       F_60S164;1    63   1       F_30N269;1    44   1   
 F_55N023;1     8   1       F_10N166;1    65   1       F_20N269;1    44   1   
 F_40N025;1     8   1       F_30N167;1    65   1       F_30S269;1    42   1   
 F_60N026;301  87   3       F_20S168;201  74   2       F_60N270;1    42   1   
 F_60N026;1     8   1       F_20S168;1    70   1       F_35N270;1    44   1   
 F_10N031;201  58   2       F_25S168;1    71   1       F_35S270;1    67   1   
 F_05S031;201  59   2       F_25S168;201  74   2       F_40N272;1    44   1   
 F_30N035;201  56   2       F_15N169;1    65   1       F_25N272;1    87   1   
 F_15N037;201  56   2       F_15S169;201  73   2       F_40S272;1    67   1   
 F_00N037;201  55   2       F_15S169;1    65   1       F_50S272;1    39   1   
 F_05S037;201  55   2       F_35S170;1    76   1       F_10N273;1    45   1   
 F_20N038;201  56   2       F_55N171;1    66   1       F_05N273;1    45   1   
 F_30N041;201  56   2       F_55S171;1    77   1       F_10S273;1    45   1   
 F_30S041;201  58   2       F_50N172;1    27   1       F_30N275;1    44   1   
 F_10N042;201  58   2       F_10N172;1    65   1       F_30S275;1    45   1   
 F_00N042;201  55   2       F_30N174;1    65   1       F_35N277;1    44   1   
 F_05S042;201  55   2       F_25N174;1    64   1       F_15S277;1    70   1   
 F_15N043;201  55   2       F_20N174;1    62   1       F_35S277;1    71   1   
 F_15N043;301  86   3       F_15N174;1    65   1       F_25N278;1    50   1   
 F_35S043;201  74   2       F_15S174;201  73   2       F_40N279;1    45   1   
 F_20N044;201  58   2       F_15S174;1    68   1       F_10N279;1    49   1   
 F_20N044;301  86   3       F_20S174;201  73   2       F_00N279;1    46   1   
 F_40N046;201  56   2       F_20S174;1    65   1       F_05S279;1    46   1   
 F_25N046;201  55   2       F_25S174;1    71   1       F_10S279;1    70   1   
 F_30N047;201  55   2       F_25S174;201  74   2       F_40S279;1    49   1   
 F_10N048;201  55   2       F_60S175;1    77   1       F_20N280;1    46   1   
 F_05N048;201  55   2       F_10N177;1    24   1       F_20S280;1    70   1   
 F_00N048;201  58   2       F_05N177;1    23   1       F_45S280;1    49   1   
 F_15N049;301  86   3       F_05S177;1    24   1       F_60N281;1    45   1   
 F_15N049;201  55   2       F_10S177;1    24   1       F_30N281;1    42   1   
 F_15S049;201  53   2       F_10S177;201  72   2       F_35N283;1    44   1   
 F_35N050;201  62   2       F_55N180;1    66   1       F_15S283;1    46   1   
 F_20N050;201  56   2       F_50N180;1    66   1       F_35S283;1    71   1   
 F_25N052;201  62   2       F_15S180;201  73   2       F_25N284;1    42   1   
 F_40N053;201  62   2       F_15S180;1    25   1       F_10N284;1    45   1   
 F_50N054;1    13   1       F_20S180;201  73   2       F_05N284;1    45   1   
 F_30N054;201  63   2       F_20S180;1    26   1       F_00N284;1    49   1   
 F_15N054;201  62   2       F_50S180;1    76   1       F_05S284;1    70   1   
 F_10N054;201  62   2       F_55S180;1    77   1       F_10S284;1    46   1   
 F_05N054;201  62   2       F_10N183;1    77   1       F_40N286;1    46   1   
 F_00N054;201  62   2       F_05N183;1    77   1       F_20N286;1    46   1   
 F_05S054;201  62   2       F_05S183;1    26   1       F_20S286;1    39   1   
 F_10S054;201  56   2       F_10S183;201  72   2       F_40S286;1    49   1   
 F_15S054;201  58   2       F_10S183;1    26   1       F_30N287;1    44   1   
