CCSD3ZF0000100000001NJPL3IF0PDS200000001 = SFDU_LABEL                         
RECORD_TYPE                       = FIXED_LENGTH                              
RECORD_BYTES                      = 80                                        
SPACECRAFT_NAME                   = MAGELLAN                                  
TARGET_NAME                       = VENUS                                     
OBJECT                            = TEXT                                      
PUBLICATION_DATE                  = '1992-01-10'                              
NOTE                              = "MAGELLAN MIDR CD-ROM"                    
                            MAGELLAN MIDR CD-ROM                              
1.  Introduction                                                              
    Overall, the collection of Magellan CD-ROMs contains three data           
sets.  One is the MIDR data set, to which this CD-ROM belongs.  Another       
data set contains the Altimetry and Radiometry Composite Data Record          
(ARCDR) from MIT.  The third data set consists of MIT Altimetric and          
Radiometric Global Data Records:  the Global Topography Data Record           
(GTDR), Global Emissivity Data Record (GEDR), Global Slope Data Record        
(GSDR), and Global Reflectivity Data Record (GREDR).                          
    This CD-ROM contains 10 Mosaic Image Data Record (MIDR) files and         
associated documentation.  The complete MIDR data set includes F-MIDRs,       
P-MIDRs, or a mix of C1-MIDRs, C2-MIDRs, and C3-MIDRs.  Some of the MIDRs     
have had cross track smoothing or seam removal procedures applied to them.    
The volume also contains documentation and index files to support access      
and use of the mosaics.                                                       
    All data formats are based on the Planetary Data System Data              
Preparation Workbook ("PDS Data Preparation Workbook, D-7669. May 1991.)      
and are similar to the formats used in generating the Voyager CD-ROM          
set ("Voyagers to the Outer Planets", volumes 1-8, Planetary Data System,     
JPL, 1989).                                                                   
2.  Disk Format                                                               
    The disk has been formatted so that a variety of computer systems         
(e.g. IBM PC, Macintosh, Sun, VAX) may access the data.  Specifically,        
the disk is formatted according to the ISO 9660 level 1 Interchange           
Standard, and file attributes are specified by Extended Attribute             
Records (XARs).  For computer software that fully supports XARs, access       
to the CD-ROM volume will be straightforward; the disk will appear to         
the user to be identical to a file system of directories, sub-                
directories, and data files.  Some computer systems that do not support       
XARs will ignore them; others will append the XAR to the beginning of         
the file.  In the latter case the user must ignore the first 512 bytes of     
the file.  For further information, refer to the ISO 9660 Standard            
Document: RF# ISO 9660-1988, 15 April 1988.                                   
3.  File Formats                                                              
    Each F-MIDR and Cx-MIDR are divided into an array of 56 framelets,        
arranged in seven rows and eight columns.  The framelets are numbered in      
increasing order from left to right, top to bottom.  Each framelet is         
stored in a separate file.  A framelet is 1024 lines by 1024 samples, with    
one byte per sample.  The framelet files contain embedded VICAR2 labels and   
have detached PDS labels.  The framelet files and supplementary data files    
for each MIDR are stored in a separate subdirectory.  The MIDRs are all       
in the sinusoidal equal area map projection, except P-MIDRs which are         
in the polar stereographic map projection.                                    
    Additional general information about each product is found in the         
LABEL directory.  The *.LBL files in that directory contain the PDS           
catalog information for the Magellan Mission, the spacecraft, the radar       
instrument, and the data sets.  Further information on MIDR products can      
also be obtained from the Magellan Software Interface Specification           
(SIS) documents IDPS-107, IDPS-109, and IDPS-123.                             
    Browse versions of the MIDRs are provided for quick inspection of         
the images.  The browse version of each MIDR is found in the                  
subdirectory for that MIDR.  The file name for the browse image is            
BROWSE.IMG.  Each browse image is 896 lines by 1024 samples, and was          
created by averaging groups of 8x8 pixels in the original 7168x8192           
MIDR.  Browse images contain embedded VICAR2 labels and have detached         
PDS labels. The VICAR2 label is from the original 7168X8192 MIDR;             
therefore, corner points, map projection, pixel size for label items          
may be inappropriate for the BROWSE.IMG.                                      
    All document files and detached label files contain 80-byte fixed-        
length records, with a carriage return character (ASCII 13) in the 79th       
byte and a line feed character (ASCII 10) in the 80th byte.  This allows      
the files to be read by the MacOS, DOS, Unix, and VMS operating systems.      
