CCSD3ZF0000100000001NJPL3IF0PDS200000001 = SFDU_LABEL
RECORD_TYPE                    = STREAM
OBJECT                         = TEXT
  NOTE                         = "Introduction to this CD-ROM volume."
  PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME        = 1991-03-12

                            Mission to Mars

          Selected Viking Orbiter Images in Compressed Format

    This compact read-only optical disk (CD-ROM) is one of a series of
CD-ROM volumes containing images taken by the Visual Imaging Subsystems
(VIS) on NASA's twin Viking Orbiter spacecraft.  These images are copies
of the Experiment Data Record (EDR) images.  EDR images contain 8-bit
digital numbers that are proportional to the original VIS instrument
data.  To produce the EDRs the original 7-bit instrument data were
multiplied by 2 to convert the data to 8 bits.  No other processing has
been performed on the EDR image data.  Thus, processing to perform
radiometric and geometric calibration, removal of noise, and
interpolation of missing data may be required to interpret the images.
EDR images on this CD-ROM have been compressed so that more data can be
fit onto each CD-ROM volume.  The image data can be restored to their
uncompressed format using algorithms described in documentation on this
disk.  Image decompression software in several programming languages is
also included on the disk.

    This file is one of only a few files located in the main directory.
Another file, VOLDESC.SFD, contains a description of the contents of
this CD-ROM volume in a format that is designed for access by computers.
All other files are located in directories below the main directory.
The directory named DOCUMENT contains a text file named VOLINFO.TXT that
describes in detail the organization of this disk and the format and
content of the Viking Orbiter images.  It is recommended that you read
the VOLINFO.TXT document before trying to process image files.  The
DOCUMENT directory also contains a text file named ERRATA.TXT, which is
a cumulative summary of comments and errors concerning the Viking
Orbiter images published so far on CD-ROM.

    The directory named INDEX contains the files IMGINDEX.TAB and
CUMINDEX.TAB.  These tables have descriptive information about the
images on this volume (in IMGINDEX.TAB) and about the images on all the
volumes in this series (in CUMINDEX.TAB).  The index tables are text
files in a format that can be read by people and computers.  The tables
have been designed so that they can be loaded into most database systems
for fast and efficient searching.  The file named INDXINFO.TXT in the
INDEX directory describes how to use the index tables.  The files
IMGINDEX.LBL and CUMINDEX.LBL describe the format of each field in the

    The directory named SOFTWARE contains source code and executable
versions of image decompression software written in FORTRAN, C, and VAX
Macro assembly language.  There is one executable decompression program
for IBM PCs and another for VAX VMS systems.  The file named
SOFTINFO.TXT in the SOFTWARE directory describes the software in detail.

    The compressed image files are contained in directories named after
the spacecraft orbit in which the images were acquired.  If there were
no images acquired during an orbit, the directory for that orbit is
omitted.  Some Viking Orbiter images either were not available on the
magnetic tapes used to generate the CD-ROM or the magnetic tape data
were corrupted.  We are attempting to recover such images from the
Master Data Record (MDR) tapes for the Viking Mission.  Because of the
additional processing required to recover these images, some of them may
not be ready in time to be included on this CD-ROM.  These images will
be included on a later CD-ROM within this series.

    There is also a subsampled version of each compressed EDR image on
this CD-ROM.  The subsampled images, which are referred to as browse
images, consist of every fourth sample of every fourth scan line.  This
produces an image of 300 samples and 264 scan lines.  Browse images have
also been processed to remove noise and interpolate missing data that
often occurs in Viking Orbiter images.  Browse images can be used to
quickly locate an image of interest.  All of the browse images are
located in subdirectories under the BROWSE directory.  The
subdirectories of the BROWSE directory are organized by orbit number in
the same manner as the compressed image files.

    Most files on this disk have a label encoded in the Object
Description Language (ODL) developed by the Planetary Data System (PDS).
An ODL label is readable by both humans and computers.  It provides a
formal description of the format and content of a file.  For most files
the ODL label appears at the beginning of the file (as is the case for
this file).  All image files have an embedded ODL label preceding the
data in the file.  For files where labels cannot be easily included, a
separate file is provided that contains the ODL label.  A pointer in the
label file indicates which file the label describes.  External label
files have a '.LBL' extension.  For a description of the Object
Description Language, see the document file VOLINFO.TXT in the DOCUMENT

    The LABEL directory contains two files in ODL format that describe
the structure of the engineering information contained within each image
file.  The LABEL directory also has a text file named CATALOG.LBL that
contains the PDS catalog information about the Viking Orbiter mission
and the VIS instruments.

    The set of Viking Orbiter image CD-ROMs has been produced by the
NASA Planetary Data System (PDS) with involvement of the Discipline
Nodes.  Specifically, Edward Guinness and Susan Slavney, Geosciences
Discipline Node at Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri, performed
the data compression and label checking; Eric Eliason, Image Node at the
U.S. Geological Survey, Flagstaff, Arizona, led the software development
and recovery of images from the MDR tapes; and Jason Hyon and Michael
Martin, PDS Central Node at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena,
California, performed the premastering of the CD-ROMs.