 F_00N059;1    59   1       F_60S185;201  76   2       F_15S289;1    46   1   
 F_05S059;1    59   1       F_60S185;1    77   1       F_35N290;1    36   1   
 F_10S059;1    59   1       F_65N186;1    27   1       F_10N290;1    59   1   
 F_55N060;1    11   1       F_25N186;1    26   1       F_05N290;1    46   1   
 F_15S060;201  73   2       F_20N186;1    25   1       F_05S290;1    70   1   
 F_10N065;1    13   1       F_15N186;1    32   1       F_10S290;1    46   1   
 F_10N065;201  59   2       F_65S186;201  77   2       F_35S290;1    49   1   
 F_10N065;301  86   3       F_45N188;1    66   1       F_55N291;1    49   1   
 F_05N065;301  86   3       F_10N188;1    25   1       F_20N292;1    44   1   
 F_05N065;1     9   1       F_05N188;1    24   1       F_40S293;1    71   1   
 F_00N065;301  87   3       F_10S188;1    25   1       F_65N294;1    58   1   
 F_00N065;1     9   1       F_50S188;1    76   1       F_30N294;1    50   1   
 F_05S065;1    10   1       F_00N189;201  64   2       F_45N295;1    49   1   
 F_10S065;1    10   1       F_00N189;1    24   1       F_05S295;1    50   1   
 F_30N066;1    80   1       F_15N191;1    25   1       F_70N296;1    49   1   
 F_05N070;1     9   1       F_20N192;1    24   1       F_25N296;1    50   1   
 F_00N070;1     9   1       F_25S192;1    74   1       F_25S296;1    50   1   
 F_00N070;201  72   2       F_40N194;1    28   1       F_50N297;1    49   1   
 F_05S070;1     9   1       F_10N194;1    24   1       F_35N297;1    50   1   
 F_10S070;1     9   1       F_05N194;201  64   2       F_30N300;1    52   1   
 F_40S074;1    18   1       F_05N194;1    24   1       F_40S300;1    50   1   
 F_10N076;1    66   1       F_00N194;201  64   2       F_05N301;1    52   1   
 F_10N076;201  80   2       F_00N194;1    24   1       F_10S301;1    50   1   
 F_05N076;1     8   1       F_45N195;1    26   1       F_60N302;1    59   1   
 F_00N076;1     9   1       F_60S196;201  75   2       F_25S302;1    52   1   
 F_05S076;1     9   1       F_60S196;1    70   1       F_35N303;1    63   1   
 F_10S076;1     9   1       F_50N197;1    27   1       F_65N306;1    56   1   
 F_35N077;1    11   1       F_35N197;1    27   1       F_50N306;1    52   1   
 F_35N077;201  80   2       F_15N197;1    25   1       F_10N307;1    52   1   
 F_15S077;1    66   1       F_65N198;1    28   1       F_05N307;1    53   1   
 F_45N080;1    11   1       F_20N198;1    25   1       F_10S307;1    52   1   
 F_20N080;201  87   2       F_25S198;201  74   2       F_70N310;1    50   1   
 F_20N080;1    15   1       F_25S198;1    71   1       F_60N312;1    50   1   
 F_45N081;201  71   2       F_55S199;1    76   1       F_15N312;1    53   1   
 F_05N082;1    10   1       F_55S199;201  75   2       F_05S312;1    59   1   
 F_05N082;301  86   3       F_10N200;1    25   1       F_75N313;1    56   1   
 F_00N082;1    10   1       F_05N200;201  72   2       F_65N318;1    58   1   
 F_00N082;301  86   3       F_05N200;1    25   1       F_05N318;1    53   1   
 F_05S082;1     8   1       F_00N200;201  72   2       F_55N319;1    53   1   
 F_05S082;301  87   3       F_00N200;1    25   1       F_55S319;201  75   2   
 F_10S082;301  87   3       F_10S200;1    27   1       F_40N321;1    52   1   
 F_10S082;1     9   1       F_40S201;1    67   1       F_60N323;1    53   1   
 F_25S082;1    13   1       F_15N203;1    35   1       F_70N324;1    52   1   
 F_35S083;1    11   1       F_20N204;1    28   1       F_55N328;1    52   1   