All tabular files are also described by PDS labels, either embedded at        
the beginning of the file or detached.  If detached, the PDS label file       
has the same name as the data file it describes, with the extension           
.LBL; for example, the file CONTENTS.TAB is accompanied by the detached       
label file CONTENTS.LBL in the same directory.  The detached labels for       
MIDRs and GxDRs also contain PDS-defined map projection keywords that         
provide information needed to extract latitude and longitude values from      
given line and sample locations.                                              
    Tabular files are formatted so that they may be read directly into        
many database management systems on various computers.  All fields are        
separated by commas, and character fields are enclosed in double              
quotation marks (").  Character fields are left justified, and numeric        
fields are right justified.  The "start byte" and "bytes" values listed       
in the labels do not include the commas between fields or the quotation       
marks surrounding character fields.  The records are of fixed length, and     
the last two bytes of each record contain the ASCII carriage return and       
line feed characters.  This allows a table to be treated as a fixed length    
record file on computers that support this file type and as a normal          
text file on other computers.                                                 
    PDS labels are object-oriented.  The object to which the label            
refers (e.g. IMAGE, TABLE, etc.) is denoted by a statement of the form:       
    ^object = location                                                        
in which the carat character (^, also called a pointer in this context)       
indicates that the object starts at the given location.  In an embedded       
label, the location is an integer representing the starting record            
number of the object (the first record in the file is record 1).  In a        
detached label, the location denotes the name of the file containing the      
object, along with the starting record or byte number if there is more        
than one object.  For example:                                                
    ^IMAGE_HEADER = ("C1F02.IMG",1)                                           
    ^IMAGE = ("C1F02.IMG",3)                                                  
indicates that the IMAGE object begins at record 3 of the file C102.IMG,      
in the same directory as the detached label file.  Below is a list of         
the possible formats for the ^object definition.                              
    ^object = n                                                               
    ^object = n<BYTES>                                                        
    ^object = ("filename.ext")                                                
    ^object = ("filename.ext",n)                                              
    ^object = ("[dirlist]filename.ext",n)                                     
    ^object = ("filename.ext",n<BYTES>)                                       
    ^object = ("[dirlist]filename.ext",n<BYTES>)                              
    n is the starting record or byte number of the object, counting from      
        the beginning of the file (record 1, byte 1)                          
    <BYTES> indicates that the number given is in units of bytes              
    filename is the upper-case file name                                      
    ext is the upper-case file extension                                      
    dirlist is a period-delimited path-list of parent directories, in         
        upper case, that specifies the object file directory (used only       
        when the object is not in the same directory as the label file)       
        The list begins on directory level below the root directory of        
        the CD-ROM.  '[dirlist]' may be omitted when the object being         
        described is located either in the same directory as the detached     
        label or in a sub-directory named 'LABEL', located one level below    
        the CD-ROM root directory.                                            
4.  CD-ROM Contents                                                           
    The files on this CD-ROM are organized in one top-level directory         
with several subdirectories.  The following table shows the structure         
and content of these directories.  In the table, directory names are          
enclosed in square brackets ([]), upper-case letters indicate an actual       
directory or file name, and lower-case letters indicate the general form      
of a set of directory or file names.                                          
    FILE                 CONTENTS                                             
Top-level directory                                                           
    |- AAREADME.TXT      The file you are reading.                            
    |- MCUMCOMM.TXT      A cumulative listing of comments concerning all      
    |                    MIDR CD-ROMs published so far.                       
    |- GEO.TAB           A table of Venus geologic features.                  
    |- GEO.LBL           A PDS detached label that describes GEO.TAB.         
    |- VOLDESC.SFD       A description of the contents of this CD-ROM         
    |                    volume in a format readable by both humans and       
    |                    computers.                                           
    |- [INDEX]           A directory containing index files for searching     
    |   |                specific MIDR or GxDR products.                      
    |   |                                                                     
    |   |- MCUMDIR.TAB   A table listing all MIDR and GxDR                    
    |   |                products published so far, including the             
    |   |                MIDRs on this CD-ROM.                                
    |   |                                                                     
    |   |- MCUMDIR.LBL   A PDS detached label that describes                  
    |   |                MCUMDIR.TAB.                                         
    |   |                                                                     
    |   |- CONTENTS.TAB  A tabular listing of each MIDR frame on this         
    |   |                disk, the directory in which it is located, and      
    |   |                its extent in latitude and longitude.  Also          
    |   |                includes whether MIDR has had seam removal           
    |   |                procedures applied.                                  
    |   |                                                                     
    |   |- CONTENTS.LBL  A PDS detached label that describes                  
    |                    CONTENTS.TAB.                                        
    |- [LABEL]           A directory containing catalog information           
    |   |                describing the major Magellan data products          
    |   |                that will be submitted to PDS.  This                 
    |   |                information can be used to gain a top-level          
    |   |                understanding of the Magellan Mission, radar         
    |   |                experiment, processing, and data products.           