 F_05N087;1    10   1       F_20S204;1    29   1       F_20N328;1    53   1   
 F_00N087;1    10   1       F_50N205;1    28   1       F_55S328;201  75   2   
 F_05S087;1    10   1       F_25N205;1    70   1       F_65N330;1     1   1   
 F_05S087;201  72   2       F_10N205;1    32   1       F_65N330;1     3   1   
 F_10S087;1    10   1       F_05N205;1    27   1       F_35N330;1    52   1   
 F_10S087;201  72   2       F_00N205;1    27   1       F_75N332;1     1   1   
 F_45N088;1    70   1       F_05S205;201  68   2       F_75N332;1     3   1   
 F_45N088;201  71   2       F_05S205;1    28   1       F_30N332;1     1   1   
 F_40N088;1    11   1       F_30S205;201  74   2       F_25N333;201  58   2   
 F_40N088;201  72   2       F_30S205;1    26   1       F_25N333;1    53   1   
 F_50S088;1    11   1       F_60N207;1    28   1       F_60N334;1     3   1   
 F_35S090;1    11   1       F_60S207;201  75   2       F_60N334;1     1   1   
 F_05S093;201  72   2       F_60S207;1    26   1       F_20N334;201  56   2   
 F_10S093;1    80   1       F_55N208;1    28   1       F_20N334;1     1   1   
 F_20N097;1    15   1       F_40S208;1    67   1       F_05S335;1     1   1   
 F_55S097;1    77   1       F_35N210;1    80   1       F_55N337;1     1   1   
 F_10N098;1    17   1       F_20S210;1    29   1       F_55N337;1     3   1   
 F_05N098;1    15   1       F_45N211;1    27   1       F_55N337;201  58   2   
 F_05S098;1    15   1       F_25N211;1    27   1       F_70N339;1     4   1   
 F_10S098;1    15   1       F_10N211;1    29   1       F_27S339;1     1   1   
 F_30S098;201  64   2       F_05S211;1    29   1       F_15N340;1     3   1   
 F_05S099;201  72   2       F_10S211;1    29   1       F_65N342;1     4   1   
 F_60S101;201  76   2       F_45S211;201  75   2       F_40S342;1     1   1   
 F_65N102;201  68   2       F_45S211;1    28   1       F_60N344;1     4   1   
 F_65N102;1    15   1       F_30S212;1    28   1       F_25N345;1     4   1   
 F_20S109;201  74   2       F_15S214;201  73   2       F_25N345;301  86   3   
 F_60N111;1    18   1       F_15S214;1    29   1       F_25S345;1     3   1   
 F_15N111;1    13   1       F_10N217;1    32   1       F_50S345;1     3   1   
 F_15N112;201  63   2       F_05N217;1    29   1       F_50S345;1     1   1   
 F_15S112;201  64   2       F_00N217;1    27   1       F_55N346;1     4   1   
 F_65N114;1    17   1       F_05S217;1    28   1       F_50S348;201  59   2   
 F_65S114;1    67   1       F_30S218;201  74   2       F_40S349;1     4   1   
 F_65S114;201  76   2       F_30S218;1    71   1       F_45S349;1     3   1   
 F_05N115;201  67   2       F_45S218;201  68   2       F_45S349;201  62   2   
 F_00N115;201  64   2       F_45S218;1    29   1       F_75N351;1     7   1   
 F_05S115;201  64   2       F_15N220;1    66   1       F_25N351;1     4   1   
 F_10S115;201  68   2       F_15S220;1    67   1       F_20N351;1     4   1   
 F_15S117;201  63   2       F_20S221;201  73   2       F_70N353;1     6   1   
 F_45N119;1    17   1       F_20S221;1    29   1       F_65N354;1     6   1   
 F_25N119;201  68   2       F_05S222;1    32   1       F_65S354;1     3   1   
 F_25N119;1    17   1       F_40S222;1    29   1       F_60N355;1     6   1   
 F_20S121;1    17   1       F_25N223;1    32   1       F_55S355;1     4   1   
 F_30N123;1    13   1       F_15S226;1    67   1       F_60S355;1     3   1   
 F_15S123;1    18   1       F_45S226;1    76   1       F_50N356;1     6   1   
 F_65N126;1    13   1       F_20N227;1    32   1       F_50S356;1     4   1   
 F_45N126;1    17   1       F_20S227;201  73   2       F_50S356;201  59   2   
 F_20S127;1    80   1       F_20S227;1    67   1       F_55S356;201  63   2   
 F_15N129;1    15   1       F_10N228;1    38   1       F_25N357;1     6   1   
 F_30S129;1    13   1       F_05N228;1    32   1       F_20N357;301  87   3   
 F_35S130;1    13   1       F_25N229;1    32   1       F_20N357;1     5   1   
 F_25S131;201  68   2       F_40N230;1    35   1       F_05N357;1     5   1   
 F_25S131;1    13   1       F_35N230;1    35   1       F_00N357;1     5   1   
 F_40S131;1    18   1       F_40S230;1    32   1       F_05S357;1     5   1   
 F_60N132;1    18   1       F_50S230;201  75   2       F_20S357;1     5   1   
 F_10N132;1    17   1       F_50S230;1    71   1       F_25S357;1     5   1   
 F_05N132;1    17   1       F_20N233;1    36   1       F_30S357;1     5   1   
 F_00N132;1    17   1       F_20S233;1    35   1       F_35S357;1     5   1   
 F_05S132;1    15   1       F_10N234;1    32   1                              
                              PRODUCT TYPE: C1MIDRS                           
C1_30N009;1    12   1      C1_15S112;1    20   1      C1_30S243;1    40   1   
C1_15N009;1    14   1      C1_15S112;201  79   2      C1_30S243;201  90   2   
C1_00N009;1    14   1      C1_75S113;1    51   1      C1_45N244;1    40   1   
C1_15S009;1    14   1      C1_75S113;201  85   2      C1_45S244;1    40   1   
C1_30S009;1    14   1      C1_45N117;201  79   2      C1_45S244;201  85   2   
C1_45N011;1    14   1      C1_45N117;1    21   1      C1_75S248;201  85   2   
C1_45S011;201  60   2      C1_30N117;201  69   2      C1_75S248;1    48   1   
C1_45S011;1    12   1      C1_30N117;1    21   1      C1_15N249;1    41   1   
C1_60N014;1    12   1      C1_30S117;201  79   2      C1_00N249;1    40   1   
C1_60S014;202  60   2      C1_30S117;1    21   1      C1_15S249;1    40   1   
C1_60S014;1    16   1      C1_45S117;201  78   2      C1_75N254;1    48   1   
C1_75S023;1    54   1      C1_45S117;1    21   1      C1_30N261;1    40   1   
C1_75S023;201  85   2      C1_75N119;1    30   1      C1_30S261;201  79   2   
C1_15N026;1    12   1      C1_60N125;1    21   1      C1_30S261;1    40   1   
C1_00N026;1    12   1      C1_60S125;1    22   1      C1_60N263;1    41   1   
C1_15S026;201  90   2      C1_15N129;1    20   1      C1_60S263;201  85   2   
C1_15S026;1    12   1      C1_00N129;1    19   1      C1_60S263;1    41   1   
C1_30N027;201  60   2      C1_15S129;201  69   2      C1_45N265;1    41   1   
C1_30N027;1    12   1      C1_15S129;1    19   1      C1_45S265;1    40   1   
C1_30S027;1    14   1      C1_30N135;1    30   1      C1_15N266;1    41   1   
C1_75N029;2    69   1      C1_30S135;201  79   2      C1_00N266;1    41   1   
C1_75N029;1    16   1      C1_30S135;1    21   1      C1_15S266;1    41   1   
C1_45N032;1    12   1      C1_45N138;1    21   1      C1_30N279;1    43   1   
C1_45N032;201  54   2      C1_45S138;1    21   1      C1_30S279;1    41   1   
C1_45S032;1    14   1      C1_15N146;1    22   1      C1_30S279;201  90   2   
C1_60N042;1    16   1      C1_00N146;1    22   1      C1_15N283;1    43   1   
C1_60S042;1    20   1      C1_00N146;201  61   2      C1_00N283;201  88   2   
C1_60S042;2    54   1      C1_15S146;1    22   1      C1_00N283;1    43   1   