    |   |                                                                     
    |   |- CATALOG.LBL   PDS high-level experiment-description                
    |   |                catalog information.                                 
    |   |                                                                     
    |   |- C1MIDRDS.LBL  PDS high-level data set catalog information          
    |   |                for C1-MIDR.                                         
    |   |                                                                     
    |   |- C2MIDRDS.LBL  PDS high-level data set catalog information          
    |   |                for C2-MIDR.                                         
    |   |                                                                     
    |   |- C3MIDRDS.LBL  PDS high-level data set catalog information          
    |   |                for C3-MIDR.                                         
    |   |                                                                     
    |   |- FBIDRDS.LBL   PDS high-level data set catalog information          
    |   |                for F-BIDR.  The F-BIDR is the basic image data      
    |   |                product.  This file provides the information         
    |   |                on how to extract radar backscatter cross            
    |   |                section from MIDRs, given the incidence angle        
    |   |                information from GEOM.TAB and the image data.        
    |   |                                                                     
    |   |- FMIDRDS.LBL   PDS high-level data set catalog information          
    |   |                for F-MIDR.                                          
    |   |                                                                     
    |   |- xPMIDRDS.LBL   PDS high-level data set catalog information         
    |   |                for P-MIDR, where x is N (north) or S (south).       
    |   |                                                                     
    |   |- DSMAPC1.LBL   PDS high-level data set catalog information          
    |   |                describing C1-MIDR cartographic projections and      
    |   |                references.  This and following map projection       
    |   |                files allow computation of latitude and              
    |   |                longitude from image line and sample, using          
    |   |                either the VICAR2 or PDS label information.          
    |   |                                                                     
    |   |- DSMAPC2.LBL   PDS high-level data set catalog information          
    |   |                describing C2-MIDR cartographic projections and      
    |   |                references.                                          
    |   |                                                                     
    |   |- DSMAPC3.LBL   PDS high-level data set catalog information          
    |   |                describing C3-MIDR cartographic projections and      
    |   |                references.                                          
    |   |                                                                     
    |   |- DSMAPP.LBL    PDS high-level data set catalog information          
    |   |                describing P-MIDR cartographic projections and       
    |   |                references.                                          
    |   |                                                                     
    |   |- DSMAPF.LBL    PDS high-level data set catalog information          
    |                    describing F-MIDR cartographic projections and       
    |                    references.                                          
    |- [x(y)nnzmmm]      Directories containing framelets that make up a      
        |                single 7168 line by 8192 sample mosaic, where x      
        |                is either C (compressed mosaic) or F (full           
        |                mosaic), y is either 1, 2 or 3,(C1-MIDR, C2-MIDR,    
        |                or C3-MIDR, i.e. once, twice, or thrice compressed   
        |                using 3x3 moving averages), or not present,          
        |                nn is the middle latitude of the mosaic, z is N      
        |                or S (north or south latitude), and mmm is           
        |                the middle longitude of the mosaic.  Both            
        |                middle latitude and longitude have been rounded      
        |                off to the nearest integer number.                   
        |- BROWSE.IMG    The browse version of the MIDR, 896 lines by         
        |                1024 samples, created by averaging groups of         
        |                8x8 pixels in the original MIDR.                     
        |- BROWSE.LBL    A PDS detached label that describes BROWSE.IMG.      
        |- FRAME.TAB     A table describing the range of latitude and         
        |                longitude within each image framelet.                
        |- FRAME.LBL     A PDS detached label that describes FRAME.TAB.       
        |- GEOM.TAB      Selected entries from the Magellan                   
        |                Experimenter's Notebook.  The Notebook is            
        |                generated from the Magellan Radar Mapping            
        |                Sequencing Software and is based on predicted        
        |                information.  Information is included in             
        |                GEOM.TAB on orbit numbers for which                  
        |                data were acquired and used in the MIDR,             
        |                together with information on radar viewing           
        |                geometry and image quality.                          
        |- GEOM.LBL      A PDS detached label that describes GEOM.TAB.        
        |- HIST.TAB      A binary histogram of pixel values in each           
        |                7168 X 8192 MIDR.                                    
        |- HIST.LBL      A PDS detached label that describes HIST.TAB.        
        |- x(y)Fnn.LBL   PDS detached labels describing the framelet          
        |                files, where x is C (compressed mosaic) or F         
        |                (full mosaic), y is 1, 2,or 3 (C1-MIDR, C2-MIDR,     
        |                or C3-MIDR), or not present, and nn is the           
        |                framelet number (01 through 56).                     
        |- x(y)Fnn.IMG   A 1024x1024 image framelet, where x, y, and nn       
                         are the same as given above.                         
5.  Recommended CD-ROM Drives and Driver Software                             
    Please note that the following list is not complete.  However, these      
    drives and driver software were tested and approved by the project.       