C1_60S042;202  57   2      C1_15S146;201  61   2      C1_15S283;1    41   1   
C1_15N043;201  57   2      C1_60N153;1    31   1      C1_45N286;1    47   1   
C1_00N043;201  57   2      C1_30N153;1    22   1      C1_45S286;1    43   1   
C1_15S043;201  57   2      C1_30S153;1    22   1      C1_60N291;1    47   1   
C1_30N045;201  57   2      C1_60S153;1    22   1      C1_60S291;1    47   1   
C1_30S045;201  57   2      C1_45N159;1    30   1      C1_75S293;202  85   2   
C1_45N053;1    16   1      C1_45S159;1    22   1      C1_75S293;1    48   1   
C1_45N053;201  60   2      C1_15N163;1    31   1      C1_30N297;1    47   1   
C1_45S053;202  61   2      C1_00N163;201  89   2      C1_30S297;1    43   1   
C1_45S053;201  60   2      C1_00N163;1    31   1      C1_30S297;201  90   2   
C1_15N060;201  89   2      C1_15S163;1    30   1      C1_75N299;1    48   1   
C1_15N060;1    16   1      C1_15S163;201  90   2      C1_15N300;1    47   1   
C1_00N060;201  57   2      C1_75N164;1    37   1      C1_00N300;201  88   2   
C1_00N060;202  60   2      C1_30N171;1    31   1      C1_00N300;1    47   1   
C1_00N060;1    14   1      C1_30S171;1    31   1      C1_15S300;201  89   2   
C1_15S060;1    16   1      C1_60N180;1    30   1      C1_15S300;1    47   1   
C1_15S060;202  60   2      C1_45N180;1    30   1      C1_45N307;1    47   1   
C1_15S060;201  57   2      C1_15N180;1    30   1      C1_30N315;1    48   1   
C1_30N063;1    16   1      C1_00N180;201  88   2      C1_30S315;201  90   2   
C1_30S063;1    16   1      C1_00N180;1    30   1      C1_30S315;1    47   1   
C1_30S063;201  69   2      C1_15S180;201  90   2      C1_15N317;1    48   1   
C1_75S068;1    51   1      C1_15S180;1    30   1      C1_00N317;201  88   2   
C1_60N070;201  89   2      C1_45S180;1    69   1      C1_00N317;1    48   1   
C1_60N070;1    19   1      C1_60S180;1    33   1      C1_15S317;201  89   2   
C1_60S070;201  85   2      C1_30N189;1    31   1      C1_15S317;1    48   1   
C1_60S070;1    21   1      C1_30S189;1    31   1      C1_60N319;1    48   1   
C1_75N074;1    22   1      C1_15N197;1    33   1      C1_45N329;201  79   2   
C1_75N074;201  69   2      C1_00N197;1    33   1      C1_45N329;2    60   1   
C1_45N074;1    20   1      C1_00N197;201  88   2      C1_45N329;1    47   1   
C1_45S074;1    16   1      C1_15S197;201  90   2      C1_45S329;202  85   2   
C1_15N077;1    19   1      C1_15S197;1    33   1      C1_30N333;201  79   2   
C1_15N077;201  78   2      C1_45N202;1    31   1      C1_30N333;2    57   1   
C1_00N077;201  79   2      C1_45S202;1    31   1      C1_30N333;1     2   1   
C1_00N077;1    16   1      C1_75S203;201  84   2      C1_30S333;1     2   1   
C1_15S077;201  78   2      C1_75S203;1    48   1      C1_15N335;201  89   2   
C1_15S077;1    19   1      C1_30N207;1    33   1      C1_15N335;1     2   1   
C1_30N081;1    20   1      C1_30S207;1    33   1      C1_15N335;2    57   1   
C1_30S081;1    20   1      C1_60N208;1    37   1      C1_00N335;1     2   1   
C1_15N095;201  89   2      C1_60S208;1    34   1      C1_15S335;1     2   1   
C1_15N095;1    19   1      C1_75N209;1    41   1      C1_75N338;2    69   1   
C1_00N095;1    19   1      C1_15N215;1    34   1      C1_75N338;1    14   1   
C1_00N095;201  89   2      C1_00N215;201  88   2      C1_75S338;2    78   1   
C1_15S095;1    19   1      C1_00N215;1    33   1      C1_60N347;201  69   2   
C1_15S095;201  90   2      C1_15S215;1    33   1      C1_60N347;1    14   1   