         Drive:  Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) RRD40, RRD42, or RRD50.  
         Driver:  DEC VFS CD-ROM driver V4.7 or V5.2 and up.                  
         Note:  The driver software may be obtained from Jason Hyon at        
                JPL (Files are: JPLPDS::DISK$USER1:[JHYON]VFS*.A).  It is     
                necessary to use this driver to access the XARs on the CD-ROM.
         Drive:  DEC RRD40, RRD42, or RRD50.                                  
         Driver:  Supplied with Ultrix 3.1.                                   
         Note:  Use the "cdio" software package (in "~ftp/src/cdio.shar"      
                from the "" server).  Contact Dr. Peter          
                Ford for details (see below).                                 
    IBM PC                                                                    
         Drive:  Toshiba, Hitachi, Sony, or compatible.                       
         Driver:  Microsoft MSCDEX version 2.2.                               
         Note:  The newest version of MSCDEX (released in February 1990)      
                is generally available.                                       
    Apple Macintosh                                                           
         Drive:  Apple CD SC (Sony) or Toshiba.                               
         Driver:  Apple CD-ROM driver.                                        
         Note:  The Toshiba drive requires a separate driver, which may       
                be obtained from Toshiba.                                     
    Sun Micro                                                                 
         Drive:  Delta Microsystems SS-660 (Sony).                            
         Driver:  Delta Microsystems driver or SUN CD-ROM Driver.             
         Note:  For questions concerning this driver, contact Denis Down      
                at Delta Microsystems, 415-449-6881.                          
6.  Who to Contact for Information                                            
    For questions about how to read the CD-ROM:                               
              Jason J. Hyon                                                   
              MS 168-514                                                      
              Jet Propulsion Laboratory                                       
              4800 Oak Grove Drive                                            
              Pasadena, CA  91109                                             
              Electronic mail addresses:                                      
              SPAN:  MIPL3::JJH345                                            
              NASAmail:  JHYON                                                
    For questions concerning the IDPT products:                               
              Jerry Clark                                                     
              Jet Propulsion Laboratory                                       
              4800 Oak Grove Drive                                            
              Pasadena, CA  91109                                             
    For general questions about data products and documentation:              
              Magellan Data Products Support Office                           
              Washington University                                           
              Campus Box 1169                                                 
              One Brookings Drive                                             
              St. Louis, MO  63130                                            
              Electronic mail addresses:                                      
              NASA Science Internet (formerly SPAN):    WURST::MGNSO          
    The Magellan Data Products Support Office is maintained by the Geosciences
Node of the Planetary Data System (PDS) at Washington University.  The purpose
of the Support Office is to provide users of Magellan data products with      
information about the data and assistance in obtaining the data.  Both        
standard and special data products are supported, including digital products, 
photoproducts, slides, videotapes, and NASA Public Information Office (PIO)   
products.  The Magellan Data Products Support Office serves NASA-sponsored    
scientists, other researchers and educators, and the general public.          
    The Support Office is staffed by researchers who have knowledge of        
Magellan data products.  The primary contacts are Dr. Edward Guinness and Ms. 
Susan Slavney.  The Office can answer questions such as what data products    
exist, where they can be obtained, and at what cost.  The Office will also    
help the user place an order with the National Space Science Data Center      
    Most standard data products released by the Magellan Project are          
distributed by NSSDC.  The user who knows exactly what products he or she     
wants is encouraged to call the NSSDC Coordinated Request and User Support    
Office at 301-286-6695 to place an order.  The user who needs help in deciding
what products to order, or who cannot obtain the desired products from NSSDC, 
should contact the Magellan Data Products Support Office for assistance.      
7.  Cognizant Persons                                                         
    Mike Martin (JPL), Gail Woodward (JPL), Peter Ford (MIT), Robert          
Mehlman (UCLA), and Jason Hyon (JPL) designed the PDS labels and the          
tables with the revisions from Ed Guinness and Susan Slavney.  Edward         
Guinness (Washington University), Kay Edwards (USGS), Eric Eliason (USGS)     
and Raymond Arvidson (Washington University) helped to develop the map        
projection keywords and tables.  Florence Moss (JPL) and Jason Hyon           
developed the software to generate the PDS labels and tables.                 
Raymond Arvidson and Gail Woodward created the catalog information files,     
with help from Pam Woncik (JPL), Edward Guinness (Washington University),     
Susan Slavney (Washington University), and Mary Dale-Bannister (Washington    
University).  The Magellan Project supplied the relevant data and             
information used to populate the files on this CD-ROM.  Judy Mankin and       
Bob Canada at DADC designed the cover of this CD-ROM.                         
    This disk was produced by Jason Hyon and Paul Andres (JPL).