C1_45N096;1    20   1      C1_15S215;201  89   2      C1_60N347;2    54   1   
C1_45N096;201  61   2      C1_45N223;1    37   1      C1_60S347;1    31   1   
C1_45S096;1    19   1      C1_45S223;1    33   1      C1_60S347;201  60   2   
C1_60N097;1    21   1      C1_45S223;201  78   2      C1_45N350;301  88   3   
C1_60N097;201  89   2      C1_30N225;1    34   1      C1_45N350;1    12   1   
C1_60S097;1    22   1      C1_30S225;1    34   1      C1_45S350;1     2   1   
C1_30N099;1    20   1      C1_30S225;201  79   2      C1_45S350;201  60   2   
C1_30N099;201  61   2      C1_15N232;1    37   1      C1_30N351;301  88   3   
C1_30S099;1    20   1      C1_00N232;1    34   1      C1_30N351;1    12   1   
C1_15N112;1    20   1      C1_15S232;1    34   1      C1_30S351;1     2   1   
C1_15N112;201  61   2      C1_15S232;201  79   2      C1_15N352;301  88   3   
C1_00N112;301  85   3      C1_60N236;1    40   1      C1_15N352;1     2   1   
C1_00N112;201  88   2      C1_60S236;1    37   1      C1_00N352;1     2   1   
C1_00N112;1    19   1      C1_30N243;1    40   1      C1_15S352;1     2   1   
                              PRODUCT TYPE: C2MIDRS                           
C2_30N026;1    34   1      C2_60S093;1    54   1      C2_30S232;1    43   1   
C2_30N026;301  84   3      C2_60S093;202  82   2      C2_00N234;1    43   1   
C2_30S026;201  84   2      C2_30N129;301  84   3      C2_00N234;201  81   2   
C2_30S026;1    37   1      C2_30N129;1    34   1      C2_60N273;2    61   1   
C2_30S026;202  81   2      C2_30N129;201  83   2      C2_60S273;1    54   1   
C2_00N028;1    37   1      C2_30S129;201  82   2      C2_60S273;202  83   2   
C2_00N028;201  83   2      C2_30S129;1    37   1      C2_60S273;201  82   2   
C2_60N033;201  83   2      C2_00N131;1    34   1      C2_30N284;1    51   1   
C2_60N033;1    43   1      C2_00N131;201  81   2      C2_30N284;2    61   1   
C2_60N033;2    61   1      C2_60N153;202  82   2      C2_30S284;201  82   2   
C2_60N033;202  84   2      C2_60N153;1    51   1      C2_30S284;202  81   2   
C2_60S033;202  83   2      C2_60N153;2    61   1      C2_30S284;1    51   1   
C2_60S033;201  82   2      C2_60S153;1    54   1      C2_00N286;201  83   2   
C2_60S033;1    54   1      C2_60S153;201  82   2      C2_00N286;1    51   1   
C2_30N078;1    33   1      C2_30N181;1    43   1      C2_60N333;2    51   1   
C2_30N078;202  84   2      C2_30S181;1    37   1      C2_60N333;201  81   2   
C2_30N078;201  83   2      C2_30S181;201  81   2      C2_60S333;202  83   2   
C2_30S078;201  84   2      C2_00N183;1    34   1      C2_60S333;201  82   2   
C2_30S078;202  81   2      C2_00N183;201  81   2      C2_60S333;1    69   1   
C2_30S078;1    37   1      C2_60N213;1    54   1      C2_30N335;2    51   1   
C2_00N080;1    30   1      C2_60S213;202  82   2      C2_30N335;303  90   3   
C2_00N080;201  84   2      C2_60S213;1    54   1      C2_30S335;201  82   2   
C2_00N080;202  83   2      C2_30N232;1    43   1      C2_30S335;202  81   2   
C2_60N093;202  83   2      C2_30S232;201  81   2      C2_00N337;2    51   1   
C2_60N093;1    51   1                                                         
                              PRODUCT TYPE: C3MIDRS                           
C3_14N060;201  85   2      C3_14S060;201  84   2      C3_14N300;201  84   2   
C3_14N060;1    78   1      C3_14N180;1    69   1      C3_14N300;1    78   1   
C3_14S060;1    78   1      C3_14S180;1    78   1      C3_14S300;1    78   1